
  • 网络Printemps;Printemps Haussmann
  1. 春天百货专门为中国游客设立了免税柜台,还雇佣了能说中文的楼面员工。

    Printemps built duty-free counters specifically for Chinese visitors and hired Chinese-speaking floor staff .

  2. 时髦的开襟上衣、百慕大风格的短裤和贝雷帽,这些看上去或许像是法国巴黎春天百货(Printemps)或老佛爷百货公司(GaleriesLafayette)会陈列的商品。

    The chic edge-to-edge jackets , Bermuda shorts and berets would probably look at home on the rails of Printemps or Galeries Lafayette .

  3. 大约一年前,春天百货扩大了现有的神秘购物者项目,添加了讲中文和其它多种语言的卧底顾客。

    About a year ago , it extended its existing mystery shopper program to include undercover ' clients ' speaking Chinese and a number of other languages .

  4. 在春天百货的年收入中,约有10%来自中国游客在其巴黎旗舰店的消费。该公司目前正努力培养中国游客的客户忠诚度。

    Printemps , which makes around 10 % of its annual revenue from Chinese visitors at its flagship Parisian store , is working on building customer loyalty among this group .

  5. 来自上海的67岁的张正国(音)前不久第一次赴巴黎旅行。他说,他和团里的其他游客一起被带到了春天百货。

    On his first trip to Paris recently , Zhang ZhengGuo , a 67-year-old from Shanghai , said he had been brought to Printemps to shop along with the rest of his tour .

  6. 巴黎春天百货公司已将支付宝规定融入其中央管理系统,并宣布将在今年年底前在巴黎春天其他18家分店推出支付宝服务。

    The department store has integrated Alipay regulations into its central management system and has announced it will roll out the service at its 18 other stores by the end of this year .

  7. 在中国拥有4.5亿用户的这项服务,对许多到法国旅游的中国游客来说是很熟悉的。这就是为什么巴黎春天百货公司采用它作为其中国顾客的最新支付解决方案。

    Having 450 million users in China , this service is familiar to many Chinese tourists travelling to France , which is why Printemps adopted it as a new payment solution for its Chinese customers .

  8. 法国巴黎春天百货公司旗舰店上周三启用支付宝,成为法国首家采用该服务的百货公司。支付宝是中国最大的支付服务之一。

    The French department store Printemps launched the the use of Alipay , one of China 's biggest payment services , at its flagship store last Wednesday , making it the first department store in France to use the service .