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  • 网络Haruki
  1. 在东方与西方之间&春树热的社会背景探析

    Between the East and the West & " Murakami Fever " Analysis

  2. 华府怎么会有唐伯虎的春树秋霜图呢?

    How can we have the'Spring and Autumn'drawn by Tong Pak Fu ?

  3. 其实上次你画春树秋霜图的时候,我就知道你是唐伯虎了。

    In fact , when you draw the picture of Tong , I 've known your identity .

  4. 第三章则论述了春树小说中所体现的女性意识的市场化:性的市场化和女性反叛精神的市场化。

    The third chapter discusses the market feminism reflected in the novels of ChunShu : marketization of sex and female rebel .

  5. 但“春树迷”又将在期待中等待一年甚至更久的时间,以找出最终颁奖结果背后的意见。

    But Harukists will have another year to wait in anticipation , and even longer to find out what deliberations were behind the final choice .

  6. 我想你,我的相思就像缠树的青藤一样,在春日的雨露中飞长,而你,就是我心中那棵常春树。

    I miss you . My love knot , like green bines tangling the tree , grows quickly under rain and dew of spring . It 's you that are the ivy in my heart .

  7. 广州的一家报纸曾对中国80年代出生的作家进行排名,李傻傻一举盖过韩寒、春树以及郭敬明等大名而独占鳌头。

    In a Guangzhou-based newspaper 's ranking of Chinese writers born in the1980s , Li Shasha climbed over big names such as Han Han , Chunshu and Guo Jingming to reach the top of the tree .

  8. 身体写作在中国文坛上,出现了以陈染、林白为代表的第一代作家,卫慧、棉棉代表的第二代,春树、木子美代表的第三代。

    In the Chinese literary circles , Chen Ran , Lin Bai appeared to represent the first generation of writers of " the body writing ", Wei Hui , Mian Mian the second generation and Chun Shu , Muzi Mei the third generation .

  9. 等我回到家里,发现已有访客来过,他们还留下了名片呢,不是一束花,便是一个常春树的花环,或用铅笔写在黄色的胡桃叶或者木片上的一个名字。

    When I return to my house I find that visitors have been there and left their cards , either a bunch of flowers , or a wreath of evergreen , or a name in pencil on a yellow walnut leaf or a chip .