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  1. 论传统价值观在春秋争霸斗争中的表现

    Discussing expressing of traditional value idea in struggle for supremacy in the Spring and Autumn Period

  2. 伯喜否是春秋后期吴越争霸史上的重要人物之一。

    Bo Pi is an important person in the late Spring and Autumn Period .

  3. 在春秋时期的争霸和征服战争中,县制发展起来。

    In the Spring and Autumn Periods , the county system grew with the development of wars .

  4. 春秋时期的争霸战争给各国人民带来了沉重灾难,也加剧了各国统治阶级内部的矛盾,对此,饱受战争之苦的弱小国家竭力反对战争。

    The Overlord-pursuing War in the Spring and Autumn Period brought much disaster to the ordinary people of all states and also caused more serious conflicts among the ruling classes .

  5. 而且,曹国虽是小国,但因其是姬姓诸侯国,身为宗室贵胄,在春秋时期的诸侯争霸舞台上倒也扮演了一个不可或缺的角色。

    Cao is a small country , but because he was surnamed Chi vassal state , as the imperial clan nobles , also played an integral role on the stage of feudal hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Period .

  6. 《吴越春秋》是东汉赵哗所撰的一部叙述春秋末年吴越争霸的历史著作,但因其中多有神话传说和虚构想象之笔,削弱了它在史实上的可信度,故历来被史学家所忽视。

    But in it there are many myths , legends and fictional imaginary description , which weakened its credibility in history , thus it has long been ignored by historians .