
huà xué jiā
  • chemist
  1. 他是位著名的化学家。

    He is a well-known chemist .

  2. 它是法国化学家安哲号·马里尼亚在1863年发明的。

    It was created by a French chemist , Angelo Mariani , in 1863 .

  3. 了解这些稀有分子能帮助化学家找到可实现的目标。

    Understanding these rare molecules will help chemists to find out what is achievable

  4. 对于生物化学家来说,热力学的重要性在于它能预示一个体系在平衡时的位置。

    To the biochemist , the importance of thermodynamics lies in its ability to predict the position of equilibrium in a system .

  5. 名称中的“可口”是指古柯叶的萃取物,该饮料的创始人化学家约翰·潘伯顿将其与自己的糖浆混合在一起。

    The " coca " in the name referred to the extracts of coca leaf that the drink 's originator , chemist John Pemberton , mixed with his sugary syrup .

  6. 它现在也是化学家和动物学家愈感兴趣的一个所在。

    It is now a source of growing interest for chemists and zoologists as well .

  7. 50年前的这个月,一位著名的英国化学家改行的小说家C·P·斯诺在剑桥大学作了一场演讲。

    Fifty years ago this month C.P.Snow , an eminent British chemist-turned-novelist , gave a lecture at the University of Cambridge .

  8. 罗伯特A.史密斯是19世纪英国著名的卫生化学家。

    Robert Angus Smith ( 1817-1884 ) was a famous English sanitary chemist .

  9. FISH技术和染色体核型分析联合检测体外受精-移植后胎儿与葡萄胎共同妊娠1例国际纺织化学家及染色家协会联合会

    The combination of FISH technology and chromosome karyotype analysis to detect a case of pregnancy with hydatidiform mole and co-existent live fetus after IVF-ET

  10. 这个概念是由化学家Wiener于1947年首次提出的。

    This concept is put forward by the chemist Wiener in 1947 for the first time .

  11. 靴公司PLC的称为靴靴和财政品牌的化学家,是主要的连锁药店在英国,店铺在大多数高街道在全国各地。

    The Boots Company PLC known as Boots and financially branded Boots The Chemists , is the dominant pharmacy chain in the United Kingdom , with outlets in most high streets throughout the country .

  12. 2012年诺贝尔奖获得者,著名化学家罗伯特·J·莱夫科维茨屈居他们之后,名列第11位。

    They are all , apparently , more trusted than 2012 Nobel Prize-winning chemist Robert J. Lefkowitz , who was named the 11th most trusted person in America .

  13. 对C-H键的选择性氧化活化一直以来是有机化学家的梦想。

    Selective C-H bond functionalization has been the dream of the organic chemist for a long time .

  14. 芝加哥伊利诺伊州理工大学(IllinoisInstituteofTechnology)物理学教授卡洛o塞格雷表示,锂的物理量为化学家们所熟知,我们几乎掌握了锂离子在电池中流动的方式。

    Lithium is a known quantity to chemists , says Carlo Segre , professor of physics at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago , and we mostly understand how it flows inside a battery .

  15. 过渡金属催化的C-H键羟基化和C-C键裂解的反应是现代有机合成反应的热点研究领域,吸引着越来越多有机化学家的关注。

    The transition-metal catalyzed C-H bond activation and C-C bond cleavage reaction is a hotspot in modern organic synthesis .

  16. 审评化学家会对NDA或ANDA中的分析方法和验证资料进行评审。

    The review chemist evaluates the analytical procedures and validation data submitted in the NDA or ANDA .

  17. 现在天体化学家有了新工具:阿塔卡马大型毫米/亚毫米波天线阵(ALMA,位于智利北部)。

    Now the astrochemists have a new tool : the Atacama Large Millimetre / submillimetre Array ( ALMA ) in northern Chile .

  18. 位于加利福利亚州LaJolla的斯克里普斯研究所的生物化学家GeraldJoyce说,该领域正在经历一场迷你版的文艺复兴运动。

    " The field is going through a minirenaissance ," says chemical biologist Gerald Joyce of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla , Calif.

  19. 这是为了纪念1907年德国化学家HermannStaudinger最先发现这类反应。

    This is to commemorate Geman chemist Hermann Staudinger first reported the reaction in 1907 .

  20. NASA科学家、火星探测的首席化学家山姆·库纳维斯就火星土壤这样说。火星土壤被认为具有支持生命的营养成分。

    NASA scientist Sam Kounaves , the Mars mission 's lead chemist , on the planet 's soil , which is now believed to contain the nutrients to support life .

  21. 保罗今年37岁,是一个化学家,在他的手机上收到了一条好消息,Weaver已经把这些戒指送到他的家里了。

    Paul Campanale , 37 , a chemist , received the good news on his cell phone and Weaver met the family to deliver the rings .

  22. Bannon是生物化学家的行政助理,之前她是BruceAlberts国家科学院的主席。

    Yolanda O'Bannon is executive assistant to biochemist and former National Academy of Sciences President Bruce Alberts .

  23. 正是这项发现,使德国化学家JohannDebereiner产生怀疑,是否所有的化学元素都是成族出现的。

    This was one of the observations that led a German chemist called Johann Debereiner to wonder if all chemical elements came in families .

  24. 介绍英国政府化学家研究所(LGC)研制的五种熔点标准物质的熔点和凝固点的定值方法、定值结果及不确定度的估计。

    The certifcating methods of melting points and freezing points for five LGC certified reference materials for melting point , their determined results and the evaluation of uncertainty are introduced .

  25. KellyScientific是为化学家、生物学家等提供顶尖职位的网站。RichPennock认为,对学科带头人候选者的要求仍很高。

    At Kelly Scientific , which places chemists , biologists and the like from entry level through top officers , demand for candidates is still high , said Rich Pennock , who heads the unit .

  26. 在过去十年中,化学家们已经报道了各种各样的手性(salen)金属配合物催化的高选择性不对称反应。

    A wide variety of highly selective asymmetric reactions catalyzed by chiral ( salen ) metal complexes have been disclosed over the past decade .

  27. 卟啉和金属卟啉的设计合成及其作为光敏化剂敏化TiO2的研究瑞士化学家认为,催化剂首先把敏化剂吸到它的表面并附着在那里。

    Novel Substituted Porphyrins and Metalloporphyrins : Synthesis , Characterization and Photo-catalytic Activity of Their TiO_2-based Composites The Swiss chemists think that the catalyst first draws the sensitizer to its surface and holds it there .

  28. 有关作者:ashutosh(简称ash)jogalekar是一个对于历史和科学哲学感兴趣的化学家。

    About the author : ashutosh ( ash ) jogalekar is a chemist interested in the history and philosophy of science .

  29. NakshatraReddy是一个生物化学家,嫁给了孟买一个富裕的商人。

    Nakshatra Reddy is a biochemist , married to a prosperous businessman in Mumbai ( formerly Bombay ) .

  30. 杜德纳博士是加州大学伯克利分校的生物化学家。3年前,她帮助完成了生物学界堪称不朽的一项发现:用一种比较简单的方法来改变任何生物体的DNA,犹如电脑使用者可以在文档中编辑一个单词一样。

    Three years ago , Dr. Doudna , a biochemist at the University of California , Berkeley , helped make one of the most monumental discoveries in biology : a relatively easy way to alter any organism 's DNA , just as a computer user can edit a word in a document .