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dà miàn
  • surface;male role with heavily painted face;general appearance
大面 [dà miàn]
  • [the painted face]〈方〉∶表面;面子

  1. 进电方式采用大面四点进电,以有效减少磁场干扰,保证电解槽生产平稳进行。

    The mode of current input is four points in the big surface so as to efficiently decrease the magnetic field disturbance and accordingly to make the cell run more stably .

  2. 大面上还过得去。

    It 's basically all right .

  3. 大面阵CCD影像多通道不一致性消除算法

    The Eliminate Inconsistent Algorithm of Large Plane Array CCD Multiple Channel Images

  4. 大面阵CCD航测相机图像去黑斑的处理

    Processing of the Black Speckle in Digital Image of Large CCD Camera

  5. 无人机大面阵CCD相机遥感系统

    Large frame CCD camera system for unmanned aircraft remote sensing

  6. 大面阵CCD测棉纤维长度分布

    Measurement of Cotton Fiber Length Distribution by Large CCD-Array

  7. 基于大面阵CCD的复消色差航空相机物镜设计

    Design of Apochromatism Objective Lens of Aerial Camera Based on Large Frame Array CCD

  8. 论文研究的是以超轻型飞机为飞行摄影平台,利用大面阵CCD数码相机获取航空影像的低空摄影测量。

    This paper studies light-air survey based on super-light aircraft platform and large array CCD .

  9. 通过对分通道影像配准误差的分析,建立了大面阵彩色CCD航测相机彩色合成影像的理论基础。

    The basic theory of composite image of large format CCD aerial camera has been founded .

  10. 大面阵CCD图像实时显示系统中的SDRAM控制器设计

    SDRAM controller designed for real-time display system of large-array CCD image

  11. 大面阵高帧频可配置CMOS数字视频系统研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Huge Frame and High frame speed configurable CMOS Digital Video System

  12. 大面阵CMOSAPS相机系统的设计

    Design of a Lagre Area Array CMOS APS Camera System

  13. 高帧频大面阵彩色CMOS相机Bayer滤波器解码算法

    Bayer Filter Decode Algorithm in High Frame and Big Area Color CMOS Camera

  14. 利用ANSYS有限元软件具有的多重单元、多重属性及其能耦合求解电、热场的特点,建立了铝电解槽阳极和熔体大面切片的有限元模型。

    The finite element model of anode and molten electrolyte is built according to multiple elements and multiple properties of ANSYS software .

  15. 介绍了高帧频大面阵彩色CMOS相机的Bayer滤波器解码算法,实现了彩色图像输出。

    This paper introduces Bayer filter decode algorithm of high frame and big area color CMOS camera , and realizes color image output .

  16. 同时,随着大面阵CCD广泛应用于天文设备,由此产生了巨大的数据量。

    At the same time , as the large area array CCD ( Charge Coupled Devices ) widely used in astronomical equipments , a huge amount of data has produced .

  17. 文章介绍了有关的高速LD、高速PD、大面阵CCD、新型红外焦平面阵列、多功能集成光学器件等的发展动向。

    Typical devices include laser diodes with high bit-rate , photodiodes with high speed reponse , large-area CCD arrays , new-type infrared focal plane arrays and multifunction integrated optic components .

  18. 对太阳敏感器的实验研究和屏阵列光线引入器的结构设计与使用性能的初步探讨说明大面阵CMOS图像传感器和新型光线引入器有助于太阳敏感器的微型化和高精度化。

    The experimental results and the analysis of the diaphragm 's design and structural features show that high-resolution CMOS image sensor and the novel diaphragm produce a very small sun sensor that is still very accurate .

  19. 针对无人机遥感有效载荷的特点,利用系统集成的方法,设计了一套实用的无人机大面阵CCD相机遥感系统。

    Based on the features of unmanned aircraft remote sensing payloads , a set of digital frame CCD camera was designed by integration of optical , mechanical , and electrical hardware to reach the requirements of good performance and practicability .

  20. 本文针对一种新型大面阵CCD航测相机,主要讨论了它的几何成像模型,影像几何处理,全色影像辐射校正等,并用实验数据验证了处理方法的正确性、适用性。

    In this paper , a new type of large array CCD aerial camera focused on the geometric imaging model , image geometry processing , radiometric correction of panchromatic images , etc. With experimental results verify the correctness of data processing method and applicability .

  21. 本文提出了基于行间转移面阵CCD结构的TDI调光方法,实现了宽视场大面阵CCD相机自动调光。

    Between the lines proposed in this paper we put forward the TDI dimming method which is based on the structure of the interline transfer area CCD , and then we achieve the wide field of large area CCD camera automatically dimming .

  22. DX12000×1000大面铣床设计构想

    Design Concept of DX12000 × 1000 Large-area Milling Machine

  23. 随着尸体异体皮来源的匮乏,在救治大面III°烧伤患儿时,医务人员可以考虑应用患者亲属或其他志愿者提供新鲜异体皮的可能性;

    As cadaver allograft trends to be increasingly short of supplies , one day in near future , medical workers may need to consider the possibility of harvesting the allo-split skin from patient 's family members or another living volunteers in the treatment of extensive III children burns .

  24. 大面阵数字航测相机像移补偿的实现

    Image motion compensation realization of large resolution digital aerial survey camera

  25. 砖混结构是我省量大面广的传统建筑。

    The brick concrete structure is traditional building in our province .

  26. 大面元三维地震勘探在准噶尔盆地的成功实践

    On Successful Practices for Large Bin 3D Seismic Prospecting in Junggar Basin

  27. 大面阵数字航测相机的精密几何标定

    Accurate geometric calibration of large resolution digital aerial survey camera

  28. 车用493型柴油机在我国主要是轻卡的配套动力,量大面广。

    The 493 diesel engine is extensively employed in the light - truck .

  29. 氩离子束刻蚀制作大面阵微透镜阵列

    The Fabrication of Microlens Arrays Etched by Ar Ion Beam with Large Area

  30. 机械密封是流体机械旋转轴密封的主要类型,使用量大面广。

    Mechanic seals are widely used in fluid machines for their rotary shafts .