
fǔ yīn
  • consonant
辅音 [fǔ yīn]
  • [consonant] 发音时气流受阻、通路不畅的音,如英语中的 b、g、m、l、s、r、f

辅音[fǔ yīn]
  1. 用MATLAB对说话人识别系统进行仿真实验,选择由元音、轻辅音和浊辅音组成的本文,经过测试,识别率达98.5%。

    The imitating system by MATLAB experiments on the text composed of vowel , voiceless consonant and voiced consonant . The result shows that the recognition rate is over 98.5 % .

  2. 相关识别实验表明,Bark子波变换的特征在辅音的区别能力方面优于目前广泛应用的MFCC特征。

    Experiments of consonant recognition suggest that the feature based on Bark wavelet transform is remarkably superior to MFCC .

  3. 辅音往往被其邻近的辅音同化

    Consonants are frequently assimilated to neighboring consonants .

  4. 元音比辅音响亮

    Vowels possess greater sonority than consonants .

  5. 字母表中的许多字母像b,c,d,等等都是辅音字母。

    Many letters in the alphabet such as b , c , d , etc are consonants .

  6. 停顿的发音时气流自短暂闭塞的,如辅音(p)和(b);

    Pronounced with a temporary stoppage of breath , as the sounds ( p ) and ( b ;

  7. 双唇音的用双唇发音或说话的,如辅音b,p,m和w。

    Pronounced or articulated with both lips , as the consonants b , p , m , and w.

  8. 论由辅音及J组合的英语腭化辅音

    On the Palatalized Consonant Formed from the Consonant & J

  9. w音易受其后辅音的影响,且对前后元音都有影响,的腭位很稳定。

    W makes an effect on front vowel , later one and palate position of it remains stable .

  10. 普通话双音节中第二音节辅音对第一音节韵母/u/共振峰轨迹的影响

    The Variety of Formants Tracks of Final / u / of the First Syllable in Disyllables of Mandarin

  11. 较不常见的辅音字母分值较高&K值3分,X值8分,Z值10分。

    Consonants which occur infrequently are given more points & K is worth three points , X eight and Z ten .

  12. s变为h的辅音交替及辅音丛的变化(亚欧大陆东北部的几种语言)。

    The phonetic substitution of s - > h - and changes of consonant clumps ( in the several languages the northeastern part of Eurasia Continent ) .

  13. 接下来,用绕口令练习英语辅音和元音,比如“Tentinytypiststrippedthroughthetunnel”;

    Practice British consonants and vowels with repetitive ditties , like " Ten tiny typists tripped through the tunnel " ;

  14. 用加权最小二乘估计LPC分析和识别不送气塞辅音

    Analysis and Recognition of Chinese unaspirated Stop Consonants Using Weighted Least-Squares Estimate LPC Spectrum

  15. 研究结果如下:1.中国EFL学习者的辅音丛产出与英语本族语者的标准产出相比有偏差。

    Major results of the present study are as follows . 1 . The Chinese EFL learners ' production deviated from the native speaker norm .

  16. 辅音要发得很清楚。比如,不要把“T”发成“D”(不要把“butter”念成“budder”)。

    Don 't , for example , say T 's as D 's ( it is " butter , " not " budder " ) .

  17. 基于EPG的蒙古语/r/辅音研究

    A Study on the Consonant / r / in the Mongol Language on the basis of EPG

  18. 二是英语动词词根在过去分词后缀-t(us)前的变体,在这种变体中,除个别词根是元音字母变体外,其余词根都是辅音字母变体。

    Secondly , the variants of English verbal roots before - t ( us ) of the suffix of the past participle , in the variation , except several roots letters have the variants of vowel letters , the rest have the variants of the consonant letters .

  19. 运用优选论(OptimalityTheory)分析了英语软腭音化(Velarization)和清音化(Devoicing)两种辅音逆同化现象的制约条件。英汉辅音音位比较

    Based on the Optimality Theory , the Constraints of Velarization and Devoicing of English Consonants were researched . Comparison Between Phonemes of Chinese Consonants and English Consonants

  20. 字符是一个错误的字符,不能被IME所转换。使用某些辅音字母不能放在一起。

    Character is an error character and cannot be converted by the IME . For example , some consonants cannot be put together .

  21. 第一章主要介绍了音节的基本定义和音节划分的各种规则,说明音节划分答案的不唯一性和各种规则之间的冲突性,尤其是三音素串VCV中辅音划分的歧义现象(Ambisyllabicity)。

    The first chapter is the introduction of the syllable and rules of syllabification .

  22. 通过分析可以发现在[s]音音节归属中,sC是否为合格的词首辅音丛对[s]音音节归属起到很重要的作用,也就是说制约条件LOI&LOF对词中[s]音音节归属具有深远的影响。

    It is found that it plays an important role whether sC is a valid word-initial consonant cluster , i.e. constraint LOI & LOF is significant for the syllabification of the [ s ] sound .

  23. 本文介绍了高淳方言的语音系统,特别是对高淳方言中鼻辅音〔m〕〔n〕〔η〕自成音节的三组同音字进行了描述,并就相关问题作了一些分析。

    This article tries to demonstrate the phonetic system of Gao-chun Dialect , especially to describe three group of nasal consonant homonyms [ m ] [ n ] [ η ] which can act as syllables independently in Gao-chun Dialect , and also to analyze something related .

  24. 论文的主要工作包括:(1)为了便于从语流中自动提取伪音节,本文将紧邻的一个辅音段和一个元音段结合在一起构成一个伪音节,并称之为CV音节。

    The main work includes : ( 1 ) In order to automatic extract pseudo-syllable from speech , we introduce the notion of CV-syllable , which is consists of a consonant segment and a vowel segment .

  25. 对你们中坚持要用元音和辅音这些小东西的人来说,BFF表示永远最好的朋友。

    For those of you who insist on using petty things like vowels and consonants , BFF is slang for Best Friends Forever .

  26. Metaphone算法整体上是一套规则集,可以把字母组合映射成辅音类。

    The bulk of the Metaphone algorithm is a set of rules that map letter combinations into the consonant classes .

  27. 语音声学分析表明治疗后zh、ch、sh、z等辅音的频率下限比治疗前有明显上移、低频成分基本消失。

    In acoustic analysis , comparing with the disordered ones before treatment , the lower boundary of frequencies of the consonants shifted up after treatment , as well as the lower frequency components were disappeared .

  28. 本文以音位理论为依据,对洛阳方言与RP从元音系统、辅音系统、音节结构三方面进行音段音位的对比分析,以促进洛阳方言区的英语语音教学。

    Based on the phoneme theory , this paper analyzes the segmental phonemes in Luoyang dialect and RP from three aspects : vowel system , consonant system and syllable structure , in order to improve the teaching of English pronunciation in Luoyang area .

  29. 本文论述如何通过英语词汇的结构和声音与词义以及词义与词义间的联想推理建立一个综合联想参照系,并提出了sl辅音组合具有某些词汇含意。

    The article discusses how to establish a comprehensive Association Reference System of English Words through the sound , structure and meaning association between and the inference from each other and puts forward that the consonant combination sl has certain word meaning .

  30. 在安静环境下,辅音和元音识别率分别在8和12频道及16Hz和4Hz的低通截止频率时达到平台成绩。

    The plateau performance for consonant and vowel recognition in quiet was reached when the number of channels was 8 and 12 , respectively and the lowpass cutoff frequency was 16 and 4 Hz , respectively .