
huà xué shēnɡ wù xué
  • chemical biology
  1. 化学生物学导向的HIV-1整合酶抑制剂的发现和结构优化

    Chemical Biology Directed Discovery and Structural Optimization of HIV-1 Integrase Inhibitors

  2. Wainwright博士是这一研究的领导者,同时他也是Feinberg医学院新药开发和化学生物学中心的研究人员。

    Wainwright is also a researcher in the Center for Drug Discovery and Chemical Biology at Feinberg .

  3. 具体研究内容、实验主要结果及结论为:首次从化学生物学视角研究外源Fe2+、Fe3+等对LOX结构及其催化进程的影响。

    The main points were as follows : Influence of exogenous Fe3 + , Fe2 + on LOX catalysis was studied as viewed from chemicobiology for the first time .

  4. 当化学生物学教授黑根贝利(haganbayley)2003年从美国回到牛津大学(oxford)时,他对创办企业并没有多大的兴趣。

    When Hagan Bayley , a professor of chemical biology , returned to Oxford from the US in 2003 , he had no particular interest in starting a business .

  5. 药物小分子合成;计算机辅助药物设计;化学生物学。

    Structure-based drug molecule design and organic synthesis ; Chemical biology .

  6. 化学生物学在生物芯片技术中的角色

    The Role Played by Chemical Biology in the Bio-Chip Technology

  7. 这项研究结果已经在《自然化学生物学》杂志上发表。

    Their work is in the journal Nature Chemical Biology .

  8. 化学生物学新前沿&化学蛋白质组学

    New Frontier in Chemical Biology : Chemical Proteomics

  9. 化学生物学的科学内涵及其发展

    The Content and Development of Chemical Biology

  10. 我们的工作证明了纳米技术在药物发现和化学生物学研究领域中的重要价值。

    Our findings demonstrated the power of nanotechnology in drug discovery and chemical biology research .

  11. 印度化学生物学研究所印度化学品制造商协会

    Indian Institute of Chemical Biology

  12. 迄今,发展和用于光敏开关的光敏剂已成为化学生物学研究的重要方向。

    By now , the development of caging groups for photon switch has become an interesting research area .

  13. 小分子化合物与生物大分子相互作用的研究已经成为了化学生物学中重要的研究课题。

    The study of interaction of small molecular compound and biologic big molecular has been the important research in the biochemistry .

  14. 小分子直接作用受体的预测在药物设计、化学生物学等领域有着重要应用价值。

    Prediction of direct targets of small molecules is of great value in drug design , chemical biology and other research areas .

  15. 摘要化学生物学作为一个新兴的交叉学科,已经引起了我国各个高校化学院系的密切关注。

    As a newly emerged cross discipline , chemical biology has drawn much attention of the schools or departments of many universities in china .

  16. 近年来,发展新的荧光探针,特别是适合于活细胞和单分子实时可视化检测的荧光探针已成为化学生物学的一个交叉前沿研究领域。本论文设计、合成一系列新的荧光探针分子;

    In this thesis , a series of new fluorescent probes were synthesized and investigated for their applications in ion detection and protein labeling .

  17. 相同的血红素辅基如何被不同的蛋白质分子所利用,来执行不同的生物功能,一直是化学生物学和蛋白质化学研究领域所关注的重点。

    How the protein molecules to utilize the heme to perform different biological function , is always the research focus in chemical biology and protein chemistry .

  18. 该研究由国立卫生研究院,斯卡格化学生物学研究所和加拿大卫生研究院资助。

    The study was supported by the National Institutes of Health , The Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology , and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research .

  19. 本文以化学生物学在生物芯片技术发展中扮演的角色为例讨论当前化学生物学发展的特点。

    An example of the role of chemical biology in the development of the bio | chip technology is given to illustrate the basic features of current chemical biology .

  20. 研究人员们称,这项研究成果能为防治流感提供新办法。研究报告将在《自然化学生物学》期刊上发表。

    Researchers have already claimed that the report , which is published in the journal Nature Chemical biology , could lead to new ways to prevent and treat flu .

  21. 化学生物学和结构多样性有机合成使系统研究生物学成为可能,人工转录因子可以用作探针来发现生命过程中新的奥秘。

    Chemical biology and diversity-oriented organic synthesis make possible the systematic exploration of biology and artificial transcription factors be used as a probe for the discovery of new insights into life processes .

  22. 综述了化学生物学作为一个化学与生命科学交叉的新兴学科,正在世界各国迅速兴起,并逐渐成长为未来几十年或更长一段时间内的重要前沿方向。

    As a new interdiscipline between chemistry and life science , chemical biology has springing up in the world and becoming a major direction in the further ten year or much more time .

  23. 但是,有关化学生物学的基本知识结构仍然不清楚,化学、生物学和药学家对于化学生物学内容的理解均本着本学科相关的一些方面,侧重点各不相同。

    But the contents of elementary knowledge about the chemical biology are still not very clear , and the emphasis points of the chemists , biologists and pharmacists about the contents of chemical biology are various from the view of different discipline .

  24. 与之相对应,多样性导向合成是以产生分子结构多样性为目的,是近年发展起来的一个前沿研究方向,与化学生物学或化学基因组学的研究有密切的关系。

    In contrast to TOS , diversity-oriented organic synthesis ( DOS ), aiming for creation of molecular structural diversity , is emerging as a frontier research direction in recent years . It closely associates with research in chemical biology or chemical genetics .

  25. 为了顺应这一新学科发展的需要,众多高校纷纷建立与化学生物学学科相关的实验室或研究组,并开始招收化学生物学专业的本科生和研究生。

    In order to meet the development of this new discipline , many universities have established the related laboratory or research group with the chemical biology discipline , and started to recruit the undergraduate or graduate students ( master or doctor ) of chemical biology speciality .

  26. 迈克尔反应受体分子为一类含有亲电共轭体系官能团的生理活性分子,它们直接或间接参与许多生命过程,同时也是细胞中许多信号转导途径的调节者,在化学生物学研究中起着重要作用。

    Michael reaction acceptors ( MRAs ) are the biologically active molecules which contain electrophilic moieties , which directly or indirectly involved in the life processes , they are also regulators in many signaling pathways in cells , and play an important role in chemical biology studies .

  27. 以反基因战略为背景的各种三链DNA工具无论从化学、生物学和药物学的角度都具有重大的理论及现实意义,已经成为近几年来的研究热点之一。

    Triplex DNA tools on this basis are of great interest from the standpoint of chemistry , medicine and biology .

  28. ESR方法首先应用于物理学、化学、生物学等领域。

    First the ESR technology was applied to physics , chemistry and biology and other areas .

  29. 在探索生物材料过程中,我们鉴定出具有多种生物化学和生物学功能的羊贲门窦基质(OFM),一种大而厚的细胞外基质。

    In the search for biomaterials we have identified ovine forestomach matrix ( OFM ), a thick , large format ECM which is biochemically diverse and biologically functional .

  30. 计算机辅助药物设计(CADD)涉及化学、生物学、计算机科学、信息学、数学和物理学等领域,是一门新兴的、快速发展的边缘学科。

    Computer aid drug design ( CADD ) is a rapid developing frontier branches of science involving Chemistry , Biology , Computer Science , Informatics , Mathematics and Physics .