
  • Dongcheng District
  1. 东城区教育管理部门表示,未来三年,区内所有符合条件的教师都将参加轮岗。

    The new policy provides incentives is considered . Education authorities in Dongcheng district said all eligible teachers in the district would take part in rotations over the next three years .

  2. 北京市东城区居民甲型H1N1流感认知及态度调查

    Study on the knowledge and attitude of influenza A ( H1N1 ) among residents in Dongcheng District , Beijing City

  3. 处理大庆东城区生活污水的试验结果表明,水力停留时间为0.5~1h,系统处理出水可达标排放。

    The results in treating sanitary wastewater showed that the quality of effluent could meet the discharging standard with the HRT 0.5 to 1 hour .

  4. 基于休闲商务功能视角的RBD规划初探&以转型中的东莞市东城区为例

    Exploration of RBD Planning Based on the Perspective of Recreational Business Function : A Case Study of Dongguan East District

  5. 在北京东城区中国光大银行(ChinaEverbrightBankCo.)一家分行里,一位现年65岁的北京居民称,他正在寻找有吸引力的理财产品收益率,他目前投资的理财产品将在6月30日到期。

    At a Chinese Everbright bank branch in Beijing 's Dongcheng district , one 65-year-old Beijing resident said he was keeping his eyes open for attractive rates on wealth-management products , for when his current WMP investment matures on June 30 . '

  6. 北京市东城区老年人膳食营养状况调查分析

    Nutrition Status Diagnoses of the Elderly in East City Zone in Beijing

  7. 北京市东城区1988及1994年居民寿命分析

    Assessment of Life Table of Dongcheng District Municipality . Beijing

  8. 北京市东城区2005年食品污染物监测结果分析

    The Analysis of the Contamination in Food of Beijing Dongcheng District 2005

  9. 论桂林市东城区地下岩溶发育特征浅析东欧机电市场

    On characteristics of subsurface karst in Eastern District of guilin , Guangxi

  10. 此案在东城区人民法院受理。

    The case was filed at the Dongcheng District People 's Court .

  11. 北京市东城区社区居民健康状况与行为危险因素调查分析

    Health Status and Behavior Risk Factor among Residents in Dongcheng District , Beijing

  12. 北京市东城区社区高血压患者及高危人群干预效果分析

    Effects of hypertension intervention among high-risk population in Dongcheng District , Beijing City

  13. 北京市东城区预防呼吸道传染病宣传月效果评价

    Evaluation for propaganda month activity on preventing respiratory diseases

  14. 北京东城区城市管理新模式

    The New urban Management Model of Beijing Dongcheng District

  15. 北京市东城区婴儿死亡回顾调查

    A Case-control Study on the Infant Mortality Rate in Dongcheng District , Beijing

  16. 北京市东城区细菌性痢疾与气象因素的时间序列分析

    Time series analysis on bacillary dysentery and meteorological factors in Dongcheng district , Beijing

  17. 结论东城区预防呼吸道传染病宣传月取得了显著的成果。

    Conclusion The propaganda month on respiratory diseases prevention has got a notability results .

  18. 大庆市东城区居住小区居民对绿地需求的研究

    Study on Residents ' Demand for Green Surface in Residential Districts in East of Daqing

  19. 大庆市东城区是大庆市的政治、教育、经济和文化中心。

    Dongcheng District is the political , educational , economic and cultural center of Daqing .

  20. 北京市东城区居民行为危险因素干预评估

    Effectiveness evaluation of intervention on behavior risk factors among residents in Dongcheng District , Beijing

  21. 伦敦这个地方太大,而我是东城区的人。

    London is such a big place , and I 'm from the East end .

  22. 北京市东城区十年孕产妇死亡监测分析

    Monitoring analysis on maternal mortality of Dongcheng District in Beijing in the past ten years

  23. 北京市东城区居民2周患病及就诊情况分析

    Research and Strategy for the Incidence and Visiting Doctors Rate in Two Weeks in Dongcheng Residents

  24. 网格化管理中的公众参与&基于北京市东城区的分析

    The Public Participation of Grid Management

  25. 北京市东城区居民代谢综合征状况的调查

    The survey of the situation of metabolic syndrome in the population of Dongcheng District of Beijing

  26. 本文采用北京市东城区的某项目作为研究实例。

    In this paper , the Dongcheng District , Beijing , a study project as an example .

  27. 北京市东城区6~7岁儿童发育指数评价

    Evaluation of the Growth Indexes of Children Aged 6 ~ 7 Years in Eastern District of Beijing City

  28. 北京市东城区基层医疗机构药品使用监管信息平台的建立及运用

    Setting-up and Application of " Drug Use Monitoring Information Platform in Primary Hospitals " in Beijing Dongcheng District

  29. 北京市东城区检察院量刑答辩程序改革

    Reform of the Procedure of Defense against the Measurement of Penalty Launched by Dongcheng District Procuratorate of Beijing

  30. 北京市东城区围生儿出生缺陷监测研究

    Monitoring and analysis of related factors of birth defects among 28 249 perinatal infants in Eastern District , Beijing