
  • 网络Gurkha;Gorkha;Kukri
  1. 尽管人们进行了大规模的常规搜索(后来还使用了更多带有异国风情的方法,包括通灵术和派一个廓尔喀族人空降柬埔寨),却未发现他的丝毫踪迹。

    Despite a huge conventional search operation ( followed by more exotic efforts involving psychics and a Gurkha parachuted into Cambodia ) , no trace was ever found of him .

  2. 萨顿先生曾是英国陆军皇家廓尔喀步枪军官,据瑞士警方消息,他从直升机跳下后撞到了山脊意外死亡,事故地点离瑞士特里安附近的法国边界只有几分钟路程。

    Mr. Sutton , a former Royal Gurkha Rifles officer for the British Army , died after jumping from a helicopter and crashing into a mountain ridge only minutes from the French border near Trient , Switzerland , the Swiss police said .

  3. 尼泊尔媒体表示,截至昨天下午,救援队伍仍未抵达震中附近的廓尔喀(Gorkha)北部部分村庄,当时距这场上周六发生的7.8级地震已超过48小时。

    Nepalese media said rescue teams had failed to reach some villages in northern Gorkha , near the earthquake 's epicentre , by yesterday afternoon , more than 48 hours after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck on Saturday .

  4. 希契科克表示:当你管理28个北爱尔兰威尔士人,又负责50个廓尔喀兵时,你必须处理好与每个人的关系。

    When you are in charge of 28 Welshmen in Northern Ireland , then 50 Gurkhas , you have got to get on with everybody , says Mr Hitchcock .
