
  • 网络tea poems
  1. 他的茶诗在某种程度上与其多重人格有着某种不言而喻的契合。

    His tea poems have some connection with his self-personality in some extent .

  2. 此外,还选取了几个代表性的诗人,对他们的茶诗作品进行分析。

    In addition , select a few representative poet . Then , analyzed their tea poems .

  3. 两宋茶诗与茶事

    Tea Poetry and Tea Affairs in the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties

  4. 乾隆皇帝茶诗与中国茶文化

    Tea Poets of Qianlong and The Culture of Tea

  5. 茶诗英译,对世界文化交流做出了重要贡献。

    English translation of tea poetry makes great contributions to cultural communication in the world .

  6. 茶性、诗韵、文人气质的契合是文人喜作茶诗的重要原因之一。

    Tea , rhyme , literati temperament literati culture is one of the important causes of happiness .

  7. 从来佳茗似佳人&元前茶诗渊源及其文化意蕴的演进

    Fine Tea is Like a Beauty : The Origin and Culture Meaning Development of Tea Poetry Before Yuan Dynasty

  8. 伴随著茶艺及茶诗文化的成长,陶瓷茶具的发展亦一日千里。

    Alongside the evolution of tea culture and poetry , there were rapid developments in the production of Chinese ceramic tea ware .

  9. 因此,新的茶著、茶文、茶诗等,如雨后春笋,层出不穷。

    Therefore , a new tea , tea culture , tea , poetry , etc. , are springing up , one after another .

  10. 因此我们对宋代茶诗进行梳理和分析,从中可以感受到宋代文人的精神气质。

    So we sort out and analyze the tea poems of Song Dynasty , from which you can feel the ethos of the literati of the Song Dynasty .

  11. 文人雅士以茶入画、入书、入诗,故茶画、茶书、茶诗等艺术作品多不胜举。

    Literati tea art , into the book into the poem , so the tea painting , tea books , tea poems and other works of art too numerous to cite .

  12. 古今学者对中国茶文化的研究可谓涉及了方方面面,其中有对茶史的研究、有对茶礼茶俗的研究、有对茶具茶馆的研究、还有对茶诗茶文的研究。

    The studies of tea culture by ancient and modern scholars have touched almost all aspects of tea culture including the study of tea history , tea ceremonies , teahouse , and tea poems .

  13. 唐代喜好饮茶、精于茶道的道人颇多,他们多用诗歌描写饮茶生活,唐代文人所写茶诗中经常出现道教意象。

    People liked drinking tea in Tang Dynasty , and a large number of people were adept in tea ceremony . They mostly use poetry to describe their tea drinking life . Literary intellectuals in Tang Dynasty often wrote Taoist imagery in their tea poets .

  14. 茶诗是中国诗文化和茶文化相结合的产物,是中国文人饮茶之习的生活情趣与审美理想的诗化,是中国茶文化美学的艺术结晶与重要载体之一。

    Tea poetry is the product of combining Chinese poetry culture with tea culture , which is the reflection of Chinese literates ' habit of tea drinking in daily life and aesthetic ideals , and is also the Chinese tea culture aesthetics ' product and one of important mediums .

  15. 本章主要就宋代茶诗中独树一帜的茶事内容&花茶,进行研究探讨,以期全面了解花茶产生发展历程的同时,把握宋人特殊审美趣味下的宋代花茶的变化发展。

    This chapter is the Song Dynasty poetry unique tea affairs content - scented tea , to study , so as to fully understand the development process of also produced scented tea , grasp the poets in Song Dynasty under special aesthetic taste the change and development of scented tea .