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  • 网络conflict;Dramatic Conflict
  1. 浅析《牡丹亭》的戏剧冲突

    Simple Explanation to the Dramatic Conflict of Peony Pavilion

  2. 围绕这一形象展开的独特的戏剧冲突,具有广泛而深刻的社会意义。

    The dramatic conflict centered on this character has extensive and profound social significance .

  3. 戏剧性和戏剧冲突的新的表现形式;

    His new ways of displaying the dramatic conflicts ;

  4. 但这并不是比赛中仅有的一次戏剧冲突。

    It wasn 't the only controversial play of the match , however .

  5. 《西厢记》戏剧冲突动因新论&人物间诚信与失信的性格矛盾

    A New View of the Conflict in West Chamber : Honesty against Dishonesty

  6. 论《威尼斯商人》社会性戏剧冲突及其教学策略

    Sociality Contradictions in the Merchant of Venice and the Tactics in Its Teaching

  7. 论元剧民俗纠葛对构建戏剧冲突的作用

    On the Play Element in Building a Theater Folk Disputes the Role of Conflict

  8. 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的戏剧冲突

    On the Dramatic Conflict in The Great Gatsby

  9. 试论契诃夫戏剧冲突的内化特征冲突与融合:儒家价值观与西方价值观

    Conflicts and Fuses : Between the Confucius Ideas and the Western Ideas on Values

  10. 文明冲突与戏剧冲突&兼评亨廷顿和赛义德的文化理论

    Clash of Civilizations and Conflicts on Stage

  11. 布莱希特戏剧冲突初探

    A Review of Brecht ' Dramatic Conflicts

  12. 情态与《雷雨》中的戏剧冲突

    Modality and Dramatic Conflicts in Thunderstorm

  13. 其对戏剧冲突的安排,确实反映出剧作家高超的艺术水平。

    According to the drama conflicts arrangement , it reflects the writer 's high art level .

  14. 戏剧冲突的最高本质

    The Essence in Dramatic Conflicts

  15. 论戏剧冲突

    On the Conflicts of Dramas

  16. 第二部分阐述了音乐因素和戏剧冲突因素在歌剧形象塑造中的作用。

    The second part elaborated music factor and the dramatic conflict factor in the opera image mold function .

  17. 其戏剧冲突较传统戏剧而言最大的特点是冲突弱化和内化。

    Compared to the traditional drama , the characteristics of his drama are the weakening and internalization of conflicts .

  18. 他的歌剧从美学的特征上看,既充斥着悲剧之美又不乏喜剧成分,既有和谐之美又伴随着戏剧冲突。

    From an aesthetical angle , his operas are both tragical and comedic , filled with harmony and dramatical conflictions .

  19. 情与理、善与恶的冲突&谈《雷雨》中的戏剧冲突

    Conflict between Sentiment and Sense , Mercy and Evil ── Talk on the Conflict of play in Thunder and Rain

  20. 伊朗电影描述的通常是家庭、朋友以及不容易产生戏剧冲突的日常生活。

    Iranian films are often about families and friends , daily routines that do not lend readily to screen dramatization .

  21. 戏剧冲突与诗歌力量&略论叶延滨诗作中的戏剧性因素

    Analyzing the Drama 's Conflict and the Poem 's Power as the Drama Element in the Poetry Composing of Ye Yan-bin

  22. 西尔维亚-普拉斯的作品能让狮子领略强烈的戏剧冲突,约翰-格里沙姆的作品则能满足狮子对简单直接的兴奋感的要求。

    Sylvia Plath should satisfy that intensely dramatic streak , and John Grisham fulfills your need for accessible , instant excitement .

  23. 话剧是在特定的环境中通过戏剧冲突、人物性格和事件的发展、细节的描绘将主题立意自然而然地渗透出来。

    Drama comes from theme through drama conflicts , characters ' personalities , events and description of details in specific environment .

  24. 歌剧情节按排、形象塑造、戏剧冲突等方面在原著小说基础上进行了舞台化、艺术化创作。

    Aspects of opera plot , characterization , dramatic conflict for the creation of artistic stage , in the original story on the basis of .

  25. 剖析了《威尼斯商人》的两组戏剧冲突,指出两组戏剧冲突构成了喜剧的艺术整体。

    The Merchant of Venice is a comedy composed by two groups of drama conflicts which crisscross with gradual progress and rise one after another .

  26. 这些角色展现了独特的人性,而角色之间也交织着年少的浪漫,忧虑,不羁,幽默和戏剧冲突。

    There is young romance , corrosive anxiety , playfulness , humour and high drama between the characters as they celebrate their uniqueness as human beings .

  27. 他沿用传统的戏剧冲突的方式,通过改变叙事视角使小说中到处弥漫着喜剧色彩,呈现戏剧化。

    He applies the conflicted styles in the traditional dramas , and by changing his narrative angle of view he makes his novel carry a comedy atmosphere .

  28. 戏曲电视剧是以电视为媒介,把戏曲舞台剧和电视剧手段有机结合展开戏剧冲突的艺术。

    Taking TV sets as the medium , TV drama opera is a kind of art to express the dramatic conflict with a combination of drama opera and TV opera .

  29. 他不仅具有情节结构上的意义,引发戏剧冲突的不断展开。而且作为作者代言人,体现了剧作“疗妒劝顺”道德风世的创作主旨。

    His appearance bears not only the structural significance to develop the plots , but also moral enlightenment to diminish envy and advocate obedience , as the voice of the author .

  30. 论文通过对《雷雨》中各人物使用情态的情况进行的详细统计和分析,说明戏剧冲突,即剧中人物性格冲突和社会地位(权力和同等关系)冲突通过情态的使用得到了充分的体现。

    The personality conflict and social position ( power and solidarity ) conflicts are displayed through the statistic data and the analysis of the use of modality by different characters in Thunderstorm .