
  • 网络Chongming District
  1. 基于GIS开发技术的崇明岛区生态承载力其空间分异研究

    Study of Island Ecological Carrying Capacity Assessment and Its Spatial Distinction in Chongming Islands District by Using GIS Development

  2. 资源供给能力在崇明岛区大部分地区处于临界状态,个别地区超载。

    In resources supply , most parts of Chongming Islands Region are fully carried and some parts over carried .

  3. 其拥有良好的自然环境和丰富的水土资源,这些都使崇明岛区未来具有巨大的发展潜力。

    The good nature environment and plenty of water and land resource show that Chongming has great potential in the future development .

  4. 该测量基于上海市嘉定、宝山、金山和崇明4区(县)的家庭卫生服务调查中的自报健康资料进行人群自报健康水平的综合测量研究。

    This paper presented the summary measure of the level of population self-report health on the basis of household health service survey eon-ducted in the Jiading , Baoshan , Jinshan and Chongming , 4 districts of Shanghai .

  5. 崇明岛生态游憩区开发及产品设计

    Development of Eco-recreation Zone and Product Design on Chongming Island

  6. 崇明岛生态功能区的规划

    Eco-functional District Planning of Chongming Island

  7. 本研究的地点位于崇明东滩围垦区的湿地修复示范区,区内对主要河道的水位进行人工控制。

    The study site is located in the wetland restoration demonstration area of reclaimed land area and the water level of major rivers is controlled .

  8. 第二部分根据对上海崇明县和静安区历史教师的问卷调查,来分析中学历史教师进行科研活动的目的、对象、形式和困难;

    The second part analyses some questionnaires about the aims , the object , the forms and the difficulties of the history teachers ' research in Shanghai .

  9. 崇明岛生态建设决策支持系统模型库设计与实施方案基于GIS开发技术的崇明岛区生态承载力其空间分异研究

    Research and Practice on the Establishment of ChongMing Ecology DSS Model Base ; Study of Island Ecological Carrying Capacity Assessment and Its Spatial Distinction in Chongming Islands District by Using GIS Development