
huà shí
  • fossil
化石 [huà shí]
  • [fossil] 地壳中包存的属于古地质年代的动物或植物的遗体、遗物或遗迹

  • 标准化石

化石[huà shí]
  1. 全球77%的能量产生自化石燃料。

    On a global scale , 77 % of energy is created from fossil fuels .

  2. 化石燃料(如煤和石油)属于有限资源。

    The fossil fuels ( coal and oil ) are finite resources .

  3. 那些化石已从岩石上被凿了下来。

    The fossils had been chipped out of the rock .

  4. 科学界常常压根接触不到这些化石。

    Oftentimes , these fossils are not made available to science at all

  5. 最重要的部分,即花朵,很少成为化石。

    The most important parts , the flowers , rarely fossilise

  6. 彼得·福雷是自然历史博物馆鱼类化石展厅的负责人。

    Peter Forey is curator of fossil fishes at the Natural History Museum .

  7. 化石搜集者们发掘出了一具大象骨骼,据信距今已有50万年。

    Fossil hunters have unearthed the bones of an elephant believed to be 500,000 years old .

  8. 时间隔得这么久了,很难确定这化石的年代。

    At this distance of time it is difficult to date the fossil .

  9. 猿人化石可以帮助我们推测猿人的生活情况。

    The fossil remains of apemen can help us infer how they lived .

  10. 乔里富组内的化石主要是双壳类和砂壳有孔虫。

    The fauna in the Joli fou consists of bivalves and arenaceous forams .

  11. 化石燃料的价格很可能会“持续走低”。

    Fossil   fuel   prices   are   likely   to   stay   " low   for   long " .

  12. 众所周知,森林的快速砍伐加上化石燃料的大量燃烧是造成不可逆转灾难的爆炸性因素。

    As we know , rapid deforestation combined with the massive burning of fossil fuels is an explosive recipe for an irreversible disaster .

  13. 而减少化石燃料排放的新技术同样如此。

    The   same   is   true   for   new   technologies   for   alleviating   fossil   fuel   emissions .

  14. 但一些社会科学家对此提出了尴尬的问题,提出了艺术经典只不过是历史事件的化石的可能性。

    But some social scientists have been asking awkward questions of it , raising the possibility that artistic canons are little more than fossilised historical accidents .

  15. 换句话说,少数国家从化石燃料消耗中受益巨大,与此同时对减轻气候变化的全球负担贡献不足。

    In other words , a few countries are benefiting enormously from the consumption of fossil fuels , while at the same time contributing disproportionately to the global burden of climate change .

  16. 天然气和煤炭等化石燃料也有类似的价格下跌,而且呈长期走低的趋势。

    Natural   gas   and   coal — also   fossil   fuels — have   similarly   seen   price   declines   that   look   to   be   long-lived .

  17. 罗丝·孟恩思是名在英国剑桥大学研究进化生物学的博士后,他是开放科学的忠实捍卫者,部分原因是他以以化石为基础的研究需要依靠他人的数据。

    Ross Mounce , a postdoc studying evolutionary biology at the University of Cambridge , UK , is a vocal champion of open science , partly because his fossil based research on access to others ' data .

  18. 但是,如果化石燃料的价格长期走低,可再生能源的发展进程有可能变得危及累卵。

    Progress   in   the   development   of   renewables   could   be   fragile ,   however ,   if   fossil   fuel   prices remain   low   for   long .

  19. 大量有力证据表明,化石燃料的高价会强烈刺激清洁技术的创新和使用。

    There   is   strong   evidence   that   both innovation   and   adoption   of   cleaner   technology   are   strongly   encouraged   by   higher   fossil   fuel prices .

  20. 目前化石燃料价格走低的情况必然会延缓化石燃料向清洁能源的转换。

    The   current   low   fossil   fuel   price   environment   will   thus   certainly   delay   the   energy   transition from   fossil   fuel   to   clean   energy   sources .

  21. 但是在未来,可再生能源必将在更大程度上取代化石燃料,这样才可能避免那些我们不能接受的气候风险。

    But   renewable   energy   will   have   to   displace   fossil   fuels   to   a   much   greater   extent   in   thefuture   to   avoid   unacceptable   climate   risks .

  22. 即使是严重依赖化石燃杜出口的经济体,如非洲和中东,也有巨大的潜力开发可再生能源。

    Even   Africa   and   the   Middle   East ,   home   to   economies   that   are heavily   dependent   on   fossil   fuel   exports ,   have   enormous   potential   to   develop   renewables .

  23. 尽管近期在开发可再生燃料方面取得重大突破,但是化石燃料价格走低可能会阻碍更清洁能源技术的进一步创新和使用。

    Notwithstanding   important   recent   progressin   developing   renewable   fuel   sources ,   low   fossil   fuel   prices   could   discourage   further   innovation in ,   and   adoption   of ,   cleaner   energy   technologies .

  24. 如果化石燃料的价格没有依据合理的碳价格修订,化石燃料的低价则不能向市场发出准确信号,表明清洁能源的真正社会效益。

    If   not   corrected   by   the   appropriate carbon   price ,   low   fossil   fuel   prices   are   not   accurately   signaling   to   markets   the   true   social profitability   of   clean   energy .

  25. 可再生能源在全球一次能源消耗中只占小部分份额,目前仍主要以化石燃料为依托,据统计,煤炭和石油的使用占30%,天然气占25%。

    Renewables   account   for   only   a   small   share   of   global   primary   energy consumption ,   which   is   still   dominated   by   fossil   fuels — 30 %   each   for   coal   and   oil , 25 %   for   natural gas .

  26. 像这样的绿色建筑对投资者来说不一定划算,但是它产生的污染确实比通过化石燃料来产生能源所造成的污染少。

    Green buildings like this aren 't necessarily cost-efficient for the investor , but it does produce much less pollution than that caused by energy production through fossil fuels .

  27. 利用广泛的数据源,与计算机模拟相结合,创建了一条海洋温度变化的时间线,包括火山爆发后的冷却和化石燃料排放后导致的升温。

    The extensive data sources , Combined with computer simulations , created a timeline of ocean temperature changes , including cooling from volcanic outbreaks and warming from fossil fuel emissions .

  28. 现在,研究人员们把令人惊叹的化石新发现和最新电子计算机断层扫描技术结合起来,制作出了最为先进的原始鸟类头骨3D模型。

    Now researchers have combined extraordinary new fossil discoveries with the latest CT scanning techniques to make the most advanced 3D model of the skull2 of a primitive4 bird .

  29. 在那山谷里,地质学家发现了许多裸露的化石

    The geologist found many uncovered fossils in the valley .

  30. 犰狳和树懒化石让他获得了灵感。

    He was inspired by fossils of armadillos and sloths .