
  • 网络XJTLU;Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University
  1. 科尔巴赫现为苏州西交利物浦大学国际商学院的营销与创新学副教授,并将领导老龄化与社会研究所(ResearchInstituteonAgeingandSociety)。

    Now he is associate professor of marketing and innovation at the International Business School Suzhou , part of Xi ' an Jiaotong-Liverpool University , where he will head up the Research Institute on Ageing and Society .

  2. 狄苏文教授表示:我们当然希望西交利物浦大学会得到中国其他大学的效仿。

    We would certainly hope that our university would be emulated by others in China , says Prof Dixon .