
  • 网络Donghai County
  1. 东海县金红石矿中石榴子石的综合回收

    Comprehensive Recovery of Garnet from Donghai County Rutile Ores

  2. 以东海县的城市设计为例谈县城的城市设计

    The county design of Donghai county as example to discuss the county design

  3. 在利用成象测井资料准确地恢复岩心空间位置的基础上,建立了位于江苏省东海县毛北村的中国大陆科学钻探主孔岩心1200m精细构造柱。

    Based on the reconstruction of the spatial location of the drilling cores by using logging image data , we established a fine structural profile of the main hole ( 0 - 1200 m ) of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project .

  4. 第四部分:农村税费改革后东海县农民负担变化情况及可能产生的问题。

    Fourthly , the change to farmers ' burden and problems caused .

  5. 由此引发了对东海县中等职业教育可持续发展的思考。

    Therefore it has caused the thinking of middle vocational education sustainable development .

  6. 江苏省东海县硅资源产业是资源依赖型产业集群的一个典型。

    Silicon resources industry of Donghai county is a typical case of resource-dependent industrial clusters .

  7. 本文仅以江苏省东海县农村义务教育资源优化配置问题为例展开研究。

    This thesis is merely trying to explore perfecting rural compulsory educational resources in DongHai county JiangSu province .

  8. 第二部分:东海县农村税、费的现状、成因及危害。主要介绍东海县农村税费的征收情况及农民负担的状况;

    Secondly , the current situation of the countryside 's taxation and fees , their cause and harm ;

  9. 江苏省东海县部分耕地土壤重金属分布与评价

    Distribution and Evaluation of Contamination of Heavy Metals in Selected Farmland Soils in Donghai County of Jiangsu Province

  10. 东海县引种美国栎属种源和杂交松试验初报

    A preliminary study on the introduction of American Oaks and hybrid Pinus taeda × P.rigida in Donghai Jiangsu China

  11. 东海县碘盐生产质量与居民户食用状况动态监测分析

    Dynamic monitoring and analysis of quality of iodized salt and situation of iodized salt eating on household level in Donghai County

  12. 第三部分论述了东海县农村义务教育资源配置的目标、原则和方式。

    The third section puts forward the aims , principles and methods of allocation to rural compulsory education resources in DongHai county .

  13. 拜占庭式的古拜占庭城的或与其有关的以东海县的城市设计为例谈县城的城市设计

    Of or relating to the ancient city of Byzantium . The county design of Donghai county as example to discuss the county design

  14. 阐述了东海县硅资源开发利用现状,并对其产业化发展提出了合理建议。

    The status of development and utilization of Donghai silicon resource were expounded . A few suggestions on the further development of the resource were put forward .

  15. 本研究从剖面形态、粘土矿物及水分物理性质等方面,系统地揭示了江苏淮北东海县低洼地区砂姜黑土的土壤特征。

    The morphology , mineralogy and physical properties of a Vertisol distributed in the lowland of Donghai County , Jiangsu Province , China are elucidated in the paper .

  16. 通过对江苏省东海县部分无公害农产品生产基地进行监测,对该地区表层土壤重金属元素含量状况及其分布进行了分析与评价。结果表明。

    Pollution-free production bases were monitored and contents and distribution of several heavy metals in selected soils were analyzed and evaluated in Donghai county in the present study .

  17. 重点为东海县设计了一套农村税费改革实施方案,主要包括三方面:一是取消乡统筹、农村教育等集资、屠宰税、农村义务工;

    A set programs are designed , which mainly cover three aspects : calling off the raised fund of the highly centralized plan , butchering tax and free employees ;

  18. 介绍了该矿物的工业应用、国内外生产现状、质量要求和市场情况,以及东海县石榴石使用干式强磁选和细粒级浮选的选别结果。

    The paper deals with the industrial use , status quo of production at home and abroad , quality requirements and market performance of the garnet ' as well as the results of dry high-magnetic separation and fine flotation of the garnet from Donghai County .

  19. 连云港市所辖的赣榆、东海、灌云县。

    The counties of Ganyu , Donghai and Guanyun under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Lianyungang .

  20. 城市湿地保护区重建模式&以佛山市三水区云东海湿地为例连云港市所辖的赣榆、东海、灌云县。

    Study on model of wetland restoration in city ; The counties of Ganyu , Donghai and Guanyun under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Lianyungang .