
  • 网络American Girl;All-American Girl
  1. 他走进房间,坐在一个美国女孩旁边。

    He went into the room and sat next to an American girl .

  2. 看到刘洋惊讶的样子,美国女孩告诉他此火锅非彼火锅。

    When she saw Liu Yang was very surprised , the American girl told him that hotpot is NOT hot pot .

  3. 价格更高的美国女孩(AmericanGirl)产品的销售额增加20%。

    Sales of its pricier American girl products were up 20 % .

  4. 上周,我匆匆走进曼哈顿的美国女孩商店(AmericanGirl),这个庞大的消费殿堂出售安全健康的正宗美国玩偶和服饰。

    Last week I popped into the American Girl store in Manhattan , the giant consumer temple that sells wholesome all-American dolls and clothes .

  5. 如今,家长往往要不就在经济型低端商店(比如沃尔玛(Walmart)),要不就在高端精品店(比如美国女孩(AmericanGirl))里购买玩具。

    These days families tend to buy toys at budget downmarket shops ( think Walmart ) or upscale boutique outfits ( such as American Girl ) .

  6. 曼哈顿研究所(manhattaninstitute)今年早些时候发表的全美调查显示,在2003级学生中,约有72%的美国女孩拿到了毕业证书,而男孩只有65%。

    According to a nationwide study published earlier this year by the Manhattan Institute , about 72 per cent of American girls in the class of 2003 left with a diploma , compared with only 65 per cent of the boys .

  7. 过去,他们通常按照商品的产地来测算一个经济体的产出。然而,一部iPhone(或一件意大利时装、一款美国女孩玩偶)的价值应该计算在哪个国家名下呢?

    In the old days , they typically measured the output of an economy by watching where goods were made ; but which country should claim the value for an iPhone ( or an Italian suit or an American Girl doll )?

  8. 从前有一个平凡的美国女孩。

    Once upon a time , there was a typical American girl .

  9. 美国女孩终究也不那么原汁原味了。

    Those American Girls were not so American after all .

  10. 一般来说,一个美国女孩结婚肯定是一个风险。

    Generally speaking , marrying an American girl was certainly a risk .

  11. 两天,你完全可以信赖这个美国女孩,不是吗?

    Two days , you can trust this Americna girl , right ?

  12. 美国女孩喜欢男孩谈论他们自己是多么多么的酷。

    American girls like boys who boast about how cool they are .

  13. 我读了一篇来自美国女孩写的文章。

    I read an article ( written ) by a gril from the USA.

  14. 美国女孩侦察部的成员。

    A girl who is a member of the Girl Scouts of America .

  15. 美国女孩们要去一起吃午饭。

    Us girls were just gonna get some lunch .

  16. 我最好的朋友是美国女孩。

    My best friend is an American girl .

  17. 建议:美国女孩最想吃的食物是巧克力。

    Tip : The most craved food by women in the United States is chocolate .

  18. 正在与一位美国女孩聊天。

    Was talking to an American girl .

  19. 不行。他们不喜欢住在巴黎的美国女孩观点。

    No. They weren 't really into my " American girl in Paris " angle .

  20. 我能相信一个美国女孩吗?

    Can I trust an American girl ?

  21. 珍是个美国女孩。

    Jane is an American girl .

  22. 他娶了一个18岁的美国女孩。

    He married an18-year-old American girl .

  23. 我跟一个美国女孩约会,她每次都放我鸽子。

    I was dating a girl from States , but she stood me up each time .

  24. 孤独寂寞的美国女孩,靠别人的感情存活吗?

    What , are you some lonely American girl who has to live vicariously through others ?

  25. 美国女孩菲利希亚弗里斯克可谓真正的勇士:每晚她都要与一头六个月大的孟加拉虎“同床共枕”。

    American girl Felicia Frisco is a real brave : She sleeps with a six-month-old Bengal tiger !

  26. 现在,儿科期刊一项新的研究进一步提供了证据,表明美国女孩进入青春期的时间提前。

    Now a new study in the journal Pediatrics evidence of an increase in early in American girls .

  27. 美国女孩阿曼达.诺克斯在努力推翻在意大利的谋杀罪中取得胜利。

    American Amanda Knox has scored a victory in her effort to overturn her murder conviction in Italy .

  28. 玛丽是那个站在第一排穿着红衣服又高又瘦的美国女孩。

    The thin and tall americanl girl in red is mary , which is standing on the first line .

  29. 这幅画生动地描绘了一个可爱的美国女孩穿着传统中国服装,面带微笑。

    This picture vividly depicts a lovely American girl dressed in traditional Chinese costume with a sweet smile on her face .

  30. 即使它不能帮你找到一个美国女孩,你还可以拥有更加强壮、更加健康的体魄。

    Even if it doesn 't help you find an American girl , you could still have a stronger and healthier body .