
  1. 建筑美的形态建构法

    The Methods of Construction of the Form of Architectural Beauty

  2. 从美的形态划分,《内经》理论具有深层科学理性美。

    Neijing has the deep rational beauty in the modality of Beauty .

  3. 科技论文美的形态和特征

    The beauty of sci-tech articles : forms and characteristics

  4. 中国诗行美的形态

    On the Configuration of Chinese Poetic Line 's Beauty

  5. 中国古代美学属于古典主义美学,在美的形态上主张和谐美。

    As a classical aesthetics , traditional Chinese aesthetics emphasizes the beauty of harmoniousness .

  6. 冀东民间故事具有美的形态、审美价值与美育功能。

    The folktales there have the esthetical conformation , art taste value and beauty training function .

  7. 美的形态再探索

    Re-exploring the Forms of Beauty

  8. 你是一种美的形态。

    You are a grace .

  9. 学生经过舞蹈形体课的训练,提高了自信心和表现力,塑造了美的形态和高雅的气质。

    The students gained confidence through the training ,( became ) more elegant and had more beautiful figures .

  10. 以静美的形态倾听风,花朵,沉痛,还有智慧的双眼。

    Listen to the wind , flowers , remorse , and also wise pupils in quiet beautiful manner .

  11. 本文试从思想内容和语言形式所构成的诸种关系中,探讨语言的各种美的形态。

    This article tries to probe into different kinds of language patterns from the relationships between thinking content and language style .

  12. 在美的形态中,依附美显得尤为重要,它以客观的合目的性而与道德联系在一起。

    In the forms of beauty , accessory beauty is especially important , it is connected with morality because of objective purposiveness .

  13. 美的形态,在美学界又有美的范畴说,本文通过辨析,认为以用美的形态说为科学。

    This article suggests that " the form of beauty " is a more scientific term than " the category of beauty " .

  14. 语文科中的美的形态:自然美、社会美、艺术美;

    In the Chinese language course , the beauty 's states refer to beauty of nature , beauty of society and beauty of art .

  15. 这里面讲的美的形态或类型主要有崇高美、悲情美、悲壮美、优美、壮美、肖像美、自然美等。

    They mainly include sublime beauty , sorrowful beauty , solemn-stirring beauty , graceful beauty , magnificent beauty , portrait beauty , natural beauty and etc.

  16. 然后探讨建筑审美,包括美的形态分类,技术与艺术的关系,以及历史上对建筑美的各种看法。以上两部分是基础理论。

    Then we discuss architectural aesthetics judgment , including classify of beauty , relationship between technique and arts , and opinions on architecture aesthetics in the history .

  17. 而壮美这种美的形态在女性主角恋情诗中得以广泛展示,是有其深厚的生成背景的。

    But strong beautiful this kind of beautiful appearance is in the poem inside of female leading role romance can extensive display , and have its deep bom background .

  18. 产品的形态设计是工业设计师的重要工作方面,赋予工业产品美的形态和文化内涵是设计师的根本职责。

    Product model design is an industrial designer 's most import task , and it is the designer 's responsibility to endow the product with aesthetic values and cultural conveyance .

  19. 关于美的形态分类,我国美学界由于受西方美学界的影响,一般分为优美、崇高(或壮美)、悲剧(或悲)、喜剧(或喜)、滑稽、幽默等。

    Chinese aesthetes , influenced by western aesthetics , traditional classifies the forms of beauty into elegance , loftiness ( or majesticity ), tragedy , comedy , farce , and humor .

  20. 现代日本故事漫画更是不断从现代艺术中吸取营养,在其发展过程中形成了自己独特的艺术风格和特征,表现出更多美的形态和丰富的审美价值。

    Modern Comic of Japan has typically imbibed much nutrition from modern arts constantly and has shaped its unique style of art and character in the course of its development , with more configurations of aesthetics and rich appreciative value expressed .

  21. 在美学的原则指导下,以美的形态把传统建筑元素、文化意蕴物化为我们的校园,探究学校建设中,真善美的和谐统一。

    Under the guidance of the principles of aesthetics , using the form of aesthetics , materialize the traditional elements of architecture and cultural implication for our campus ; explore the harmonious unity of the truth , goodness and beauty in school construction .

  22. 它是多种美的形态的具体表现和综合统一体,是主观与客观、内容与形式、物质与精神的统一体,是真善美的统一体。

    It is not only a concrete expression of various forms of beauty , but also a comprehensive unit of various forms of beauty , of subject and object , content and format , material and spirit , and of the truth , goodness and beauty .

  23. 和谐·对立·辩证和谐&美的历史形态分析

    Harmonies · Opposites · Dialectical Harmonies & Historical morphologic analyses on beauties

  24. 所谓形文、声文、情文则是艺术美的不同形态。

    The so-called " Wen of Xing ", " Wen of Sheng " and " Wen of Qing " are the various forms of artistic beauty .

  25. 在此基础上,便形成了中国传统城市生态美的典型形态&山水美和园林美以及传统民宅、宗教建筑的生态美。

    At the base of this , the typical form of ecological beauty of traditional city constructions takes shape : the beauty of mountain and river , the beauty of garden , the ecological beauty of human house and religious building .

  26. 对古老传统的陶瓷艺术,人们视之为永恒的东西,在这种理念和情感的驱使下,人们迫切渴望获得更强烈的永恒性美的纯粹形态,期望获得火的赏赐物。

    The ancient tradition of ceramic art , people regard it as the eternal things , in which ideas and driven by emotion , people urgently desire to be more strongly the eternal beauty of pure form , to obtain a reward of the fire .

  27. 魏晋时代悲美意识的主要形态。

    In chapter two , the major forms of melancholy beauty in Wei and Jin Dynasties will be examined .

  28. 他认为艺术作为美的主要表现形态,能够打开纯净的美的源泉,滋养培育高尚完美的人性。

    He thought , art , as a main form of beauty , was able to open the pure source of beauty and nourish noble and perfect humanity .

  29. 论美的第三种形态

    The Third Form of Beauty

  30. 本文并且对美的这两种形态的含义、特点和功能等作论述。

    The implications , characteristics and functions of these two forms of beauty are elaborated in the article .