
  • 网络sublime;sublimity;sublime beauty
  1. 关于崇高美和秀丽美概念起源的哲学探讨

    Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas On the Sublime and Beautiful

  2. 崇高美的当代阐释

    The modern explanation to sublime

  3. 历史在这里凝固&论张恨水小说中抗日军人形象的崇高美

    On the noble figure beauty of the resistance against Japan militants

  4. 试论梁凤仪小说的崇高美

    On the lofty beauty of Liang feng-yi 's short stories

  5. 论岑参边塞诗景色描写中的崇高美

    On the Sublime Beauty of Scenery Described in Frontier Fortress Poem by Can Cen

  6. 康德崇高美之我见

    My Opinion on Kant 's Sublime Aesthetics

  7. 路遥小说的崇高美

    Noble Beauty of LU Yao 's Novels

  8. 崇高美的巍巍高峰:论李白诗歌艺术风格

    A Giant Summit of Lofty Beauty : On the Artistic Style of LI Bai 's Poems

  9. 论悲剧艺术的崇高美

    On Sublimity of Tragedy Art

  10. 现代美学精神是现代美学诞生的主要标志,王国维以对客体理性的批判、天才苦痛说的强调以及崇高美的倡导,初步建立了与中国古典美学相异趣的现代美学精神。

    The spirit of the modem esthetics is the main symbol of emerging of the modern esthetics .

  11. 提升崇高美在语文教学中的美育作用

    The Loftiness in Chinese Teaching

  12. 第四章从蜀道诗歌故事原型,诗歌的崇高美、生态美三方面进行诗学探源。

    Chapter four explores the poetic origin from prototype of poetry , sublime beauty and ecological beauty of poetry .

  13. 我国上古神话体现了悲剧美和崇高美的美学特征。

    In ancient Chinese mythologies , there are aesthetic features of both beauty in tragedy and beauty in loftiness .

  14. 岑参边塞诗中的景色描写,直观地体现了崇高美的内涵。

    The scenery described in the Cen Can frontier fortress poetry has directly embodied the connotation of the sublime beauty .

  15. 现代竞技体育具有多种美学特征,悲剧和崇高美是竞技体育美学的重要特征。

    The modern athletic sports has many aesthetic characteristics , among which the tragic and sublime beauty are of great importance .

  16. 九部交响曲作为一种文化现象与德国古典美学存在着必然的联系,它们是对18世纪未19世纪初德国社会现实的描述,具有自由美和崇高美的品质。

    They are the description of German society between 18th and 19th century , which also have the character of freedom and sublimity .

  17. 夸张具有能够创造新异的意象美,能够表现情感美、表现崇高美,还能制造喜剧效果等独特的审美价值。

    Hyperbole possesses peculiar aesthetic value that can create novel , beautiful image , emotion and loftiness , it also can create comic effect .

  18. 在审美方面:雪莱重视崇高美,勇于挑战语言和想象的极限。

    As for aesthetics , Shelley attached great importance to sublimity , regarding it as a stimulus to challenge the limits of language and imagination .

  19. 这里面讲的美的形态或类型主要有崇高美、悲情美、悲壮美、优美、壮美、肖像美、自然美等。

    They mainly include sublime beauty , sorrowful beauty , solemn-stirring beauty , graceful beauty , magnificent beauty , portrait beauty , natural beauty and etc.

  20. 体育美学作为一种对超越生命现象进行的文化哲学阐释主要体现为体育的悲壮美和崇高美。

    As a way of cultural and philosophical interpret which surpass the life , PE Esthetics embodies the beauty of solemn and stirring and sublimity .

  21. 要努力表现民族性格的积极面,既要关注生活中的优美形态,又要表现生活中的崇高美;

    Efforts should be made to manifest the positive side of our national personality with attention paid to both the graciousness and the loftiness of life .

  22. 另外,中国的阳刚美及其壮美感同西方的崇高美及其崇高感在审美心理上也有重合及相通相似之处。

    Moreover , the beauty of strength and its aesthethic feelings are also somewhat identical or interlinked to the sublime and sense of sublime in aesthethic psychology .

  23. 这当中分别论述了其送别诗语言的奇异,色彩词的应用,及岑参送别诗中所反映的悲剧崇高美以及所包含的昂扬、乐观的时代精神等。

    The farewell poems language singular , color words application , and Cen Shen farewell poems contained in the high-spirited , optimistic spirit of the times and other artistic features .

  24. 20世纪90年代以来,社会语境剧变,影视崇高美如何摆脱整体局限,又成为时代的焦点。

    With social environment ' upheaval , it becomes one of focus problems in the ages how sublime could get away from the whole localization since the 90 's of 20 centuries .

  25. 李白诗歌艺术风格是崇高美,他崇高地感性显现了他的崇高理念,从而构筑了一座崇高美的巍巍艺术高峰。

    The artistic style of LI Bai 's poems is lofty beauty , his lofty feeling stuck out his lofty reason , thus set up a giant artistic summit of lofty beauty .

  26. 音乐的悲剧美作为音乐美学的审美形态之一,可以激发人们化悲痛为力量,在道德上震撼人心,使情感得到陶冶,是崇高美的集中体现。

    As one of the aesthetic forms of music aesthetics , the tragedy beauty of music can make people turn sorrow into strength , excite people 's mind morally and refine people 's sentiment .

  27. 主旋律的大众化成为影视崇高美的重要艺术原则,《激情燃烧的岁月》以其艺术魅力为我们提供了重要的启示。

    The theme of popularization becomes an important art principle of the sublime Movie & TV . Relying on its red tornado , The years that intense emotion burn provides the important enlighten for us with its fascination .

  28. 审美价值体现在崇高美、风情美、诗意美三方面;认识价值体现在展示民族文化、追溯民族历史,表达民族智慧,凝结民族精神与民族性格等方面。

    Style beauty and aesthetic value in high Mei , the poetic beauty ofthree ; understand the value in the display of national culture , dating back history , expression of Nations , setting national spirit and national character , and so on .

  29. 崇高的美:论李瑛的西部诗歌

    Lofty Beauty : On the Western Poetry by Li Ying

  30. 生活(英文)崇高之美与自觉人生

    Sublime Aesthetic and Conscious Life