- teleseism

BSTN ( Beijing Seismic Telemetry Network ) adapted quasi digitized data acquisition and processing system ( DAPS ) in 1997.In about two years , we got the large quantities data of local 、 teleseism and mine blaster 、 collapse .
Although both teleseism triggering small earthquakes and making fluid records abnormal correlate with the surface wave magnitude of the large earthquake and the geologic tectonic environment , their mechanisms are different .
Teleseismic P wave group signal analysis by adaptive time-frequency representation
Variations in teleseismic P wave residuals before the Haicheng earthquake
Surface sediment effects on teleseismic P wave amplitude
Rupture history of the 1997 Cariaco , Venezuela , earthquake from teleseismic P wave
An inversion of the focus parameters of Bohai earthquake from the teleseismic P wave shape
Simulated annealing inversion of tele-seismic P-wave slowness and azimuth for crustal velocity structure at Long Valley caldera
Evidence for R_g-to-P scattering in teleseismic P coda of East Kazakh explosions
Methods of the measurement of the attenuation factor of teleseismic P wave and Q seismic tomography
Polarization inversion has some intrinsic advantages over travel time inversion : It is not influenced by source location and origin time errors ;
The splitting of PS phases is shown by elliptic characteristics of the waves converted from tele-seismic short period P waves in crust .
By use of the teleseismic P arrival times at 15 stations of Beijing network for 120 events distributing over various azimuths , we studied the three-dimensional P velocity structure under Beijing region .
The method of receiver function is used for nine high quality P wave recordings with three components at distance of 20 °~ 60 ° to inverse vertical distribution of shear wave velocity beneath the station .
Similar to radial receiver function , SV-component receiver function can be obtained by directly deconvolving the P-component from the SV-component of teleseismic recordings .
Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Chinese Capital Region from Teleseismic Finite-frequency Tomography The Precision Analysis of Troposphere Zenith Delay Resolution in Kinematic GPS and the Discussion of Real Time Water Vapor Inversion
The P-wave travel time residuals of 300 teleseismic events at 50 stations in East China ( 100 ° - 125 ° E , 20 ° - 45 ° N ) were studied in this paper .
Using teleseismic PS converted waveform to get Receiver Function is one of efficient methods which can study velocity discontinuity of the crust and mantle structure under seismic station .
When P waves from distant earthquakes meet a velocity discontinuity in the earth 's crust and upper mantle , they give rise to a series of converted PS waves besides PP refracted waves .
Moho Depths beneath Broad-Band Stations in Fujian Area Inversed by Teleseismic Receiver Function Shaking table model test on Pudong International Airport Terminal 2 Building in Shanghai
The source parameters of 9 strong events in the North China region have been determined with a joint moment tensor inversion of teleseismic and regional distance body waves ( P , SH , Pnl ) .
Finally , the upper mantle anisotropy in the Yunnan region is studied by using the phase SKS .
In this paper , the author analysed interference factor of underground water in JI_6 ~ # well , and deals with various reactions prior to 116 teleseisms in which Ms ≥ 5.0 is at home and Ms ≥ 7.0 abroad .
An inversion study of 2447 teleseismic P-wave travel time residuals observed at Beijing network is given in this paper , using the spatial frequency domain expansion parameterization method proposed recently by the writers . It is proved that the new method can be effectively applied to real data .
In this article , we analyze the character of SV-component receiver function of teleseismic body waves and its advantage in mapping the S-wave velocity structure of crust in detail .
The seismic data used in this dissertation are 3 229 local earthquakes ( Ms > 1.5 ) and 168 teleseismic events occurred during 1980 to 2002 recorded by 130 seismic stations from seismic networks of Gansu , Qinghai , Ningxia and Sichuan .
The record features of SKKS phase and its application in depth determination of farthermost earthquakes
Using the teleseismic waveforms recorded by the passive seismic experiment , receiver function method was used to investigate the S wave velocity structure .
On the basis of the observation data of Beijing Telemetered Seismic Network , the parameters of 66 teleseismic events are calculated once again by using program TEL 92 . The results are analysed and compared with PDE . Some enlightening conclusions are obtained .
Having been tested by seismic examples , the depths obtained from SKKS phase are relatively accurate and this method is a powerful tool for obtaining the depths of farthermost earthquakes accurately from SKKS phase and improving the quality of single station month report of Yinchuan Station .