
fǔ yīn zì mǔ
  • consonant
辅音字母 [fǔ yīn zì mǔ]
  • [ consonant] 表示辅音的字母

  1. 这个辅音字母总是出现在中间。

    This consonant always occurs medially .

  2. 二是英语动词词根在过去分词后缀-t(us)前的变体,在这种变体中,除个别词根是元音字母变体外,其余词根都是辅音字母变体。

    Secondly , the variants of English verbal roots before - t ( us ) of the suffix of the past participle , in the variation , except several roots letters have the variants of vowel letters , the rest have the variants of the consonant letters .

  3. 字母表中的许多字母像b,c,d,等等都是辅音字母。

    Many letters in the alphabet such as b , c , d , etc are consonants .

  4. 较不常见的辅音字母分值较高&K值3分,X值8分,Z值10分。

    Consonants which occur infrequently are given more points & K is worth three points , X eight and Z ten .

  5. 字符是一个错误的字符,不能被IME所转换。使用某些辅音字母不能放在一起。

    Character is an error character and cannot be converted by the IME . For example , some consonants cannot be put together .

  6. 关于满文辅音字母读音的探讨(上)

    Discussion of the Pronunciation of Consonant Letters in Manchu ( 1st );

  7. 英语词尾辅音字母双写规则的表述

    Investigating the Rules Governing the Double Spelling of Consonant Letters

  8. 研究人员为参与调查者播放8个辅音字母,要求他们按照播放顺序进行复述。

    Study participants were asked to recall a list of eight consonants in the order they were presented .

  9. 但从理论和实践方面考虑,应讲三个条件,即须在前两个条件后加上一条:词尾辅音字母前只有一个元音字母。

    But , theoretically and especially practically , we find a third condition-a single vowel letter before the ending consonant letter & seems absolutely necessary to perfect the rule .

  10. 该文阐述了秘书作为辅助管理人员,运用创新思维在管理中的重要性、特征及思考方法与辅音字母有关或有辅音特征。

    This essay introduced the importance of a secretarys applying an innovative ideology to the management as an assistant administrator . relating to or having the nature of a consonant .

  11. 它就是按照元音字母、元音字母组合、辅音字母及辅音字母组合在开音节和闭音节的读音规律记忆。

    It is in accordance with the vowel letters , vowel combinations of letters , consonants and consonant-letter acronym in the open and closed syllable syllable pronunciation of the law of memory .

  12. 对文字结构的粗分类具有最大贡献的关键字母类型是元音字母和终声辅音字母,而以此为依据可以设计与实现有效的粗分类算法。

    The vowels and eventually sound consonants is the key letter type for the pre-classification of character structures . And based on it , the effective pre-classification algorithm can be designed and implemented .

  13. 这个单词同样用到了英语中其他出现频率很高的辅音,而摒弃了使用频率较低的辅音字母。

    It uses other consonants that appear in English with high frequency but eliminates those with low frequency .