
  • 网络Fangshan District
  1. 基于遥感ET的北京房山区水资源平衡分析

    Analysis of Water Resource Balance of Fangshan District Based on ET of Remote Sensing

  2. 基于GIS农田质量自动分等定级算法及其实现以北京市房山区为例计算机支持下的农用地分等研究以淄川区分等工作为例

    Algorithms and programming realization of automatic quality classification of Farmland : a case study in Fangshan district , beijing

  3. 北京房山区两座煤矿~(222)Rn、~(220)Rn及其子体的测量

    Survey of radon , thoron and its decay products in two coal mines in Fangshan area of Beijing

  4. 采用自组织神经网络(SOM)模型,以北京市房山区为例,对其进行生态敏感性分区。

    The ecological sensitivity division based on SOM ( Self-Organizing Feature Maps ) model was introduced and validated through the case study of Fangshan district in Beijing .

  5. 方法:应用1992年~1997年北京市房山区的心血管疾病监测资料和失能调整生命年(DALYs)测量心血管疾病负担及社区防治效果。

    Methods : Based on the surveillance data of CVD in Beijing Fangshan district , the burden and effectiveness of community intervention of CVD were measured with disability adjusted life years ( DALYs ) .

  6. 环境承载力理论在北京市和房山区的应用

    Application of Environmental Carrying Capacity in Beijing Urban and Fangshan District

  7. 北京西部山地景观生态整治与景观规划&以北京房山区史家营乡的典型研究为例

    Mountain Landscape Ecosystem Construction and Landscape Planning of Western Beijing Area

  8. 在创新中推进北京市房山区新农村建设

    Promoting New Countryside Construction of Fangshan District , Beijing in Innovation

  9. 北京市西南部的房山区受灾最重。

    The southwestern district of Fangshan was the hardest hit .

  10. 从北京市房山区看大城市郊区的城市化及其模式

    On Urbanization of Suburbs of Large Cities and Its Pattern

  11. 北京市房山区土地资源利用潜力开发的对策

    Preliminary research on land use potential of Fangshan District in Beijing City

  12. 北京市房山区老年非瓣膜性房颤的华法林抗凝治疗研究

    Effect of Warfarin in aged patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation in Beijing

  13. 北京市农田生态系统氮素养分平衡与负荷研究&以密云县和房山区为例

    Nitrogen Nutrient Balance and Load in Agro-ecosystem of Miyun Fangshan County in Beijing

  14. 北京市房山区经济结构调整与优化

    Research on Adjustment and Optimization of the Economic Structure of Fangshan District in Beijing

  15. 北京市房山区医务人员吸烟状况及控烟能力调查

    Investigation on smoking status and control among medical professionals in Fangshan District of Beijing

  16. 在全北京56933名被疏散的居民中,20990人来自房山区。

    Of the 56,933 people evacuated in the city , 20,990 came from Fangshan .

  17. 北京市房山区林火强度与环境因子间的关系

    Relationship between the forest fire extension and the environment factors in Fangshan district of Beijing

  18. 因此,华储现已在北京市房山区建立绿色车队。

    Therefore , Sinolgis has currently established a green motorcade in Fangshan District in Beijing .

  19. 北京市房山区绝经前后妇女骨代谢情况报告

    A report On bone metabolism in premenopausal and postmenopausal women in Fangshan district , Beijing

  20. 房山区的居民几乎对这场暴雨毫无防备,事先也没有预警。

    Few Fangshan residents were prepared for the downpour , which occurred almost without warning .

  21. 土地整理经济效益评价研究&以北京市房山区土地整理为例

    Evaluation of economic benefits of land consolidation & a case study from Fangshan District of Beijing

  22. 房山区非非典定点医院终末消毒效果评价

    Evaluation of efficacy of terminal disinfection in non-desig nated " sars " hospitals of Fangshan District

  23. 北京市房山区工业企业职业病危害因素调查

    An investigation on current situation of occupational hazards in industrial enterprises of Fangshan District , Beijing

  24. 新华社报道说,暴雨已造成77人死亡,其中房山区38人。

    Of the 77 confirmed dead , 38 were discovered in Fangshan , according to Xinhua .

  25. 测定北京房山区144例绝经前后妇女桡骨骨密度值及43例绝经妇女血清钙、雌激素、降钙素、甲状旁腺素值。

    Radial bone density was measured in 144 premenopausal and postmenopausal women in Beijing Fangshan district .

  26. 北京房山区农民1991至1999年膳食营养水平的变化

    Changes of dietary nutrient intakes from 1991 to 1999 among farmers living in Fangshan district of Beijing

  27. 北京市房山区经济区位优势研究Ⅱ.山区经济的区域差异

    Study on Economic Advantage in Distribution in Fangshan District , Beijing ⅱ . Economic Differences in Mountainous Region

  28. 房山区是北京最大的能源和建材基地,矿山数量占到全市三分之二左右。

    Fangshan is the largest energy and building materials base of Beijing , whit two-thirds number of mines .

  29. 房山区的降雨量达到了460毫米,是有历史记录以来的最高值。

    The rainfall reached 460 millimeters in the district , the highest ever recorded , according to the government .

  30. 北京市房山区自然人群乙型肝炎感染危险因素研究

    Study on the risk factors of HBV ( hepatitis B virus ) infection among residents in Fangshan District of Beijing