- 名chemist

He is a well-known chemist .
It was created by a French chemist , Angelo Mariani , in 1863 .
Understanding these rare molecules will help chemists to find out what is achievable
To the biochemist , the importance of thermodynamics lies in its ability to predict the position of equilibrium in a system .
The " coca " in the name referred to the extracts of coca leaf that the drink 's originator , chemist John Pemberton , mixed with his sugary syrup .
It is now a source of growing interest for chemists and zoologists as well .
Fifty years ago this month C.P.Snow , an eminent British chemist-turned-novelist , gave a lecture at the University of Cambridge .
Robert Angus Smith ( 1817-1884 ) was a famous English sanitary chemist .
The combination of FISH technology and chromosome karyotype analysis to detect a case of pregnancy with hydatidiform mole and co-existent live fetus after IVF-ET
This concept is put forward by the chemist Wiener in 1947 for the first time .
The Boots Company PLC known as Boots and financially branded Boots The Chemists , is the dominant pharmacy chain in the United Kingdom , with outlets in most high streets throughout the country .
They are all , apparently , more trusted than 2012 Nobel Prize-winning chemist Robert J. Lefkowitz , who was named the 11th most trusted person in America .
Selective C-H bond functionalization has been the dream of the organic chemist for a long time .
Lithium is a known quantity to chemists , says Carlo Segre , professor of physics at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago , and we mostly understand how it flows inside a battery .
The transition-metal catalyzed C-H bond activation and C-C bond cleavage reaction is a hotspot in modern organic synthesis .
The review chemist evaluates the analytical procedures and validation data submitted in the NDA or ANDA .
Now the astrochemists have a new tool : the Atacama Large Millimetre / submillimetre Array ( ALMA ) in northern Chile .
" The field is going through a minirenaissance ," says chemical biologist Gerald Joyce of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla , Calif.
This is to commemorate Geman chemist Hermann Staudinger first reported the reaction in 1907 .
NASA scientist Sam Kounaves , the Mars mission 's lead chemist , on the planet 's soil , which is now believed to contain the nutrients to support life .
Paul Campanale , 37 , a chemist , received the good news on his cell phone and Weaver met the family to deliver the rings .
Yolanda O'Bannon is executive assistant to biochemist and former National Academy of Sciences President Bruce Alberts .
This was one of the observations that led a German chemist called Johann Debereiner to wonder if all chemical elements came in families .
The certifcating methods of melting points and freezing points for five LGC certified reference materials for melting point , their determined results and the evaluation of uncertainty are introduced .
At Kelly Scientific , which places chemists , biologists and the like from entry level through top officers , demand for candidates is still high , said Rich Pennock , who heads the unit .
A wide variety of highly selective asymmetric reactions catalyzed by chiral ( salen ) metal complexes have been disclosed over the past decade .
Novel Substituted Porphyrins and Metalloporphyrins : Synthesis , Characterization and Photo-catalytic Activity of Their TiO_2-based Composites The Swiss chemists think that the catalyst first draws the sensitizer to its surface and holds it there .
About the author : ashutosh ( ash ) jogalekar is a chemist interested in the history and philosophy of science .
Nakshatra Reddy is a biochemist , married to a prosperous businessman in Mumbai ( formerly Bombay ) .
Three years ago , Dr. Doudna , a biochemist at the University of California , Berkeley , helped make one of the most monumental discoveries in biology : a relatively easy way to alter any organism 's DNA , just as a computer user can edit a word in a document .