
tuī lǐ xiǎo shuō
  • Mystery novel;detective fiction;deductive/detective story
  1. 她现在创作了一部非推理小说,与她以前的作品大相径庭。

    Now she 's written a novel which is not a mystery and is a considerable departure from her previous work .

  2. 我一直很喜欢卫斯理系列的推理小说。

    I always like the series " Whodunit " by Wei Sili .

  3. 语用预设与爱伦·坡的推理小说

    Pragmatic Presupposition and the Reasoning Stories of Edgar Allan Poe

  4. 我要写刊登在周报上面的推理小说。

    I am going to write fiction & genre fiction .

  5. 为了忘却压力,进入虚构的世界,于是推理小说火了。

    To forget pressure , enter dummy world , then inferential novel fire .

  6. 阅读习惯:文学名著还是推理小说?

    Reading habits : literary classics or mystery novels ?

  7. 香港推理小说的推理方式&论倪匡、陈娟的推理小说

    On the Reasoning Mode of Hong Kong Detective Fictions

  8. 我准备写一系列推理小说在周报上连载。

    I am going to write a mystery set at a weekly newspaper .

  9. 这位作者写的是恐怖小说而非推理小说。

    The author wrote horror instead of mystery novels .

  10. 他热衷于阅读推理小说。

    He is an eager reader of mystery novels .

  11. 太好了!我借到一本推理小说。

    Terrific ! I borrowed a who-dun-it novel .

  12. 他埋首于推理小说的写作。

    He occupied himself writing a mystery story .

  13. 换句话说这不是推理小说。

    In other words it is no mystery .

  14. 想象中建构的冰山&埃德加·爱伦·坡探案推理小说艺术探微

    The Iceberg Constructed by Imagination & The Art of Detective Stories by Edgar Allen Poe

  15. 格林的书属于推理小说、历史、社会评论的阅读列表。

    Greene 's book belongs on mystery , history , and social commentary reading lists .

  16. 东野圭吾是日本推理小说界的一颗明星。

    Higashino Keigo is a bright star in the field of mystery novel in Japan .

  17. 或是在睡前看些有教育性的非小说类图书,而不是看口水书或推理小说?

    Or read some educational nonfiction before bed instead of my go-to novels or mysteries ?

  18. 在许多人眼里,她是世界上最受欢迎的悬疑推理小说作家。

    By many she is recognized as the single most popular mystery writer of all time .

  19. 与陌生男人睡觉,就象先读了推理小说的结局一样。(下床后再来了解他的来龙去脉,已经毫无悬念了。)

    Sleeping with a man you hardly know is like reading the end of a murder mystery first .

  20. 可以是简单的任务比如洗盘子或看完两章推理小说。

    It can be simple tasks like washing the dishes or finishing up two chapters of a mystery novel .

  21. 由于这类小说的上层社会、文明的背景和角色,它们也被称为舒适推理小说。

    Because of their genteel , civilized settings and characters , these stories are also known as " cosies " .

  22. 没想到还真有这么一天,我得靠着一本推理小说来破案!

    I never thought I 'd see the day when I tried to solve a case with a mystery novel !

  23. 钱德勒的这一作品将推理小说达到一个新高度。

    The best of the detective novelists , Chandler took the genre to new heights that generations of writers have tried to reach .

  24. 巧舟:我个人很喜欢古典推理小说,而逆转系列则是将我理想中的推理模式具现化的一种形式。

    Takumi : I love classic mystery novels and the Ace Attorney franchise is a materialised form of my ideals of the mystery genre .

  25. 和舒适推理小说不同的是,硬汉小说没有特别注重于作为线索的逻辑迷题的神秘事件。

    Hardboiled novels are different from " cosies " in that they are not so focused on the mystery as a logic puzzle of clues .

  26. 正因为这种巧妙的融合,在用哥特小说和推理小说来进行道德探索和社会批判方面,他远在爱伦·坡之上。

    In the matter of exploring the morality and social criticism with Gothic novels and detective novels , he is far above Edgar Allan Poe .

  27. 巧舟:推理小说的难点在于,经常会有不少角色同时出场,搞得你晕头转向不知道谁是谁。

    Takumi : The trouble with mystery novels is that so many characters put in an appearance that you tend to lose track of who is who .

  28. 我们依然爱读他的推理小说;虽然他有时幼稚可笑地卖弄他的逻辑学和学问。

    We still read with pleasure his pieces of " ratiocination "; though he sometimes exhibits in them to a naive degree his pride in logic and learning .

  29. 坡被誉为“现代文学流派的宗师”、“短篇小说的开创者”,“推理小说的鼻祖”、“现代科幻小说的先驱”、“自在说提出的第一人”等。

    Nowadays , Poe has been worldly recognized as the precursor of modernistic writings , originator of the short stories , forerunner of psychoanalytic criticism and father of modern detective stories .

  30. 在古典侦探推理小说的黄金时代,阿加莎·克里斯蒂之所以能成为这一时期的代表作家,其中原因之一在于其推理小说的叙事特色。

    In the " golden age " of the classical detective novels , Agatha Christie can be a typical writer , one of the reasons is the narrative characteristics of his novels .