
  • 网络sovereign state
  1. Johny:君主制国家只有一个小偷。

    Johny : In a kingdom there is only one thief .

  2. 那是一个短暂而阴暗的朝代,在那场你争我夺的战争里,欧洲最强盛的多民族政府,从Vienna到Budapest,横跨11个民族的君主制国家未能幸免于难。

    It was a short and gloomy reign , in a botched war that left Europe 's most successful multinational state , the 11-nation monarchy run from Vienna and Budapest , beyond saving .

  3. 她是第一位成为欧洲君主制国家王妃的澳大利亚人。

    She becomes australia 's first European princess in a reigning monarchy .

  4. 商朝是中国历史上第二个君主制国家。

    The Shang Dynasty was the second monarchical state in Chinese history .

  5. A:你知道君主制国家和民主国家的区别吗?

    A : Who knows the difference beteen a kingdom and a democracy ?

  6. 建国之初,美国盛传有人密谋要建立一个君主制国家。

    In its early days , the United States was beset by rumours about plots to install a monarchy .

  7. 与古代东方君主制国家相比,罗马帝国没有固定的皇位继承制度。

    Compared with Ancient oriental monarchy states , there is no consistent method of imperial succession in the early Roman Empire .

  8. 君主制国家实行世袭制,国王产生的范围很小。

    The monarchal regime is a hereditary system state , and the produce of the king is limited to a small range .

  9. 日本太子妃小和田雅子的预产期日益临近。日本这个世界上历史最悠久的君主制国家即将再添新丁。目前日本国人个个拭目以待,翘首期盼小皇太子的诞生。

    Anticipation is rising across an expectant Japan as the date draws closer for Crown Princess Masako to give birth to a possible , and long-awaited , heir for the world 's oldest monarchy .

  10. 现在世界上君主制的国家已经很少了。

    Nowadays , there are few monarchies left in the world .

  11. 在卡塔尔这样一个完全奉行君主制的国家里,要想鼓励冒险精神,非虔诚,以及艺术天性的标志颠覆,真的很难。

    An absolute monarchy like Qatar is a hard place in which to encourage the daring , irreverence and subversiveness that is the hallmark of a truly artistic nature .