
  • 网络cicero;Marcus Tullius Cicero;ciceronian;M.T.Cicero
  1. “打断别的发言人的讲话是粗俗鲁莽的”的这一原则这至少可以追溯至公元前44年,西塞罗(Cicero)所写的文字。他说,良好的交谈需要参与者之间的“轮转”。

    The principle that it is rude to interrupt another speaker goes back at least to Cicero , writing in 44BC , who said that good conversation required " alternation " among participants .

  2. 伊丽莎白一世从西塞罗的作品里寻找演说技巧和法治灵感;

    Queen Elizabeth I read Cicero for rhetorical and legal strategy .

  3. 西塞罗的国家定义对奥古斯丁的影响

    On the influence of Cicero 's Definition of State to Augustine

  4. 继西塞罗之后,罗马进入帝国时期。

    After Cicero , Roman entered into the period of Empire .

  5. 从西塞罗到奥古斯丁:自然神学及其局限

    From Cicero to Augustine : Natural Theology and Its Limitation

  6. 人民的利益应是至高无上的法律。&西塞罗

    The good of the people is the highest law . & Cicero

  7. 义务为什么如此重要&西塞罗《论义务》片论

    Why Obligation Is so Important & Fragments on Cicero 's De Officiis

  8. 节约本身就是一大笔收入。&西塞罗

    Economy is of itself a great revenue . & Cicero

  9. 其奠基者首推古罗马著名的思想家西塞罗。

    Its founder is Cicero who is a famous thinker in Roman .

  10. 我们明早在西塞罗见面怎么样

    Why don 't we meet at Cicero tomorrow morning ?

  11. 从西塞罗这可以学到的这些规则有:咬字清楚,通情达意;

    The rules we learn from Cicero are these : speak clearly ;

  12. 早就死在了西塞罗市

    He 's back in Cicero , dead and buried .

  13. 总之,西塞罗的大部分居民都很害怕冬天

    In fact , most folks in Cicero were scared of winter ,

  14. 节约本身就是巨大的收益。&西塞罗

    Economy is of itself a great revenue . - Marcus Tullius Cicero

  15. 论西塞罗理性主义自然法思想

    On the Thought of Cicero on Rationalistic Natural Law

  16. 论西塞罗的自然法哲学思想

    On Cicero 's Thought of the Natural Legal Philosophy

  17. 论西塞罗对古希腊法律思想的继承和发展

    Discussion on Cicero 's Inheritance and Development of the Ancient Greek Law Thought

  18. 西塞罗将这种态度看成是正义。

    This attitude was equated with justice by Cicero .

  19. 没有诚实何谈尊严?&M.T。西塞罗,古罗马诗人和演说家。

    What is dignity without honesty ? Marcus Tullius Cicero , Roman poet orator .

  20. 论西塞罗的神学立场与宗教态度

    On Cicero 's Theological Position and Religious Attitude

  21. 西塞罗甚至没在名单中

    Cicero wasn 't even on your list .

  22. 就在伊利诺伊州的西塞罗市

    in a town called Cicero , Illinois .

  23. 安谛巴特洛斯是古代希腊的诗人,与古代罗马的西塞罗是同时代人。

    Antipatros was an ancient Greek poet of the time of ancient Rome Cicero .

  24. 著名的西塞罗说:

    The famous Cicero had this to say :

  25. 我们把各地西塞罗式的雄辩家都招来了。

    We have enrolled every local Cicero .

  26. 学生勉强地学习西塞罗学说;长时间疲惫地穿过数里远的丛林。

    A student 's weary slog through cicero ; a slog through miles of jungle .

  27. 人是由自己的风度和品格构成的。&西塞罗

    A man 's own manner and character is what most becomes him . & Cicero

  28. 荣誉是美德的报偿。(西塞罗语)

    Honor is the reward for virtue .

  29. 论西塞罗的法律思想

    On Cicero 's Thoughts of Law

  30. 一个是西塞罗的《论学园派》

    Another is Cicero 's Academica .