- profile

System Design of the Structure of a P-band Wind Profile Radar
The effects of surface temperature and temperature profile on the radiative forcing .
Research on Atmospheric Temperature and Moisture Profiles Retrieve by Computed Tomography Method
Design of Convex Outline by Graphic Method Based on CAD
Columned Cam Contour Polynomial Graph Fitting and Design Based on MATLAB
θ _e Profile Characteristics of Downburst Days in Beijing Area
Approaches to Atmospheric Water Vapor Profile Sounding by GPS
CAD Animation Method for Computing the Radius of Curvature of Disk-cam with Straight Moving Follower
Then the process for computing the radius of curvature of planar cam profile is introduced by means of CAD animation .
Using MATLAB to design a theoretical contour and the practical contour of the cam in the air powered car .
The analysis of signal noise ratio ( snr ) of wind profiler obtains the same results .
Using cubic non-uniform B-spline curve to design and fair cam profile could let the acceleration curve be smoother and the profile be controlled and modified more conveniently .
The MatLab software was used for programming and calculating and the variations of the cam contour and the pressure angles were displayed .
The Implement of MMSE Pulse Compression of Wind Profiler Radar
After satellite image was processed , Fourier expansion was made for MCS 's boundary line .
Synthesis of translation cam - follower systems with rolling contact Development of the CAM System Used for Bezier Cold Rolling Workpieces
The more sophisticated Bowen ratio or profile observation gives the more precise information .
This paper uses the microwave radiometer observation data to retrieval the atmospheric temperature profiles and the water vapor density profiles with the multiple linear regression method and the BP neural network method .
The basic regulation of impacts of wind velocity on CO 2 distribution will have no change , but the spatial difference of concentration in canopy will increase under the doubled CO 2 scenery .
A numerical experiment of the atmospheric temperature profile inversion from satellite-based AMSU measurements through the improved EOF approach
In this paper , we present the structural design of a P-band wind profile radar and give a detailed introduction to the main parts of its structure . It can be used as reference for the structural design of similar P-band weather radar system .
Control technology of turbulence profile lidar is introduced . Visual C + + was used for programming to control the ICCD , focus of transmitting telescope and receiving telescope . Port operation is realized based on NT operation system .
Vertical profiles of radar reflectivity and specific attenuation factor are computed at 5,10,35 and 94 GHz using the Mie theory at rain rates below 12.5 mm / h.
Based on the theory of envelop and given the kinetic rule of the follower , this thesis analyses and studies the cam mechanism with the matlab compiling techniques , and draws its theoretic and realistic outline curves by way of an example .
This paper begins with an introduction to the characters of radar signal processor . It then cites wind profiling radar as an example to discuss the hardware structure and software design method of radar 's singal processing subsystem by using DSP board .
Molecular Rayleigh and nitrogen vibration Raman scattering returns are detected by the photon counting technique . Then , vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature are derived in the stratosphere and mid-upper troposphere .
All these result show that this method has the ability of unfolding the ambiguity velocity , and it combined VAD method can obtain accurate wind profile from fold data .
In this paper , we designed various amending cumulus parameterization schemes from the points of the vertical heating profile and the moistening coefficient to make numerical experiments .
Introduction of LAP-3000 wind profiler and maintenance experience
In this paper , values of Richardson Number ( Ri ) and the curvature of the wind profile (β) in the atmospheric near to the ground are calculated with the data obtained under three surface roughness conditions .