
ā lā bó guó jiā
  • Arab States;Arab countries
阿拉伯国家[ā lā bó guó jiā]
  1. 你认为有一天阿拉伯国家会同以色列达成谅解吗?

    Do you think the Arab countries will come to terms with Israel one day ?

  2. 他还认为伊拉克在阿拉伯国家中最“亲英”了,HP沙司、花街和伦敦的公交车和三脚插头等在那里都十分受欢迎。

    Iraq is one of the most Anglophile of all Arab countries with their HP sauce , Quality Street , their London buses and three-pin plugs .

  3. 一些阿拉伯国家以石油储藏量而闻名。

    Some Arabian countries are famous for their oil reserves .

  4. 一个包括美国、北约(NATO)和阿拉伯国家在内的同盟在整个夏天一直为利比亚民众提供保护。

    A coalition that included the United States , NATO and Arab nations persevered through the summer to protect Libyan civilians .

  5. 不但俄罗斯和中国否决了联合国(un)决议,就连谴责叙利亚最强硬的阿拉伯国家和西方国家,其实也在犹豫。

    It is not just the Russian and Chinese veto of a UN resolution . The Arab and Western nations that are strongest in condemning Syria are also hesitating .

  6. 希拉里。克林顿说,她不知道他的丈夫,BillClinton,在她反对和迪拜交易的时候,正在给这个阿拉伯国家指点如何才能够赢得这笔交易,你相信吗?

    Hillary Clinton said today that she didn 't know her husband , Bill Clinton , was giving the Arabs advice on the port deal while she was ruling against it .

  7. 而Hosni可能在这场不景气影响西方捐助者的时候带来阿拉伯国家的资助。

    And Hosni could bring in funds from the Arab world as the recession affects Western donors .

  8. 为了防止H1N1流感的传播,阿拉伯国家的卫生部长们同意,对今年的麦加朝圣活动加以限制。

    Arab health ministers have agreed to impose restrictions on this year 's Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca in a bid to prevent the spread of the H1N1 swine flu .

  9. 但是如果他退出,他的参选仍然证明了所谓的阿拉伯国家对Hosni的一致支持是不稳固的。

    But if he withdraws , his candidature will still have demonstrated that the supposed Arab consensus around Hosni is shaky .

  10. 从阿拉伯国家联盟秘书长为阿姆鲁·穆萨(AmrMoussa)的评论中可以看出民众对重启中东和谈的看法。

    The mixed reaction to the renewed talks could be seen in the comments of Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa .

  11. 联合国前秘书长科菲安南(kofiannan)现在担任斡旋叙利亚危机的联合国和阿拉伯国家联盟(arableague)联合特使,他提出的六点计划是目前桌面上唯一的计划。

    The six-point proposal put forward by Kofi Annan , the former UN Secretary General now acting as envoy on Syria for the UN and the Arab League , is the only plan on the table today .

  12. “获赠的药品大多来自阿拉伯国家,”MounirAl-Boursh医生告诉IPS,他是卫生部药物局的主管。

    " Much of the donated medicines came from Arab states ," Dr Mounir Al-Boursh , director of the pharmaceutical department at the health ministry tells IPS .

  13. 在会议开始时,Al-Treiki警告代表们:“如果伊拉克倒下了,其他的阿拉伯国家也会倒下的。”

    Al-Treiki warned delegates at the session 's opening ," If Iraq is to fall , many Arab countries will fall as well . "

  14. 阿拉伯国家联盟秘书长阿姆鲁·穆萨(AmreMoussa)周二抵达也门首都萨那进行为期三天的访问,加速了调停努力,试图终止冲突。

    Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa mediation efforts to end the conflict , after arriving in the Yemeni capital Sanaa , for a three-day visit , Tuesday .

  15. 这个紧邻波斯湾的阿拉伯国家的夏季气温最高时可达摄氏50度,而那种被称做“dishdasha”的轻便棉袍则可以使穿着者即使在如此天气下也能感到一丝凉意。

    The light cotton " dishdasha " is designed to keep the wearer cool in a Gulf Arab country where summer temperatures can hit50 degrees Celsius .

  16. 道琼斯MENA指数(“MENA”是中东-北非的缩写,通常指阿拉伯国家,有时包括土耳其)已从2010年底的558点跌至今年3月460点的低点。

    The Dow Jones MENA index ( " MENA " is an acronym for middle East-North Africa and usually means the Arab countries and sometimes Turkey ) plummeted from 558 in late 2010 to a low of 460 in March .

  17. 阿拉伯国家联盟秘书长阿拉比(Nabilal-Arabi)称,为了结束持续了几个月的冲突,他已经就一系列措施与叙利亚总统阿萨德达成一致。

    The Secretary General of the Arab League , Nabil al-Arabi , says he 's agreed a series of measures with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria aimed at ending months of conflict there .

  18. 其它阿拉伯国家将抵制埃及的任何单独解决。

    The other Arab states would block any separate Egyptian settlement .

  19. 金融全球化对阿拉伯国家来说是双刃剑。

    Financial globalization means both opportunities and challenges to Arabic countries .

  20. 阿拉伯国家妇女工作人员问题三方专题讨论会

    Tripartite Symposium on the Problems of Women Workers in Arab Countries

  21. 一些阿拉伯国家有资源可以倚仗。

    Some Arab countries have resources to fall back on .

  22. 油田的发展使阿拉伯国家变富。

    The development of oil fields enriched the Arab nations .

  23. 阿拉伯国家鱼类销售信息、促销和技术咨询服务

    Fish Marketing Information , Promotion and Technical Advisory Services for Arab Countries

  24. 那位发言人个人赞同与该阿拉伯国家联合。

    The spokesman personally favoured unity with the Arab nation .

  25. 阿拉伯国家联盟特权及豁免公约

    Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the League of Arab States

  26. 法国主张满足阿拉伯国家的一些要求。

    France is in favor of accommodating some Arab demands .

  27. 这里,阿拉伯国家联邦就完全不同了。

    Now , the Confederation of Arab States is a different story .

  28. 如果需要的话,其他阿拉伯国家应该提供和平部队。

    If needed , other Arab States should provide peacekeepers .

  29. 在一些阿拉伯国家存在着相同的传统,不是用茶叶,而是用咖啡渣。

    The same tradition exists in some Arab countries with coffee grounds .

  30. 第一次阿拉伯国家现代生物技术展望会议

    Conference on Perspectives of Modern Biotechnology in the Arab Countries , First