
fǔ rén dà xué
  • Furen University
  1. 二十世纪初期,北京因辅仁大学,北堂的印刷厂,数间修院及学校而成了一个重要的天主教学术中心。

    In the first half of the20th century , Beijing became a center of Catholic activity and learning with the foundation of ? Furen university , the printing press at the beitang , various seminaries and schools .

  2. 由西班牙IQS商学院、台湾辅仁大学(FuJenCatholicUniversity)和旧金山大学(UniversityofSanFrancisco)三家合办的管理学硕士项目排名升幅最大。

    The joint programme delivered by IQS of Spain , Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan and the University of San Francisco saw the biggest rise .

  3. 总机!请帮我接通辅仁大学好吗?

    Central ! Can you put me through to Fujen university ?

  4. 我于1985年从辅仁大学毕业的。

    I graduated from the Fu Ren University in 1985 .

  5. 同时我也非常感谢辅仁大学法学院的大力支持。

    I am also grateful for the extensive support from the College of Law at Fu Jen University .

  6. 收回教育权运动与中国教会大学的立案问题&以辅仁大学为个案的分析

    On Chinese Christian University 's Registration Activity under the influence of Regaining Education Rights Movement & Fu Jen University in Beijing

  7. 在二十多年前,我在辅仁大学讲过不少次,也曾经在多玛斯修道院,教过一个学期。

    About twenty years ago I gave a series of lectures in Fu-Ren Catholic University and taught in the Thomas Monastery for one semester .

  8. 北京辅仁大学虽仅存27年,但它以富有特色的办学活动以及培育出不少精英人才的显著成就,在中国现代高等教育史上写下了浓墨重彩的一笔。

    Despite its short history of only 27 years , Fu Jen University bore an imprint of success in the history of modern Chinese higher education .

  9. 北京辅仁大学作为一所私立天主教大学,以弘扬中国优秀传统文化为办学宗旨。

    Fu Jen University in Beijing was a private Catholic university existed from 1925 to 1952 ; its aim was to carry forward excellent Chinese traditional culture .

  10. 活跃于宗教、政治、教育三重领域的马相伯,是中国近代三所大学(震旦学院、复旦大学和辅仁大学)的创始人和发起者。

    Ma Xiangbo who appeared actively in religion , politics and education was an originator and initiator of three modern universities in China ( Zhendan , Fudan and Furen Universities ) .