
liè rì dāng kōng
  • The hot sun is high in the sky;A blazing disc of fire, the midday sun hung suspended in cloudless space;The fierce sun is hanging in the sky
烈日当空[liè rì dāng kōng]
  1. 尽管烈日当空、气温炎热,我们还得外出。

    Notwithstanding the heat of the sun we must go out .

  2. 在正午和午后烈日当空时,要给他们提供部分遮荫。

    Provide partial shade from scorching noon or early afternoon sun .

  3. 晌午时分,烈日当空,直射在我们头上。

    At noon the sun beat down on our heads .

  4. 烈日当空,周边一片红色沙漠。

    Lying in the red desert , dreaming , sobbing .

  5. 我向往飞翔,即便是烈日当空。

    I yearn for the soaring , even if is scorching sun overhead .

  6. 烈日当空照,勿忘晒干草。

    Make hay while the sun shines .

  7. 没过多久有一天烈日当空热得要命

    Soon after this , there came a very hot day with a boiling sun .

  8. 虽然烈日当空,我们并不希望下雨,当然也不怕下雨。

    In spite of the burning sun we no more longed for rain than we feared it .

  9. 经过了七天虔诚的求雨,依然是烈日当空,连一片云也没有。

    After seven days of sincere prayer for rain , the sun was still scorching without a cloud insight .

  10. 既当演说家,又做实干家。烈日当空照,勿忘晒干草。

    To be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds . Make hay while the sun shines .

  11. 有一天,儿子在河边割芦苇,烈日当空,晒得他头昏眼花,于是他就坐下来休息。

    So he sat down to take a rest , looking at the river which his father had once told him .

  12. 勿忘草任一种勿忘草属草本植物,有一簇簇的小蓝花烈日当空照,勿忘晒干草。

    Any of various herbaceous plants of the genus Myosotis , having clusters of small blue flowers . Make hay while the sun shines .

  13. 为了让太空人保持相当于赤道区的状况,太空船的活动区必须做成甜甜圈状。晌午时分,烈日当空,直射在我们头上。

    To keep astronauts in the equivalent of an equatorial region , the living quarters of the spacecraft would have to be doughnut-shaped . At noon the sun beat down on our heads .

  14. 即使烈日当空,海面上风平浪静,这些巨浪也总是沿着海岸奔腾不息,日夜发出雷鸣般的喧嚣。

    The sun might blaze overhead , the air be without a breath , the surface smooth and blue , but still these great rollers would be running along all the external coast , thundering and thundering by day and night ;