
èr rén zhuàn
  • Song and dance duet;a song-and-dance duet popular in the Northeast;a song-and-dance duet popular in the Northeast of China
二人转 [èr rén zhuàn]
  • [a song-and-dance duet popular in the Northeast] 曲艺的一种。亦名双玩艺,流行于辽宁、吉林、黑龙江。由二人表演,作一旦一丑,以唱、说、做、舞、绝为主要手段敷演故事

二人转[èr rén zhuàn]
  1. 试论二人转在审美和娱乐之间的价值取向

    On the value orientation between esthetic and entertainment for Dance Duet

  2. 我只是一个普通的二人转演员。

    I am just an ordinary actor of " two person act " .

  3. 对于二人转的理论研究具有加深和补充作用。

    Therefore , the theoretical study of Song-and-dance Duet is deepened and supplemented .

  4. 二人转是一门独特的艺术。

    Song-and-dance duet is a kind of unique art .

  5. 平民的狂欢&浅析东北二人转的审美特点

    The Carnival of the Common People & Analysis of Aesthetic Characteristics of Couple Dance Opera

  6. 二人转它凭借着无穷的魅力召唤出这个时代最缺乏的形式。

    Song-and-dance Duet summons the form that this era lacks most by its infinite enchantment .

  7. 唱功是二人转艺术感染观众的主要手段。

    The art of singing is one main means to attract and infect the audience .

  8. 本文通过运用音乐人类学方法对二人转在城市剧场现状进行分析,欲以揭示它重新兴盛的个中原因。

    The thesis is an ethnomusicological analysis of the causes for its revival in urban theatres .

  9. 二人转的野性空间

    Wild Space of Er Ren Zhuan

  10. 二人转是深受东北农民喜爱的一种民间艺术。

    Song - and - Dance Duet is a civil art in northeast which farmers like it deeply .

  11. 最近,二人转已为中国老百姓所喜闻乐见。

    The er ren zhuan , or two-person skit , has gained in popularly among the Chinese recently .

  12. 从当事人的观点&换一个角度看民间欣赏二人转

    From the Client 's Point of View & To Appreciate Folk Song and Dance Duet from another Angle

  13. 在绪论中,论述了从文化角度阐释二人转的学术价值和研究前景。

    In the introduction , discusses the interpretation from the cultural perspective the academic value and the research prospect .

  14. 大众传播语境下东北二人转传播形态转化研究

    A Study on the Morphological Transformation of " ErRenZhuan " in Northeast China in the Context of Mass Media

  15. 他们也总是让我大笑不止,我也特别喜欢二人转和小品。老师,什么时候我教你东北话?

    Guifa : That 's very kind of you , you know what , I am learning Dongbei dialect .

  16. 第四章主要分析的是二人转《大西厢》的演出传播和接受情况。

    The fourth chapter mainly analysis is performed in romance of the Western Chamber " Errenzhuan " spread and acceptance .

  17. 二人转身离开那里,向所多玛去。但亚伯拉罕仍旧站在耶和华面前。

    And the men turned their faces from thence , and went toward Sodom : but Abraham stood yet before the LORD .

  18. 电视剧小品化、二人转化是赵本山农村题材电视剧的一大特点,也是其电视剧喜剧性的重要构成要素。

    Pieces of drama , two rural teleplays Zhao transformation is a major feature , but also its important TV comedy elements .

  19. 从精神分析美学角度对二人转进行研究可以获得理性精神和反思意志,这正是东北二人转艺术所缺乏的。

    Psychoanalytic esthetical research on Song-and-dance Duet can bring rational spirit as well as reflection will , which the Song-and-dance Duet lacks most .

  20. 早期二人转的出现,正是东北地区经济文化达到一定水平的产物。

    Early two-person show ( Leap Opera ) appears , it is Northeast regional economic and cultural reach a certain level of product .

  21. 今天,二人转不但转在东北,还转在全国各地的舞台上,为大家带去欢乐。

    Nowadays , this form of art has wide spread to the whole country and also brings a lot of fun to the audience .

  22. 赵本山透露,考虑把东北二人转带来当地演出,好让新加坡人认识这门艺术。

    Benshan Zhao said he was considering bringing his team to perform in Singapore , then people there would know better of their performace .

  23. 话轮转换是日常会话中一个十分普遍的现象,但它在东北二人转中呈现出不同于日常会话的特点。

    Turn-taking is a very common phenomenon in daily conversation , but in northeast song-and-dance duets it exhibits features different from those in daily conversation .

  24. 第三章中,着重从二人转的表演形式和曲牌曲调方面,分析了东北民俗生活对于二人转表演形态的影响。

    The third chapter , emphatically from the acting style and article analyzes tunes for the northeast folk life , the influence of performance form .

  25. 又透过火爆的表象深入挖掘二人转背后存在的问题并给予相应的研究,找出适合的对策。

    Through fierce idea , Go deep into scoop out Song-and-Dance Duet back the problem of existence combine give homologous research , find out the most suitable counterplan .

  26. 东北二人转中特殊的话轮转换机制不仅奠定了它的基本会话类型,而且限制了会话参与者的言语行为。

    Not only does its special turn-taking organization found the basic conversational pattern for its performance , but also it restricts the speech acts of participants in conversation .

  27. 通过二人转唱功中的咬字吐字的艺术规律,总结二人转咬字吐字的艺术特色,从而反映出东北方言的语言特色和黑土文化的时代特征;

    Through the artistic regulation of articulation , to summarize the artistic features of articulation so as to reflect the linguistic features of northern-east dialect and the characteristics of black-soil culture .

  28. 这个是怎么样的?因为我是南方人嘛。我听说过这个二人转,但是我不是非常地了解这个二人转是怎么一回事。

    What 's that like ? Because I 'm from the south . I 've heard of song and dance duets , but I 'm not really sure what they are .

  29. 二人转演唱的咬字吐字技巧作为切入点,反映出二人转咬字吐字的语言特色,从而使人们领略到二人转土乡土色的艺术风格;

    From the articulation skill of performing the song-and-dance duet , the starting point , to reflect the linguistic feature in articulation so that people could enjoy the indigenous artistic style of the song-and-dance duet .

  30. 本文从民风、黑土地情缘、二人转等人文地理各方面的风土人情入手重新概括东北农村题材电视剧的概念。

    In this paper , customs , land and love , er-ren-zhuan such as customs of the various aspects of human geography to re-start with a general north-east of the concept of drama in rural subjects .