
jūn quán shén shòu
  • divine right of kings
  1. 例句过去人们相信君权神授。

    People used to believe in the divine right of kings .

  2. 詹姆斯一世坚决置信“君权神授”,他基本不想要议会,而且延续7年从未召集过。

    James ⅰ, a firm believer in the Divine Right of Kings , would have preferred on Parliament at all and actually did without one for seven years .

  3. 过去人们相信君权神授

    People used to believe in the divine right of king

  4. 资产阶级以民族理论对抗君权神授思想。

    The bourgeoisies used national theory to oppose the thoughts of divine rights .

  5. 在欧洲,由于教权和王权的不断斗争,使得西方君权神授的思想基础受到了削弱。

    In Europe , the ideological foundation of divine rights had been weaken because the constant struggles between the magisterium and the kingship .

  6. 通过深入研究发现,从汉高祖到汉武帝经历了历史神话化的过程,形成了君权神授的理论。

    Further studies indicated that myth underwent the process of turning history into myth , having formed the theory of emperor 's power from God .

  7. 第二节主要论述了君权神授的问题,从而奠定了君主在人间的至上权威。君主失察,治国不力;

    The problem on the Monarch 's power given by God is discussed in the second paragraph . the king who is not responsible leads into the difficulties in governing the country ;

  8. 自从把君主奉为政教合一的最高统治者以后,君权神授在现代已被视为一种定论。

    From the recognition of the sovereign as supreme master both in Church and State the theory of the divine rights of kings as understood in modern times followed as a necessary corollary .

  9. 诗谶与谶谣、谶言相比,谶所具有的典型的政治暗示和君权神授色彩开始褪去,而作为独立的个人命运被凸显出来。

    Poetry Prophecy Prophecy rumors , prophecy words compared to the typical political hint of the " prophecy " and " divine right " color began to fade , was prominent as an independent personal destiny .

  10. 自从人类产生国家以来,国家的统治者就一直寻求其合法性的来源,从而实现其利益。于是,在东西方的历史上,不约而同的有了君权神授的思想。

    Rulers of the states always strived for the legitimacy of their reign in order to achieve their interests after the states existed . Then thoughts of divine rights of Kings simultaneously appeared in the history of west and east .

  11. 在这个政体中,王权的合法性决定了其具有政治统治权威。基督教君权神授的神权政治思想为封建王权的合法性提供了理论基础,由教会举行的加冕礼使王权的合法性具体化。

    In this constitution , the validity of the kingship gave the political authority of its rule , and the theocratic thought of the Christian theory provided theoretical base for feudal kingship , which embodied in the coronation held by the church .

  12. 由于查尔斯的君权神授统治权,他与议会的对质发展成了内战。众神中,宙斯权力最大,是众神和人类的最高统治者,掌管着雷电。

    Because of the absolute rule of Charles , the confrontation between Charles I and the parliament developed into the civil war . First in the Olympian crowd sat Zeus himself , the overlord of gods and men and the wielder of the thunderbolt .