
shì lì zhànɡ ài
  • Visual impairment;disturbances of visual acuity
  1. 早产也可导致视力障碍或失明

    Prematurity may also result in visual impairment or blindness .

  2. 罗杰·沃利是第一批体验这本气味故事书的人,他八岁的女儿乔茜患有视力障碍。

    Roger Whalley , whose eight-year-old daughter , Josie , has a visual impairment , was among the first to test the book .

  3. Tec-Innovation公司的下一步是利用该系统收集的数据为视力障碍者打造一款街景导航地图。

    The next step for Tec-Innovation is to use the data collected by its system to create a kind of street view navigation map for visually impaired people .

  4. B组共12例为视神经管骨折,术前患者有不同程度的视力障碍,行视神经管减压。

    The group B , 12 cases , was that with fracture of optic nerve canal and visual disfunction . The decompression of optic nerve canal was performed .

  5. 出生缺陷和其它发育障碍在MR儿童中排在前5位的依次是:下肢运动障碍、上肢运动障碍、癫痈、马蹄内翻、视力障碍。

    The first five types of birth defect and developmental disorders in children with MR were motor disorder of lower limbs , motor disorder of upper limbs , epilepsy , equinovarus , Visual disturbance respectively .

  6. 脉络膜新生血管(choroidalnoevascularization,CNV)与眼部许多疾病有关,是引起视力障碍的重要原因之一。

    Choroidal neovascularization ( CNV ) related diseases is a major cause of visual disability .

  7. 结论XALD是一种X连锁隐性遗传性疾病,其临床特征为儿童期起病的进行性听力、视力障碍和智能减退。

    Conclusions ALD is an inherited disease as an X linked trait . The childhood X ALD is characteristiced by progressive auditory , visual and intelligent deterioration .

  8. 根据AccessEconomics发表的一份具有里程碑意义的报告,视力障碍估计每年导致全球经济损失3万亿美元,超过非洲国内生产总值(GDP)的总和。

    According to a landmark report published by Access Economics , rates of poor vision are costing the global economy an estimated $ 3tn a year . That 's more than the total gross domestic product of Africa .

  9. 对突发头痛、视力障碍、眼肌麻痹者应考虑垂体卒中可能,MRI检查阳性率高优于CT扫描。

    For the patients with sudden headache , visual disorders and ophthalmoplegia , pituitary apoplexy is necessary to be considered . In addition , MRI examination shows higher positive rate than CT scan , which is prior to CT .

  10. 年龄相关性黄斑变性(aged-relatedmaculardegeneration,AMD)是造成50岁以上人群视力障碍的主要原因。

    Age related macular degeneration ( AMD ) is the leading cause of visual impairment in people over 50 years old . There are two forms of macular degeneration : the atrophic ( dry ) type and the exudative ( wet ) type .

  11. 文字识别技术(OCR)一直都是计算机实际应用的一个重要方向,把文字识别技术与普通摄像头相结合,用于便携式智能阅读器上,方便视力障碍者看书。

    Optical Character Recognition ( OCR ) technology has been an important direction in the computer practical application , the Optical Character Recognition technology combine with the ordinary camera for portable intelligent reading implement , to facilitate the visual obstacle " see " the book .

  12. 结果:4例中有3例主诉视力障碍,1例有明显颅内感染征象,2例出现垂体功能低下,病理检查证实1例为Rathke裂囊肿合并感染,另3例感染机制不明。

    Results : Before operation , visual disturbance was present in 3 cases , hypopituitarism in 2 and meningitis in 1 . Abscess formation in Rathkes cleft cyst was confirmed by pathology in one case . Good results were achieved with surgical resection in all cases .

  13. 视力障碍儿童学前教育课程设置探索

    A Probe into the Curricular Arrangement for Preschool Visually Impaired Children

  14. 弱视是儿童发育过程中最常见的视力障碍。

    Amblyopia is a common visual disease in development of the children .

  15. 一个中国汉族遗传性视力障碍大家系的临床及遗传学研究

    A Clinical and Scientific Research of a Chinese Family with Visual Disorder

  16. 蝶窦入路切除垂体腺瘤后患者视力障碍恶化的原因及防治

    Vision deterioration after transsphenoidal surgery for removal of pituitary adenoma

  17. 急诊鼻内镜蝶窦囊肿开放术对改善视力障碍的意义

    Nasal endoscope in emergent treatment of sphenoid cyst to improve vision disorders

  18. 论视力障碍病人的情感需求及其健康教育

    Emotional Needs of Patients with Visual Disorders and Relevant Health Education Strategy

  19. 视力障碍乃本病的重要临床表现之一。

    One of its important clinical features is visual disorders .

  20. 伴有视力障碍的内侧型蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤治疗及预后分析

    Treatment and Prognosis Analysis of Medial Sphenoid Ridge Meningioma Associated with Visual Impairment

  21. 视网膜出血及神经盘模糊等可导致视力障碍。

    Retinal hemorrhage , and blurring of the optic dise cause visual disturbances .

  22. 视力障碍也会对劳动场所造成巨大影响。

    Poor vision also has a dramatic effect on the world of work .

  23. 盲用邮件接收器是帮助视力障碍者阅读邮件而设计的。

    Mail receiver for blind person is designed for the blinds to read e-mail .

  24. 广东省斗门县老年人视力障碍及病因的流行病学调查

    An epidemiological survey of the visual impairment in elderly population of a Guangdong county

  25. 视力障碍并不危及生命;

    Poor vision is not a life-threatening condition ;

  26. 现在有几所常规学校,有视力障碍的学生在那里按照正常的课程设置学习。

    There are now several mainstream schools where visually handicapped children follow an ordinary curriculum .

  27. 干眼症是导致眼部本适,甚至引起视力障碍的常见病,其病因及病理生理十分复杂。

    Dry eye is a kind of common disease that causes eye irritation and visual disability .

  28. 结果:除1例视力障碍者未恢复外,其余均恢复正常。

    Result : Except for one patient whose eyesight decreased without recovery , the rest recovered .

  29. 眼的疾病与视力障碍

    Eye diseases and visual disorders

  30. 在完全性视神经萎缩时,视盘出现明显的苍白色,此时有失明或严重的视力障碍。

    Marked pallor occurs in complete optic atrophy , when there is blindness or severe visual impairment .