
  • 网络Hezhang County
  1. 赫章县森林植物区系及天然森林植被类型

    Study on the Forest Flora and the Natural Vegetation Types in Hezhang County

  2. 贵州省赫章县土法炼锌过程中汞的释放量初步研究

    Preliminary study on mercury emission from artisanal zinc smelter using indigenous method in Hezhang County of Guizhou Province

  3. 本文根据赫章县县情、山情,提出该县山区综合开发的发展战略及对策;

    According to the actual situation of Hezhang county , this paper put forward general development strategy and countermeasures for mountain area comprehensive exploiting .

  4. 根据中国官方媒体新华社报道,本周一微博上有人爆料称四月份在贵州省赫章县,一名女孩不慎把水泼到乡政府的车上,随后该女孩与当地官员发生争执。

    A post on a micro-blogging site on Monday claimed the girl got into an argument with local officials in the county of Hezhang , Guizhou province , in April after accidentally splashing water onto a government car , according to China 's state-run news agency Xinhua .

  5. 威宁、赫章两县苹果砧木资源类型调查报告

    Investigation on resource types of stock in Weining and Hezhang counties