
liè shì
  • martyr;fallen hero;a person of high endeavor
烈士 [liè shì]
  • (1) [martyr; fallen hero]∶为正义事业而牺牲的人

  • 烈士纪念碑

  • (2) [a person of high endeavor]∶有抱负、志向高远的男子

  • 烈士暮年,壮心不已。--曹操《龟虽寿》

烈士[liè shì]
  1. 这位死去的学生现在被视为烈士。

    The dead student is now being regarded as a martyr .

  2. 报上登载了框有黑边的烈士遗像。

    The newspaper carried the martyr 's photo framed in black .

  3. 他在烈士陵园安息着。

    He lies at rest in the Martyrs ' Cemetery .

  4. 烈士墓前安放着花圈。

    Wreaths were laid at the martyr 's tomb .

  5. 他们向革命烈士致哀。

    They paid their respects to the revolutionary martyrs .

  6. 他发誓要为烈士报仇。

    He vowed to avenge martyrs .

  7. 烈士的功绩永远不会泯没。

    The exploits of the revolutionary martyrs will never be forgotten .

  8. 他们为烈士建了纪念碑。

    They erected a memorial in honor of the martyrs .

  9. 这位烈士是为了民族独立的事业而献身的。

    The martyr laid down his life for the cause of national independence .

  10. 我们在烈士灵前哀吊。

    We lament for the martyrs before their tombs .

  11. 为争取民族解放斗争而牺牲的烈士们永生!

    Those who died for national liberation shall live forever in our memory .

  12. 烈士们,安息吧!

    May the martyrs rest in peace !

  13. 他们发誓要为死难烈士报仇。

    They vowed to avenge the martyrs .

  14. 美国的阵亡烈士日通常在每年5月的最后一个周一,是法定假日。

    Memorial Day is a US national holiday observed on the last Monday of May . It commemorates7 those who died while in military service to their country .

  15. 哦,别跟个烈士似的,Carlos。

    Oh , don 't be such a martyr , Carlos .

  16. 美丽的烟花在夜空绽放,以欢迎利比亚临时政府首脑MustafaAbdulJalil至利比亚首都新命名的烈士广场。

    It was fireworks , popping in starbursts , to welcome Mustafa Abdul Jalil , head of Libya 's interim government , to the Libyan capital 's freshly renamed Martyrs'Square .

  17. 父亲是烈士的那个女孩学习非常刻苦。

    The girl whose father is a martyr study very hard .

  18. 有一块朴素的饰板用以纪念该烈士的殉难处。

    A simple plaque mark the spot where the martyr die .

  19. 引爆的时候他便会成为烈士。

    The moment it pulls in , he 'll martyr himself .

  20. 这七位烈士的坟墓就在附近的教堂墓地。

    The graves of the seven lie in the nearby churchyard .

  21. 我们会被阿拉伯世界尊为烈士

    we will be held as martyrs throughout the Arab world .

  22. 烈士的鲜血是帝国的种子。

    The blood of martyrs is the seed of the imperium .

  23. 东北烈士纪念馆维修改造工程的结构设计

    Struture Design of Repairing and Transforming Engineering of Northeast Martyr Memorial Hall

  24. 长长的走道引导游客们直向烈士墓园。

    A common long walkway that lead to the memorial .

  25. 我提议为死难的烈士们默哀!

    Let us stand in silent tribute to the martyrs !

  26. 烈士的名字被刻在纪念碑上。

    The names of the martyrs have been inscribed on a monument .

  27. 出席揭牌烈士纪念碑仪式

    Attend an unveiling ( ceremony ) of a memorial to the martyrs

  28. 烈士们表达对祖国的热爱就是抛头颅、洒热血。

    Expression of martyrs is the love of the motherland shed blood .

  29. 他们为死难的烈士向敌人报仇。

    They took revenge for the martyr 's death on the enemy .

  30. 革命烈士们就是在那里献出了他们的生命。

    It was there that the revolutionary martyrs laid down their lives .