
  • 网络pinggu;Pinggu District
  1. 2008年北京市平谷区流行性腮腺炎流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Mumps in Pinggu District of Beijing in 2008

  2. 平谷区大桃产业集群竞争优势来源的案例研究

    Study on the Competitive Advantage Source of Pinggu 's Peach Industry Cluster

  3. 北京市平谷区2007年水痘疫情流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis on Varicella in Pinggu District of Beijing City in 2007

  4. 平谷区生态经济发展战略研究

    Study on Strategy of Eco-economic Development in Pinggu Beijing

  5. 北京平谷区土壤有效磷的空间变异特征及其环境风险评价

    Spatial Variability of Soil Available Phosphorus and Environmental Risk Analysis of Soil Phosphorus in Pinggu County of Beijing

  6. 基于多元数据集成的农用地集约利用评价&以北京市平谷区为例

    Evaluation of Agricultural Land Intensive Use based on Multivariate Data : A Case Study of Pinggu District of Beijing

  7. 发展文化产业,有利于推动平谷区经济社会实现跨跃式发展。

    The development of cultural industry , be helpful for promoting Pinggu district achieve economic and social development by leaps .

  8. 农业产业集群的形成与政府的发展干预&京郊平谷区大桃产业集群的个案分析

    Development Intervention of Government and the Formation of Agricultural Industry Clusters & Evidence from Peach Clusters Development in Pinggu , Beijing

  9. 对平谷区116个农户的劳动力要素和资本要素投入进行了分析。

    The author also analysed the labor and capital inputs based on the questionnaire surveys data from 116 farmer 's households .

  10. 同时,土地利用变化模型揭示平谷区耕地面积的变化主要是城市化和经济发展双重作用的结果。

    Meanwhile , by using land use model the author discovers that the cultivated land conversion is the result of both urbanization and economic development .

  11. 平谷区土地利用变化的主导驱动因子是人口增长、经济发展、城市化和工业化、国家和地方政策;

    The main driving forces for land use change are population and economic booming , urbanization and industrialization and the state and local development policy .

  12. 利用平谷区两期土地利用详查数据,对1992-2001年的土地利用变化进行了分析。

    The land use change from 1992 to 2001 was analyzed by comparing land use survey data of two particular periods , 1992 and 2001 , respectively .

  13. 在这张照片中我们可以看到,出租车司机郭立新将写着一帆风顺的字条贴在位于北京郊区平谷区的家中。

    This photo shows taxi driver Guo Lixin poses with a note that reads Plain Sailing at his home in Pinggu district in rural Beijing , China .

  14. 平谷区属于温带大陆性季风气候,四季分明,年平均日照时数2555.3小时,总积温4611℃;

    In the continental monsoon climate area of temperate zone , Pinggu District has clear-cut four seasons , 2,555.3 annual average sunshine hours and4611 ℃ total accumulative temperature .

  15. 26岁的王丽娜(音译)是平谷区的村委会主席助理。她参与的草莓种植项目为当地村民带来了约200万元(人民币)的收入。

    Wang Lina , 26 , a village committee chairperson ` s assistant in Pinggu district , ran a strawberry planting project and made the villagers about two million yuan .

  16. 对于农业产业集群的研究在我国还是处于起步阶段,本文尝试运用波特的钻石模型分析平谷区大桃产业集群的竞争优势来源。

    Nowadays , the research of agricultural industry clusters still stand in the first research stage in our country . This dissertation tried to find the competitive advantages source of the peach industry cluster by the diamond model .

  17. 本文总结了近年来北京市平谷区怎样通过网络手段提高农民素质、解决三农问题,最终实现农民增收致富。

    The text summarizes that in pinggu district of Beijing , how the Informatization has been used to enhance the quality of peasants , solve " Three Agriculture " problems , and achieve the final aim to increase peasants ' income .

  18. 位于北京市东北部的平谷区是一个自然资源丰富的半山区农业区县,同时也是典型的城乡交错区,土地利用类型复杂、土地比较差异显著、土地利用变化剧烈。

    Located in southeast of Beijing , Pinggu district is a semi-mountain area with abundant natural resources . Being a typical metropolitan suburb , Pinggu district has complicated land use type , sharply different earnings from land uses and violent changes in land use .

  19. 本文以北京市平谷区水利富民综合开发工程为例,在分析了水利富民综合开发工程功能的基础上,建立了水利富民综合开发工程效益价值评估的指标体系;

    This paper take comprehensive development project - " enrich farmers through water conservancy ( EFTWC project )" in Pinggu district , Beijing as an example or research area , to built up indexes system for evaluating such projects based on the analysis of the project 's functions ;

  20. 在平谷桃花海景区,粉红色的桃花已密密匝匝绽放枝头,引得游人们走到树下与娇艳的桃花“亲密接触”。

    In the Peach Blossom Sea Scenic Spot of Pinggu , pink peach flowers blow densely on the branches , tourists were attracted to have a close contact with the flowers .