
  • 网络the prince;Niccolo Machiavelli;il principe
  1. 其中包括拿破仑·希尔(NapoleonHill)的《思考致富》,尼科洛·马基雅维利(NiccoloMachiavelli)的《君主论》,以及孙武写的《孙子兵法》。

    These include Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill , The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli and The Art of War by Sun Tzu .

  2. 在他的《君主论》一书中,马基雅弗利审视了统治者是如何保住自己的权力的。

    In his book The Prince , Machiavelli examines what rulers actually do to maintain power .

  3. 你暑假读了马基维力的《君主论》,对吧?

    You read Machiavelli this summer , didn 't you .

  4. 主权者的言说&《君主论》政治学说的解读主权让渡新论

    The Speech of the Representative of Sovereignty A New View on Sovereign Transfer

  5. 而对于君主论者,他又是个危险地怀疑分子和自由思想家。

    And to the monarchists , he was a dangerous skeptic and free thinker .

  6. 吸取了马基雅维里《君主论》的政治意识形态和政治艺术相结合的思想。

    It absorbs the thought of combining political ideology and political art from on seigneur which written by Machiavelli .

  7. 现在,人们可能会预料写下了《君主论》这书,的作者,一定倾向于支持强势者,支持大人物,也就是那些有支配欲望的人。

    Now , one might expect that the author of a book entitled The Prince would favor the great , would favor the grandi , those who desire to rule .

  8. 那就是斯宾诺莎对马基雅维利的理解,因为,他推崇自由,而关于《君主论》,他说道,某种程度上是对君主统治的讽刺。

    That 's Spinoza on Machiavelli , because " he was favorable to liberty " and that the book , he says , is kind of a satire on princely rule .

  9. 尽管它是同时期诸家君主论中最具有理性色彩的理论,但最终依旧滑入绝对专制主义的泥潭。

    In spite it was a very rational theory among the monarch theories of various schools then , yet in the long run it still lapsed into the mire of the absolute autocracy .

  10. 从这个意义上讲,霍布斯的君主权力论,与我们现代所讲的,行政权和行政机关,有很多相似的特性。

    And , in that respect , Hobbes'sovereign has many of the features or characteristics that we come to associate with what we call modern executive power or executive authority .