
  • Old Capital of Zheng and Han Kingdoms Site of Capital of Kingdom Zheng and Han
  1. 研究郑韩故城的防御体系,有着较重要的学术意义及现实意义。

    Researches on defense system of it are of great academic and practical significance .

  2. 在郑韩故城发现的陶作坊遗址,主要遗迹有窑址群。

    The pottery workshop site was discovered in the city site of Zheng and Han states .

  3. 该遗址的发现对于研究周代用鼎制度、郑韩故城的城市布局、青铜器的分期断代等,都具有重要价值。

    This discovery is of great value to the research on bronze ding s using system of Zhou Dynasty , distribution of Zheng and Han s onetime city , dates and stages of the bronzes .

  4. 并进一步指出,尽管郑韩故城防御体系的效果是明显的,但随着郑、韩军事力量的衰弱,郑城的军事防御体系逐渐瓦解。

    The author points out that although the defense system of the Original Town was very effective , it collapsed gradually as the military power of Zheng and Han states was becoming weaker and weaker .

  5. 第四章:简要分析了郑韩故城的精神防御构成,在城址设计上注意聚气与避邪,庙宇建筑可对敌人产生精神震慑,通过祭祀又可求得自然神与祖先神的护佑。

    When designing the town site , they paid attention to gathering Qi together and avoiding evil spirits . Temples could frighten enemies spiritually . Sacrifice could pray for the protection and help of natural gods and forefathers .