
  • 网络The Sistine Chapel
  1. 当米开朗基罗平躺在西斯廷教堂(SistineChapel)作画时,他正为某个比他自己更大、更伟大的事物服务。

    When Michelangelo was flat on his back in the Sistine Chapel , he was in service to something larger and greater than himself .

  2. 扎克伯格夫妇的蜜月之旅行程一直保密,直到一位波兰游客把他们在西斯廷教堂游览的照片拍下来传到了Twitter上,Twitter是Facebook在社交网站领域的竞争对手。

    The couple ` s honeymoon was a closely guarded secret until a Polish tourist spotted them in the Sistine Chapel , snapped a blurry photograph , and posted it on Twitter – Facebook ` s social network rival .

  3. 梵蒂冈正在西斯廷教堂(SistineChapel)安装一个新的气候控制系统,以帮助化解游客带来的湿度,保护米开朗基罗(Michelangelo)的壁画。该教堂开放期间每时每刻都挤满了2000名游客,最近每天的游客达22000名。

    The Vatican is installing a new climate-control system in the Sistine Chapel to help spare Michelangelo 's frescoes the humidity generated by the 2000 people who fill the space at any given time , recently as many as 22000 a day .

  4. 就好像《蒙娜丽莎》或西斯廷教堂一样,如果失去了就再也找不回来了。

    If we lost that , we could never get it back .

  5. 西斯廷教堂的天花板上的壁画是谁画的?

    Who did the ceiling of the Sistine chapel ?

  6. 西斯廷教堂的壁画举世闻名。

    The frescos in the Sistine Chapel are world-famous .

  7. 许多参观者1人为西斯廷教堂是梵蒂冈的瑰宝。

    Many visitors consider the Sistine Chapel to be the jewel of the vatican .

  8. 西斯廷教堂一次只能接纳数百名游客。

    The Sistine Chapel can squeeze in only a few hundred people at a time .

  9. 可是你说不出西斯廷教堂里的味道。

    I bet you can 't tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel .

  10. 西斯廷教堂天花板上不同的面板向人们展示了来自圣经的人物和事件。

    The different panels on the Sistine Chapel ceiling show people and events from the Bible .

  11. 所以教会依靠艺术家把西斯廷教堂描绘成绝妙的教室。

    so the Church relied on artists to turn the Sistine Chapel into a stunning classroom .

  12. 该馆共有54个展览馆,其中便有最为声名远扬的西斯廷教堂。

    There are 54 galleries in total , with the most well known being the Sistine Chapel .

  13. 他们意识到当人们看到西斯廷教堂烟囱中的烟不再冒出,

    What they realized is that when people saw the smoke from chimney atop the Sistine Chapel ,

  14. 佛朗哥教授补充说,这很可能是因为艺术家在创作《西斯廷教堂》时只以面包和红酒为生的缘故。

    This was possibly because the artist had been living off nothing but bread and wine while working on the Sistine Chapel , Franco said .

  15. 但问题是纳瑟西斯不为爱情所动。西斯廷教堂一次只能接纳数百名游客。

    The problem was that Narcissus was immune to love . The Sistine Chapel can squeeze in only a few hundred people at a time .

  16. 每年有大约5百万人参观西斯廷教堂,那会带来5百万人的汗水,热量和灰尘。

    About 5 million people visit the Sistine Chapel every year , that means 5 million people with sweat , with heat , with dust .

  17. 教皇克莱蒙特七世在去世前不久曾与米开朗基罗订立合约,让他在西斯廷教堂的墙壁上创作一幅画《最后的审判》。

    Not long before he died , Pope Clement VII contracted Michelangelo to create a painting of the Last Judgment on the walls of the Sistine Chapel .

  18. 我们将这个观点放到了发生在罗马西斯廷教堂的一幕里&一幅绘有上帝与亚当的壁画发生严重断裂。

    We show this in a scene in the Sistine Chapel [ in Rome ] where we create a big crack in the fresco of God and Adam .

  19. 西斯廷教堂的烟囱冒出了黑烟,表明枢机主教在第一轮投票中未能选出新教皇。

    Black smoke has emerged from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel , signifying that the cardinals selected to choose next pope have not reached a decision on their first try .

  20. 罗马是欧洲名胜荟萃之地,有圣彼得长方形教堂、罗马椭圆形竞技场、特勒维喷泉、西班牙台阶和西斯廷教堂。

    Rome is home to some of the marvels of europe : st peter 's basilica , the colosseum , the Trevi fountain , the Spanish Steps and the Sistine chapel .

  21. 苏丹,她的猫,一只能在西斯廷教堂咪嗷咪嗷歌唱阿列格利所作《上帝怜我》诗篇的老雄猫,已经充满了她的心,也满足了她身上那点热情。

    Sultan , her cat , which might have mewed Allegri 's miserere in the Sixtine Chapel , had filled her heart and sufficed for the quantity of passion which existed in her .

  22. 而在下午,115名80岁以下参与投票的红衣主教们将进入西斯廷教堂,每个人那里都需要先进行秘密发誓。如果不履行诺言,则自动逐出教会。

    In the afternoon , the 115 voting cardinals , those under 80 years old enter the Sistine Chapel where each will take an oath of secrecy . The penalty , automatic excommunication .

  23. 如果他们进行了选举,人们可以从西斯廷教堂的烟囱上最先了解选举结果。当地时间周二晚八点,如果烟囱冒出来的是黑烟,那么表示已经选举出新一任教皇,而白烟则代表没有选举结果。

    Assuming they vote , the first puffs of smoke should emerge from the Sistine Chapel chimney by 8 p.m. local time Tuesday , black for no pope , white if a pope has been chosen .

  24. 艺术是完全主观的,所以很难找到一件艺术作品让所有人都为之惊诧。然而,你可能不会听到太多关于反对罗马西斯廷教堂天顶画的观点。

    Since art is completely subjective , it 's impossible to find a single work of art that everyone would agree is breathtaking , but you probably won 't hear too many arguments against the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome .

  25. 梵蒂冈博物馆里面的西斯廷小教堂是我本次旅程最想来的地方。

    Now , Musei Vaticani , which cradles Capella Sistina , the crown jewel of European artistic creation , is the place I wanted to see the most .

  26. 这还不够,回头在梵蒂冈西斯廷大教堂大伙儿在那儿祈祷,屋顶就裂了,裂缝在米开朗基罗名画《创世纪》亚当和上帝未能触及的手指中间穿过。

    If you think that takes the cake , later in the film a crack rips directly through Adam and God 's extended fingers in Michelangelo 's Sistine Chapel painting .