
  • Virtual storage;【计】virtual memory
  1. 基于新型Cache一致性协议的共享虚拟存储系统

    A software DSM system based on a new cache coherence protocol

  2. 现有的应用于虚拟存储管理的页面置换算法主要是LeastReferenceUsed(LRU)页面置换算法。

    Least Reference Used ( LRU ) page replacement is the current common used page replacement .

  3. 文中提出了一种基于P2P的虚拟存储管理系统的设计与实现方法。

    A virtual storage manage system based on P2P technology was presented .

  4. 基于WINDOWSnt核心态驱动实现虚拟存储管理若干问题研究

    Study of Storage Management for Virtual Device Created in Kernel-Mode Windows NT Drivers

  5. IP存储技术和虚拟存储技术是目前网络存储发展的两大趋势。

    Storage over IP and storage virtualization technology are the most important technology at the trend of the storage-network convergence .

  6. VirtualMemberManager是在WebSphereProcessServerV6.1中首次引入的,将多个用户存储库配置成一个虚拟存储库。

    The Virtual Member Manager was introduced in WebSphere Process Server V6.1 to configure multiple user repositories into a single virtual repository .

  7. 基于流媒体服务的SAAS虚拟存储方案的设计

    Design of SAAS virtual storage scheme based on streaming media service

  8. 自动方式包括为多重虚拟存储(multiplevirtualstorage,MVS)生成的包含元信息的存储库。

    The automated approach involves creating a repository containing meta information for multiple virtual storage ( MVS ) and distributed environments .

  9. 共享虚拟存储系统SVM和面向共享存储的编译技术的相结合有效地解决了这一问题,使得编写并行应用程序变得十分容易,而且易于移植。

    One method for eliminating this restriction is to combine powerful shared memory parallelizing compilers with software Shared Virtual Memory systems .

  10. 如果是,我建议您查阅有关如何从物理存储向虚拟存储迁移的最新IBM红皮书(参见参考资料)。

    If you are , then I recommend you review the latest IBM Redbook on migrating from physical to virtual storage ( see Resources ) .

  11. 本文介绍一种基于SAN的虚拟存储系统,以及其中使用到的存储代理机制。

    In this paper , based on SAN , we introduce a virtual storage prototype and the storage agent technology in this system .

  12. 文章提出了在IBMPCBASIC程序状态下,利用文件空间对BASIC的数据空间作虚拟存储来扩充其空间,即File方法。

    This paper proposes a method named File , which uses BASIC data space as the expansion of " fictitious storage " by document space at the state of IBM PC BASIC program .

  13. 对SNOW机群系统的分布式共享存储管理机制进行适当的简化,就可实现网络虚拟存储环境。

    A method of implementing a NVM system by simplifying the distributed shared memory management , which is used in our SNOW clustering system , is introduced .

  14. Windows操作系统采用请求分页的虚拟存储管理技术,通过在虚拟地址空间的页与物理地址空间的页之间建立映射,实现虚拟地址到物理地址的变换。

    Windows operating system using paged virtual memory management technology . The translation from virtual address to physical address is realized by establishing page mapping from virtual address space to physical address space .

  15. 关于PowerHA和虚拟存储支持的更多信息,请参见IBM技术文档和PowerHA文档。

    Refer to the IBM technical documentation and PowerHA documentation for more information relating to PowerHA and virtual storage support .

  16. 然而传统的服务器存储管理系统不能适应集群环境下的数据管理,尤其是随着SANs(StorageAreaNetworks)技术的日益发展与普及,研究集群环境下的虚拟存储系统成为迫切任务。

    But the traditional storage virtualization system is unfit for the cluster and Storage Area Networks ( SANs ) . With the development of SANs , the cluster virtualization management system is needed urgently .

  17. 目前以SAN(storageareanetwork)为代表的网络虚拟存储技术被公认为是存储业界的重要发展方向,SAN具有高可用性、高可扩展性、高性能以及集中存储管理等诸多优点。

    Nowadays network virtual storage represented by SAN ( Storage Area Network ) is recognized as an important developing direction in storage network industry . SAN has the advantage of high availability , high expandability , high performance and centralized storage management .

  18. 在虚拟存储存取方法(VSAM)中,描述目录或关键字顺序簇的索引部分的一种目录项。

    In VSAM , a catalog entry which describes the index component of a catalog or a key-sequenced cluster .

  19. 然而,FC-SAN虚拟存储方式的存储性能依赖于存储对象的某些属性,在某些情况下,其性能甚至不如传统的LAN数据共享方式。

    However the efficiency of FC-SAN virtual storage strongly depends on some attributes of the stored documents . In some cases , FC-SAN may even perform no better than the sharing data on LAN .

  20. 就FC-SAN虚拟存储方式中的数据放置和访问路径选择对这一问题进行了研究。

    This paper illustrates this point by a study on the data placement and access path selection issues in a network storage environment .

  21. 设计了一个常驻内存的实时面向对象数据库系统(MMRT-OODB),利用WINDOWSnt操作系统内存管理技术,把整个数据库映射进虚拟存储空间,避免了数据结构的转化。

    The memory resident real-time object-oriented database system ( MMRT-OODB ) was designed . Using the memory management technology of Windows NT operation system , the whole database was mapped into virtual storage space to avoid transforming the data structure .

  22. 在页式虚拟存储系统中,较常用的页面置换算法有RG、NUR、LFU、OPT、FIFO、LRU,其中LRU算法是一种最通用的有效算法,最接近于理想状态。

    In page virtual storage system , the page-replacement algorithms in common use are RG , NUR , LFU , FIFO , LRU , and LRU is the most general algorithm which is close to the ideal state .

  23. 大型机上重要的文件储存方法&虚拟存储读取技术(VSAM),不同于常规的文件组织方式和存取方法,有着一些突出的优点,因而在大型机上取得了广泛的应用。

    This makes mainframe a mysterious thing . Virtual Storage Access Method ( VSAM ), being the most important file storage access method used in mainframe , performs well than any other access method .

  24. 从下拉窗口中选择PortVSAN的适当虚拟存储区域网络(VSAN),或键入适当的VSAN号。

    Select the appropriate virtual storage area network ( VSAN ) from the PortVSAN from the pull-down window , or type in the appropriate VSAN number .

  25. 一种使用存储代理机制的非对称虚拟存储系统

    A Virtual Storage System Based on Asymmetric Architecture And Storage Agent

  26. 虚拟存储是现代微处理器系统必不可少的存储模式。

    The virtual memory is a staple in modern processor system .

  27. 虚拟存储是云计算中的重要组成部分之一。

    Storage virtualization is a significant part of the cloud computing .

  28. 一种基于非对称结构的虚拟存储网络的实现

    The Realization of Virtual Storage Networking Based on Asymmetric Architecture

  29. 基于虚拟存储的数据容灾关键技术研究

    Research of key technologies for data disaster tolerance based on virtual storage

  30. 基于嵌入式系统的虚拟存储示波器设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Virtual Storage Oscilloscope Based on Embedded Systems