
  1. 《寻找左宗棠》(TheSearchforGeneralTso)的头号明星在影片一开始便得到一个特写镜头:为了给菜单拍摄照片,人们把这道以左宗棠命名的鸡肉菜端上来。

    The top-billed star of The Search for General Tso gets its close-up in the opening scene : the staging of that namesake chicken dish for a menu photo shoot .

  2. 左宗棠收复新疆有深刻的思想基础。

    Zuozongtang had a deep ideological foundation when he recovered xinjiang .

  3. 在餐馆里,就是左宗棠鸡了。

    At a restaurant , it 's general tso 's chicken .

  4. 第二年9月,左宗棠病逝于福州。

    In the next September , Zuo Zongtang died in Fuzhou .

  5. 左宗棠与西部农业开发

    ZUO Zong tang and the Agricultural Development in West China

  6. 左宗棠就建议政府修建造船厂。

    Zuo Zongtang proposed that the government build a shipyard .

  7. 试论左宗棠保卫、开发新疆的思想和实践活动

    On ZUO Zong-tang 's Ideas and Practice in Protecting and Developing Xinjiang

  8. 左宗棠与西北茶务

    Zuo Zong-tang and the tea business of northwestern China

  9. 左宗棠与开发甘肃

    ZUO Zong-tang 's Contributions to the Development of Gansu

  10. 左宗棠的军事思想,可以说是在这个特定时代激荡下思考的结果。

    His military thought can be treated as the outcome from the particular time .

  11. 例如,左宗棠的经济伦理思想,就是在其经济活动中提出并得以贯彻的。

    For example , his economic ethics was raised and carried out in business activities .

  12. 而在中国,左宗棠确实是因为战争而不是鸡肉闻名的。

    But in China , this guy 's actually known for war and not chicken .

  13. 左宗棠西征是对中国西部发展有着深远影响的一次重要的军事行动。

    Zuo Zong-tangs western expedition is an important military operation that had profound influence upon western development .

  14. 左宗棠开发西北的战略思想对西部大开发的启示

    Enlightenment to the Development of West Regions from Zuo Zong-tang ′ s Strategic Thought of Exploiting the Northwest Area

  15. 例如,在1870年的“天津教案”中,曾国藩与左宗棠的不同态度。

    For example , in1870 , the " Tianjin Massacre ", the Tseng Kuo-fan and Tso of the different approaches .

  16. 本文拟对左宗棠的学术思想作一初步的探讨,求得学术界对这一问题的更深入的研究。

    I want to do a preliminary study on it , hoping academic circles make more thorough study on the problem .

  17. 一提到近代中国的海防和塞防,人们不禁会想到左宗棠和李鸿章。

    Once we mention modern China coast and frontier defense , people cannot help to think of Zuo Zongtang and Li Hongzhang .

  18. 1875年,陕甘总督左宗棠就任钦差大臣,督办新疆事务。

    In1875 , Zuo Zongtang , governor-general of Shaanxi and Gansu provinces , was appointed imperial commissioner to supervise the affairs of Xinjiang .

  19. 积极引进西方先进机器设备和技术,力助左宗棠开发大西北;

    Secondly , he imported advanced machine equipments and technology from western countries initiatively and assisted Zuo to develop the northwest area of China .

  20. 本文基于对史实的分析,阐述了左宗棠的爱国主义思想的形成和发展。

    This article expounds the formation and development of the thought of Zuo Zong-tang ′ s patriotism , based on the analysis of historical facts .

  21. 左宗棠对清末海防建设的不朽贡献&评左宗棠创建福州马尾船政局具有块茎状根的各种秋海棠属植物。

    Great Contribution to Chinese Coastal Defense : Establishment of Mawei Ship Council by Zuo Zongtang ; any of numerous begonias having large tuberous roots .

  22. 再次,研究左宗棠的思想,我们会发觉左宗棠在政治、教育、军事等领域都有自己的成就。

    In addition , after studied the thoughts of Zuo , we can find that he had his owe achievement in politics , education and military .

  23. 左宗棠生活的年代,中国正处于由封建主义向资本主义转变的过程中,这在学术思想方面也必然有新的反映。

    At Zuo Zong-tang 's time , China was in the course of turning from feudalism into capitalism , which certainly had new reflection in academic thought .

  24. 可以说,左宗棠以他全部的生命之火塑造了传统文人的精神典范。

    Left Zong Tang 's spirit , left Zong Tang 's personality , the typical model realistically embodied the essence of traditional scholar spirit in China again .

  25. 左宗棠在指挥西征军收复新疆期间提出了战后新疆开发的方案,形成了他的新疆开发思想。

    As Zuo Zongtang led the Western Expedition Army to recover Xinjiang , he advanced the project in Xinjiang 's development and conceived his idea in this aspect .

  26. 左宗棠鸡,在美国海军军校被称为左司令鸡。我很喜欢这道菜。

    General Tso 's Chicken & which , by the way , in the US Naval Academy is called Admiral Tso 's Chicken . I love this dish .

  27. 文章主要分析左宗棠从提出创办船政局到船政局基本建立(1873年)这一段时期围绕创办船政所表现出的复杂的权力状况。

    My paper mainly analyses the complicate political power about the founding of the Foochow Arsenal from that it was talked to it was basically founded ( 1873 ) .

  28. 后人在马尾遗址修建“中国船政博物馆”,开门可见三尊铜像,分别就是左宗棠、沈葆桢和胡雪岩。

    When the descendants built " China dockyard Museum " on Ma Wei site , they saw three bronze statues , Zuo Zongtang , Shen Baozhen , Hu Xueyan , respectively .

  29. 本文拟以左宗棠的西北禁烟思想和实践为中心,对其掌控西北政坛时期的一系列禁烟活动进行了较为详细的述论。

    This article aims to his thought and practice about banning opium in Northwest China , discusses and makes detailed Dynasty about his banning opium activities when he governed in Northwest China .

  30. 胡雪岩对洋务并不陌生,1868年左宗棠创办福建船政局的时候,所有购买外商机器、军火事务便都是由胡雪岩一手操办的。

    Hu Xueyan was not strange to Westernization since he had purchased machines from foreign merchants and handled ammunition affairs all by himself when Zuo Zongtang established Fujian ship-biulding Bureau in 1868 .