  • stork
  • 鸟,羽毛灰白色或黑色,嘴长而直,形似白鹤,生活在江、湖、池沼的近旁,捕食鱼虾等。


(鸟类的一属) stork:

  • 白鹳

    a white stork

  1. 一只鹳缓缓飞过。

    A stork flew slowly past .

  2. 他为她的妻子将获得参观鹳鸟的机会感到非常高兴。

    He is very glad that his wife 's going to get a visit from the stork .

  3. “我也是鹳带来的,亲爱的。”

    The stork brought me too , sweetie

  4. “她也是鹳鸟带来的。”

    The stork brought her also .

  5. 她想争取点时间,于是回答说:“好吧,亲爱的,是送婴鹳把你送来的。”

    She wanted to buy some time , so she replied , " Well , sweetie , the stork brought you . "

  6. 《吸烟统计数字会撒谎》(HowtoLiewithSmokingStatistics)使用了各种鹳式论点来对吸烟与癌症的相关性提出质疑。

    How to Lie with Smoking Statistics used a variety of stork-style arguments to throw doubt on the connection between smoking and cancer , and it was supported by a grant from the Tobacco Institute .

  7. 但是诺维科夫保留了那个老名字aist和那个鹳型雕塑。

    But Mr Novikov kept the old name-aist-and the statue of the storks .

  8. Messerli给我们举了另外一个例子,在战后德国,人口出生率与鹳的数量均下降,那是否鹳的减少导致婴儿减少呢?

    Messerli gave us another example . In post-war Germany , the human birth rate fell along with the stork population . Were fewer storks bringing fewer babies ?

  9. 鹳经常被描述为会将新生婴儿送到他们的父母处。

    Storks are often depicted bringing new-born babies to their parents .

  10. 鹳-子辈的天职,象征受欢迎的人。

    Stork - Filial duty , emblem of a grateful man .

  11. 黄嘴鹮鹳混群笼养繁殖和育雏行为观察

    Yellow-billed Stork Mixed Group of Captive Breeding and Rearing Behavior Observation

  12. 麦格和裘像一对忠实的小鹳似地喂她们的母亲。

    Meg and Jo fed their mother like dutiful young storks .

  13. 鹳类、鹤类在山东省的分布与数量

    The numerical distribution of storks and cranes in Shandong Province

  14. 珍稀鸟类东方鹳的性别鉴定

    Identification of the sex of the rare bird of Oriental white stork

  15. “不过这鹳翅味道不错,不是吗?”

    " But this stork is quite tasty , isn 't it ?"

  16. 要是打开门,就会看到鹳。

    Ifyou open your door , you see a stork .

  17. 有高大得枞树,雪和鹳。

    With the tall fir trees , the snow and the storks .

  18. 鹳与狐狸不喜欢吃什么?

    What foods do the stork and the fox struggle to eat ?

  19. 吃完饭后,鹳仍旧很饥饿。

    When she left the meal , she was still very hungry .

  20. 还有鹳鸟在春天午后翱翔时的吟唱声。

    the whisper of stork wings on a spring afternoon .

  21. 包括林朱鹭在内的鹳科的一个属。

    A genus of birds of the family Ciconiidae including wood ibises .

  22. 你有没有看到一位红发的女士还有一只鹳鸟?

    Have you seen a redheaded lady and a stork ?

  23. 当然鹳还是一点汤也喝不到。

    The stork , though , could not eat her soup at all .

  24. 一次,狐狸请鹳来吃饭。

    Once a fox invited a stork to dinner .

  25. 鹳与狐狸曾遇见的其它动物不一样。

    The stork was different from other animals that the fox had met .

  26. 鹳,鹭鸶与其类,戴胜与蝙蝠。

    The stork , any kind of heron , the hoopoe and the bat .

  27. 婴儿是鹳鸟送来的古老传说是真的吗?

    Could the old story about babies being delivered by storks really be true ?

  28. 有几个因素导致了人们相信鹳能让家庭增添人丁。

    Several factors contributed to the belief in the stork as the bringer of babies .

  29. 黑龙江省老鹳草属植物的资源调查

    Resource Survey of Geranium in Heilongjiang Province

  30. 如果再让我看到一只鹳鸟,我肯定撕烂它的嘴。

    If I see another paper stork , I 'm gonna rip its beak off .