
  • 网络real estate development loans
  1. 本文通过引用相关数据研究w银行房地产开发贷款现状,提出其贷后管理工作存在借款人风险、项目风险和贷款管理风险。

    By studying the current situation of W Bank real estate development loans with relevant data , this article points out that there are borrower risk , project risk , and loans to manage risk .

  2. 同时,这些特点也决定了房地产开发贷款在高收益率的同时,存在着巨大的风险。

    At the same time , these features have also determined that high yield of real estate development loans coexists with huge risk .

  3. 因此,这些债务为何被人忽视,而房地产开发贷款却通过国家资产管理局(nationalassetmanagementagency)得到了危机处置?

    So why has this debt been ignored , while property development loans got crisis treatment via the national asset management agency ?

  4. 房地产开发贷款的关联效益挖掘

    Reaping Associated Benefits of Loans for Real Estate Development

  5. 商业银行房地产开发贷款风险的信息经济学分析&以广州地区房地产业为例

    Information Economics Analysis of Real Estate Loans & Give an Example of Real Estate in Guangzhou

  6. 最后给出了商业银行房地产开发贷款风险防范对策建议。

    Lastly , it gives the commercial bank loan risk of real estate development countermeasures and suggestions .

  7. 房地产开发贷款也相应成为了商业银行核心信贷业务。

    And the loan to the real estate development enterprise also became the core credit business of the commercial bank .

  8. 在此情况下,对商业银行如何顺应宏观调控、进一步加强房地产开发贷款风险管理进行研究就显得尤为必要。

    In this case , research on how commercial banks adapt to macroeconomic regulation and ' to further strengthen the real estate development credit risk .

  9. 同时,金融工具的创新是防范房地产开发贷款风险的根本途径,本文对房地产开发贷款的证券化进行了初步探讨。

    Meanwhile the creation of the financing tools is the fundamental route to protect from the risks in the credit of the development of real estate .

  10. 测试结论充分暴露了该项目的风险敞口和资金缺口,对商业银行基层经营单元控制单个房地产开发贷款项目信贷风险具有积极意义。

    The result fully exposes the risk exposure and the Funding gap of this project . It has great significance to the bank to control the risk .

  11. 但是,政府现在采取行动为楼市降温,比如,通过限制房地产开发贷款,使得地产开发项目数量直线下滑。

    But government action to cool down the market , by , for example , restricting credit for property development , is resulting in a sharp falloff in construction .

  12. 从房地产开发贷款到个人住房贷款,银行都提供了强有力的信贷支持,正是有了这种政策的支持才使我国的房地产价格不断攀升。

    From real estate development loan to the individual housing loans , banks provide a stronger credit support , Because of this policy of support to make our real estate prices rising .

  13. 按揭贷款和房地产开发贷款去年大幅上升,帮助吹大了房地产泡沫,如今政府正努力在不戳破泡沫的情况下给泡沫放气。

    Mortgage lending and lending to property developers soared last year , helping to inflate a real estate bubble that the government is now trying to deflate without causing it to pop .

  14. 房地产开发贷款是指向借款人发放的用于开发、建造向市场销售、出租等用途的房地产项目的贷款。

    The term " real estate development loans " shall refer to the loans granted to the borrowers and used to develop and build real estate projects sold or leased in the market .

  15. 同时建立了商业银行房地产开发贷款风险评价模型,并结合西安某房地产贷款项目对模型进行了应用分析。

    It also sets up a commercial bank loan risk evaluation model of real estate development and analyses the application of the model using the problem with a real estate project in Xian .

  16. 再次,以工商银行为例,介绍商业银行在房地产开发贷款风险识别、测定、防范和管理中的一些具体做法。

    Fourth , taking the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China as an example , it brings forth some specific methods applied by commercial banks in their practice of loan risk identification , measurement , precaution and management .

  17. 因此,分析房地产开发贷款面临的风险,并根据风险的类别及生成机制及时采取措施防范、控制与化解风险,就具有十分重要的理论与现实意义。

    Hence it is of great significance in terms of theory and reality to examine the potential risks emerging in real estate development loan and to figure out the corresponding measures to prevent , control and eliminate the risks .

  18. 首先,在借鉴系统工程理论、商业银行风险管理理论的基础上,本文从宏观、区域、微观三个层面分析了房地产开发贷款面临的主要风险。

    First , this dissertation , with the help of systematic engineering theory and risk governing theories of commercial banks , analyzes the major risks emerging in real estate development loan from the macro , regional and micro perspectives .

  19. 文章的这部分,先从房地产开发贷款项目现状谈起,房地产开发贷款项目总的来说呈现持续小幅温和增长态势,银行房地产信贷的规模从2006年以来出现猛增。

    Part of this article , real estate development loans start from the status quo about the project , real estate development loans generally moderate slightly as the continued growth in the size of bank real estate credit from 2006 , when it soared .

  20. 因此,国家已经限制了对房地产开发企业贷款的发放。

    So country has already limited the loan of development of real estate .

  21. 本文立足打分卡模型以及权重的设置,以及利用某房地产开发企业的银行贷款项目案例,运用以上方法进行操作,实际检验了打分卡模型在房地产项目贷款中的运用。

    This rate card is based on model and weight settings , and the use of a real estate development enterprise project case of bank loans , the actual rate card model tested in the real estate project loans in use .

  22. 据统计,到2004年,我国房地产开发中使用银行贷款的比重达到55%以上,2004年个人住房贷款新增4073亿元。

    Statistics indicated that , to 2004 , the proportion using the bank loan in our country property development has achieved above 55 % . Individual housing loan grows year by year , the increasing volume has amounted to 403.7 billion Yuan in 2004 .

  23. 结果发现,银行部门通过直接持有房地产资产、为房地产开发建设贷款、为居民购买房地产发放贷款、以房地产资产作为抵押物发放其他各种贷款而与房地产市场相联系。

    The result discovered that the banking sector arises relations with the real estate market through holding the real estate property , making the property development construction loan , providing loan and providing other each kind of loan with the real estate property directly as the pawn .

  24. 近年来,由于我国房地产市场迅速扩张,使得房地产开发贷款规模也快速增长。

    Recently , with the increasing expansion of real estate markets , the development loan scale in real estate has been enlarged rapidly .

  25. 当住房消费成为新的消费热点后,房地产金融业务的重心也逐渐从房地产开发贷款向个人住房贷款业务转移。

    When house consuming becomes hotspot , the real estate finance also transfers its center from development loan to individual housing loan gradually .

  26. 其次,从房地产行业的金融特点出发,分析房地产开发贷款对商业银行经营风险的影响。

    Third , starting from the financial characteristics of real estate industry , it analyzes the impact of real estate developing loans towards commercial banks operating risks .

  27. 同时,本文还运用比较静态分析方法说明了宏观层面风险的产生主要是由于法律法规的变更及各项经济调控政策之间协调不力,导致房地产市场发展出现风险而威胁到房地产开发贷款的安全回收;

    Besides , this dissertation reveals that the risks at the macro level are mainly attributed to the changes in law policies and lack of coordinating in some of economic regulating policies .

  28. 首先,银行贷款是我国房地产企业的主要资金来源,包括房地产开发贷款和预售商品房按揭贷款,占到资金来源比重的一半以上。

    First of all , the bank loan is the main capital sources of enterprises of real estate of our country , including the loan of development of real estate and selling the mortgage loan of commodity apartment in advance , accounts for over half of capital source proportion .

  29. 由于房地产开发投资的复杂性和不确定性,作为房地产开发项目和按揭贷款风险的最终承担者,房地产贷款仍保持着较高的风险状况。

    Because of the complexity and indetermination of real estate investment , as the final taker of the real estate development item and load risk , the real estate loan still keeps the higher risk condition .

  30. 对商品房空置量大、负债率高的房地产开发企业,要严格审批新增房地产开发贷款并重点监控。

    The real estate development enterprises , which have the serious vacancy problems in commercial houses and the high debt ratio , shall be strictly approved and controlled for the loans for the new real estate development projects .