
  • 网络chongwen;Chongwen District;Chong Wen
  1. 我们学校在崇文区。

    Our school is in Chongwen District .

  2. 他在崇文区租了一个10平米的公寓单间,租金是1300元/月。

    He rents a10-sq-m room in an apartment for1,300 yuan a month in Chongwen district .

  3. 至于前门改造工程是否符合保护规划的要求,soho中国以及负责前门改造工程的崇文区副区长周永明都拒绝置评。

    SOHO China and Zhou Yongming , the district vice-governor responsible for the Qianmen project , declined to comment on whether it met the requirements of the conservation plan .

  4. 北京市崇文区6837名小儿中神经系统疾病的调查

    Neuro-epidemiological Survey of 6837 Children in Chong-Wen District of Beijing

  5. 领行国际大厦坐落在崇文区广渠门桥的西南角。

    Our office building is located to the south-west corner of Guangqumen Bridge in Chongwen Distict .

  6. 崇文区绿地土壤微生物指标与土壤物理指标普遍具有显著的相关性,与部分化学指标和重金属元素也呈显著相关关系。

    Soil microbial indicators are significantly with most physical indicator and are significantly correlated with a portion of chemical parameters and heavy metal elements .

  7. 这是因为以前的崇文区和东城区合并成了现在的新东城。

    To my surprise , the East District becomes so large after the former Chongwen District and East District merged into the new East District .