
  • 网络epictetus
  1. 他说:“提出这一想法的是一位斯多葛派晢学家,名叫爱比克泰德”。

    " The individual who promoted this idea was a Stoic philosopher.His name is Epictetus , " he says .

  2. 因此爱比克泰德会说,坐在家里一味担心是否会染上猪流感这一做法是错误的、浪费时间的并且荒谬的。

    So what Epictetus would say is sitting at home worrying about that would be wrong and wasteful and irrational .

  3. 斯皮奥斯和他的合著者帕诺斯·默多库塔斯,借助该哲学背后的人——亚里士多德、苏格拉底、爱比克泰德和毕达哥拉斯等等,研究出10条黄金法则。

    Soupios , along with his co-author Panos Mourdoukoutas , developed their 10 golden rules by turning to the men behind that philosophy — Aristotle , Socrates , Epictetus and Pythagoras , among others .

  4. 瑜伽士说,在明白此一事实之前,你将永远感到绝望,斯多葛派的希腊哲学家爱比克泰德(Epictetus)说过一句话,精确地表达了此种想法“你这可怜的人,心中怀抱着神,却不认识他。”

    Before you realize this truth , say the Yogis , you will always be in despair , a notion nicely expressed in this exasperated line from the Greek stoic philosopher Epictetus : " You bear God within you , poor wretch , and know it not . "

  5. 困难放能见人品。&爱比克泰德。

    It is difficults that show what men are . & epictetus .

  6. 这种完全由己的东西,爱比克泰德将之定义为“在我们控制下的东西”。

    Epictetus defines the things completely up to us as " the things which under our control " .

  7. 他回忆了爱比克泰德的一句话:人们啊,哲学家的讲堂是一所医院;

    He recalled a line from Epictetus : Men , the lecture-room of the philosopher is a hospital ;

  8. 本文认为:爱比克泰德哲学是一种以人生幸福为其旨归的道德哲学。

    In this dissertation I argued that the philosophy of Epictetus is a kind of moral philosophy which aims at the attainment of happiness .

  9. 斯多葛学派是古希腊和古罗马时期的一支地位举足轻重的思想流派,其代表人物有芝诺、爱比克泰德、塞涅卡等人。

    The stoicism is a very important school of thought in ancient Greece and ancient Rome , it 's representative men include Zeno , Epictetus and Seneca etc.