
píng jiǎ míng
  • hiragana
平假名 [píng jiǎ míng]
  • [hiragana] 日语两套假名符号之一的草书体

平假名[píng jiǎ míng]
  1. 日本的K.王羲之书法与日本平假名的产生

    Study results given by K. Wang Xi-zhi 's Handwriting and the Birth of Japanese Hiragana

  2. 基于网格外围特征的平假名识别及应用

    Recognition of Hiragana Based on Mesh Peripheral Feature and Its Application

  3. 平假名-汉字版教科书可以帮助你学习和准备。

    Kana-Kanji Version of the text helps you learn and prepare .

  4. 平假名一种草体的假名,用于礼貌的,非正式的或随意的书写中。

    A cursive kana used for polite , informal , or casual writing .

  5. 平假名属性决定是否区分日文平假名和片假名字符。

    The Hiragana attribute determines whether to distinguish between Japanese hiragana and Katakana characters .

  6. 区分日语中的两种假名字符类型:平假名和片假名。

    Distinguishes between the two types of Japanese kana characters : hiragana and katakana .

  7. 脱机手写体识别是字符识别中的难点之一,日文中的平假名类似于中文的手写体草书。

    Hiragana is similar to Chinese cursive writing which is a difficult topic in character recognition field .

  8. 假名类型是指日语平假名和片假名字符,它们表示日语中的语音。

    Kana type refers to Japanese Hiragana and katakana characters that represent phonetic sounds in the Japanese language .

  9. 藉由图卡、游戏、歌曲等方式,于轻松快乐的学习气氛中确认同学平假名与片假名熟悉度。

    Let the students get acquainted with hiragana and katakana in relaxing and happy atmosphere by using cards , games , and songs .

  10. 八月30日,许多日本大选参与人员用平假名印出竞选者的姓名,一种最初用来教儿童的最为基本的拼音字体,而不是正规的汉字。

    MANY campaign posters for Japan 's general election on August30th print the candidate 's name in hiragana , a rudimentary , phonetic script first taught to children , rather than the kanji .

  11. 例如,中国的象形字被分拆成两种全新的字母:平假名和片假名,而中国汉字也被赋予了新的日本发音。

    Chinese pictograms were , for example , dismantled to form two entirely new alphabets , hiragana and katakana , while a new set of Japanese readings was imposed on the original Chinese characters .