
  • 网络Remote Access Server;Ras;RRAS
  1. Shiva远程访问服务器在远程局域网互连中的应用

    Application of Shiva Remote Access Server to the Remote Local Area Networks Interlinkage

  2. 介绍了远程访问服务器(RemoteAccessServer)的系统组成,阐述了用Cisco路由器作为远程访问服务器而构建广域网系统的基本方法。

    This paper introduces the system of remote access server . The basic method of seting up WAN to use the Cisco router as remote access server is discussed from aspects .

  3. 我发现缺少的几个包(例如svgalib)都是对于远程访问服务器来说无关紧要的一些包。

    The few packages I found missing ( such as svgalib ) are arguably packages which don 't make much sense on a server accessed remotely .

  4. 远程访问服务器已申请回叫号码。

    The remote access server has requested a callback number .

  5. 指定返回给远程访问服务器的附加连接属性

    Specify additional connection attributes to be returned to the Remote Access Server

  6. 路由和远程访问服务器配置向导没有成功完成。

    The Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard was not completed successfully .

  7. 客户端正在等待来自远程访问服务器的拨入呼叫。

    The client is waiting for an incoming call from the remote access server .

  8. 有关安装路由和远程访问服务器的详细信息,请参阅联机帮助。

    For more information about setting up a Routing and Remote Access server , see online Help .

  9. 正在使用路由和远程访问服务器安装向导配置此角色

    Optical polarizing filter , unmounted Configuring the role using the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard

  10. 拨号远程访问服务器可以通过拨号媒体,例如调制解调器,从远程客户端直接接受连接。

    A dial-up remote access server can receive connections directly from remote clients through dial-up media , such as a modem .

  11. 该网关支持TCP/IP协议,运行Web服务程序,形成一个用户可以通过网络浏览器进行远程访问的服务器。

    The gateway supports TCP / IP , runs a Web Server , acts as a remote server which can be easily accessed by end user through a browser .

  12. 远程访问NT服务器

    Remote Access NT Service

  13. Web服务器的服务程序,它允许远程客户端访问服务器硬盘上特定的部分,Web彻底改变了我们共享文件和传递信息的方式;Web浏览器,用于访问世界各地的服务器上越来越多的网页。

    Web server software , allows the remote clients have the access to a certain part of the server hard disk , have changed the way of file share and information transmission completely ; Web browser , with which we can interview more and more Web page on the net .

  14. 局域网远程快速访问服务器数据库软件

    DBASE software of local remote fast access servicing apparatus

  15. 远程访问采用终端服务器方式。

    The terminal server mode is selected for remote access .

  16. 用户可以使用PC机通过Internet进行远程访问和控制WEB服务器,从而能够将工业现场测控层得到的数据方便快捷地送到异地的管理监控层。

    User can real-timely monitor and control the web server district by PC through Internet , thus can send the data of the present monitor to remote manage system quickly and conveniently .

  17. 选择此选项以创建一个有高级管理功能(如远程访问策略)的服务器,或将此服务器添加到一个域

    Select this option to create a server that will have advanced administrative features such as remote access policies , or if you plan to add this server to a domain

  18. 海南省邮政电子化支局系统采用全省集中模式,各市、县、局营业网点采用终端方式接入,通过网络远程访问省信息中心服务器上存储的数据。

    The computerized Hainan postal service for branch office system uses a centralized processing model . Each city and county branch office connect to the center server through terminals to remotely access and retrieve data stored in the server of the provincial information center .

  19. 将远程仪器测试平台程序进行web发布,使得用户可以通过Internet远程访问本地服务器,进行远程测试。

    We publish the remote instrument test platform program to the web , so that the users enable to access the local server through the Internet .

  20. 远程用户通过当地的ISP拔号接入就能访问内扩网,而不是进入基于预设条件的远程访问服务器。

    Remote users access an extranet by dialing in through a local ISP , rather than into a premise-based remote access server .