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  • spring snow
  1. 春雪易融。

    Spring snow soon melts .

  2. 内蒙古喜降春雪(缓解旱情)。

    Spring snow visits Inner Mongolia .

  3. 台湾春雪40天花椰菜引种研究

    Experiment Report on the Introduction of Taiwan Spring Snow 40-Day Cauliflower

  4. 过了一个小时,风雪渐缓,化作了温柔的春雪,空气变得潮湿然而厚重。

    It faded after an hour into tender spring snow that heaped wet and heavy .

  5. 大雨之后,或在春雪消融之后,地下水会增多,地下水位会升高。

    After heavy rains or after snow melts in the spring , there will be more ground water , and the water table will be higher .