
  • 网络Amur leopard
  1. 曾在朝鲜半岛各地以及中国和俄罗斯部分地区出现过的远东豹,现在被认为是最稀有的大型猫科动物,生活在野外的只有几十只。

    The Amur leopard , which was once found across the Korean Peninsula and parts of Russia and China , is now considered the rarest big cat , with just a few dozen existing in the wild .

  2. 但据环保组织世界野生动物基金会(WWF)介绍,在距今最近的统计中,俄罗斯境内的远东豹数量已从2007年30只的水平上,翻了近一番。

    But their numbers in Russia have risen from just 30 in 2007 to nearly double that in the latest count , according to the conservation group WWF .

  3. 珲春自然保护区位于中国东北地区吉林省,以东北虎(Pantheratigris)和远东豹(Pantherapardus)为主要保护对象的国家级自然保护区,是现今中国境内唯一有虎、豹生存的保护区。

    Hunchun Nature Reserve is the only national reserve for tigers ( Panthera tigris ) and leopards ( Panthera pardus ) in China . To protect their living , it is necessary to estimate the carrying capacity in the reserve .

  4. 很多不确定因素都会导致无法精确地清点远东豹的数量。

    There are many uncertainties preventing a precise count of Amur leopards .

  5. 世界野生动物基金会估计,中国境内还生活着8到12只远东豹。

    An estimated eight to 12 Amur leopards live in China , the WWF says .

  6. 此外,一些远东豹可能生活在毗连朝鲜的地区,但人们对那里的远东豹数量情况知之甚少。

    Also , some could live in adjoining areas of North Korea , though little is known about their population there .

  7. 和远东豹一样,东北虎的数量也增加了。东北虎是一种体型更大的猫科动物,其栖息地与远东豹重合。

    The increase in leopard numbers is paralleled by the Amur or Siberian tiger , a larger cat whose range overlaps that of the Amur leopard .

  8. 远东豹的数量依然很少,但环保组织称,最近远东豹数量增加,是加大了对其栖息地的保护的结果。

    The leopard 's numbers are still quite small , but environmental groups say the recent population increase is a result of the expanded protection of their habitat .

  9. 2013年4月到6月期间,中国的研究人员在与前述俄罗斯国家公园只有一条国境线之隔的吉林省珲春东北虎国家级自然保护区,清点到了13只远东豹。

    Chinese researchers counted 13 Amur leopards between April and June 2013 in the Hunchun Siberian Tiger National Nature Reserve , in the Chinese province of Jilin just across the border from the Russian park .

  10. 它们常常穿越中俄边境,也就是说有些可能数重复了。此外,一些远东豹可能生活在毗连朝鲜的地区,但人们对那里的远东豹数量情况知之甚少。

    The cats often cross the border between Russia and China , meaning that some could be double-counted . Also , some could live in adjoining areas of North Korea , though little is known about their population there .

  11. 北京师范大学的研究人员王天明称,对中国远东豹的最新调查结果将在几个月后发布,届时将表明它们的数量增加了。但他未给出具体细节。

    Results of a new survey of the leopards in China will be published in a few months and will show their population has increased , said Wang Tianming , a researcher at Beijing Normal University , without giving specifics .

  12. 该组织称在俄罗斯远东地区的豹之乡国家公园(LandoftheLeopardNationalPark)发现了57只远东豹。

    The group said 57 were found in Land of the Leopard National Park in the Russian Far East .