- intensity

[intensity] 地震烈度的简称,它与地震强度不构成比例关系
So K_0 may also be used as a quantitative measure of earthquake intensity .
GIS based seismic intensity attenuation information system
Two kinds of CS plate structure can be used for seismic intensity of 7-degree earthquake zone .
Effect of Seismic Intensity Measure Function to the IDA Curves Dispersion
Simulation of Masonry Structure Damage under Different Intensity Earthquake with MCA Method
It is pointed out that the structural effect coefficient C , proposed in the current aseismic design code ( TJ 11-78 ), has the disadvantage of neglecting the effect of seismic intensity .
Therefore , the study of the earthquake response of PHC pile , especially its applicability in high seismicity region is essential .
It is found that the maximum of the seismic hazard and value are in the middle intensity area , and not in the higher and the lower intensity areas .
China is earthquake country , there are wide high seismicity regions , and it restricts the popularization and application of PHC piles .
The one-step and four-step forecastings of the motor vibration severities time serial are made based on the models , and the forecasting results are compared with those using AR model .
Based on earthquakes data in which the hypocenter are longitude 100 °~ 105 ° E and latitude 29 °~ 35 ° from 1900 to 1990 and other references , the seismic intensity attenuation relationship between Aba Prefecture and nearby areas are acquired .
At the same time , 10 seismic waves of three different sites were selected ; the characteristics and laws of RPC pier seismic response with time-history analysis of earthquake response are summarized in this paper .
A general economic benefit comparison between these two structure systems has been given in the thesis when the building total height is from 80m to 180m .
Parameters influence analysis on isolation LNG storage tanks of different intensity , fundamental frequency , site , damping ratio , aspect ratio and spring stiffness . Suggested select the best isolator design parameters when designing LNG storage tank isolation combination construction . 6 .
The results show that the probability distribution of the maximum story drift has the probability distribution of extreme value type ⅱ, and different selection of lateral load pattern in Pushover analysis has some influence on their statistical parameters .
In this paper , the seismic capability of profiled-column frame structure system and CL structure system is analyzed . As a conclusion , the seismic capability of the two systems is poor and they are not adaptable for seismic fortification intensity 8 and tall buildings .
The research shows that the seismic behavior of the prestressed concrete beam of the appropriate spacing of stirrups and the degree of prestress is closed to that of the common reinforced concrete beams and it can be applied in the seismic area of middling intensity .
Lanqi Songhua River Bridge in Jilin City is a concrete cable-stayed bridge with double towers and single cable plane , which is 240 meter . The earthquake intensity of the situation of this bridge is VII and the system of this bridge is peculiar .
One'very strong mixture'used in the book is the Veninum Lupinum , which consists of a mix of aconite , taxus baccata , caustic lime , arsenic , bitter almonds and powdered glass mixed with honey .
After two strong earthquakes , which occurred on Mar.8 and 22,1966 at Xingtai , north Hebei , with magnitudes of 6.8 and 7.2 respectively , some small earthquakes followed at its adjacent areas as well as some abnormal seismic intensity regions caused by two strong earthquakes .
A decision-making process to establish the optimal design of intensity for aseismic structures with three levels of fortification is put forward and it features ( 1 ) the adoption of the objective function of optimization proposed recently by International standard ISO2394 ;
The damage anomaly of 1976 Tangshan earthquake in high intensity region
A statistical study on the determination of the standard seismic intensity
Statistical data study on estimation of ground motion from seismic intensity
Disaster degree analysis of water supply system under deterministic seismic intensity
Intensity Distribution and Disaster Evalution about the 1994 M5.7 Muchuan Earthquake
Study on Rockburst Intensity Prediction Method Based on Neural Network Theory
Estimation of ground motion attenuation in China based on intensity data
On the formulation of the fuzziness and randomness of earthquake intensity
The research on vibration intensity trend predicting technology of rotary machine