
  1. 观察者多少曾经平面图的300推荐会被实现。

    Observers wondered how many of the plan's300 recommendations would ever be implemented .

  2. 谱写中加矿业合作的新篇章中加矿产资源开发与加拿大矿业项目推荐会在北京举行

    China-Canada mining resources exploration and Canada mining project recommendatory meeting was convened in Beijing

  3. 大量研究表明员工社会网络对内部推荐会产生影响。

    Numerous studies show that social networks of employees within the recommendation will have an impact .

  4. 有关推荐学生会的便条

    A Note to Recommend a Student Club or Society

  5. 最好的推荐者会是了解你目前的职业发展和成就的那个人。

    The best contact is one who knows your career progression and accomplishments .

  6. 是我在1993年首次为上市公司推荐董事会人选那次。

    My first plc board placement in 1993 .

  7. 我不认为请哥哥当推荐人会很有说服力!

    I don 't think using my brother as a reference would be very convincing !

  8. 考曼:我知道了,这类的推荐信会增大你获得签证的机会。

    Coleman : I see , such references will help your chances to get the visa .

  9. 生活小百科网:学习期间品学突出,荣幸被老师推荐学生会工作。

    Being outstanding in both academic and ethics while in school , leads me to join the Student Union by teacher 's recommendation .

  10. 现在新计划将要真正启动了,这位现年71岁的老人开始向朋友们推荐香港康复会(HongKongSocietyforRehabilitation)在深圳设立的护理中心。深圳是一座制造业中心城市。

    But now that it is due to start in earnest , the 71-year-old has begun recommending the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation 's home in the manufacturing centre of Shenzhen to his friends .

  11. 移动社交网站Foursquare则已经转型成了一个推荐引擎,会根据用户的地理位置和一天中不同的时间,向用户推荐有用的信息和当地的优惠服务。

    Foursquare has transformed itself into a recommendation engine , providing helpful information and local offers to users customized to their location and time of day .

  12. 但是,主动提供推荐信可能会暗示你正处于走投无路的境地。

    Offering up your references too soon may hint at desperation .

  13. 参议会特殊委员会则会评估所有的标价并推荐给参议会所有的委员。

    A committee of the Assembly would evaluate all bids and make recommendations to the full Assembly .

  14. 剥夺我们身体所需的食物或者是走极端吃一些被推荐的食物会对我们的新陈代谢不利。

    Depriving the body of food or going to extremes with a few recommended foods goes against our metabolism .

  15. 好的我还想再着重推荐一下你们会爱上这节目的娱乐性非常强

    Ok , I can 't stress you enough you will love the show , it is so entertaining .

  16. 由于安理会的推荐,我会虚心地接受联合国大会的审议。

    With this recommendation by the Security Council , I will humbly put myself for consideration by the General Assembly .

  17. 一般求职推荐人只会告诉求职者的姓名、职位和工号之类的信息,我该如何从他们那里获取更多有关求职者的信息呢?

    How can I get references to tell me more than the corporate equivalent of name , rank , and serial number ?

  18. 我相信如果公开这些费用,与制药公司有密切关系的医生在推荐药品时会更谨慎。

    If the payments are transparent , I believe that people who have close connections with a company will be a little more cautious about the extent to which they push one drug over another .

  19. 网络中的工作位置之间进行推荐服务时会留下反映其行为特征的信息并且任意的工作位置有义务为网络中其他的工作位置提供推荐信息。

    The recommended service between the work places in the network will leave the information to reflect the behavioral characteristics of the work place and any obligation to the other location in the network to provide recommended information .

  20. 靠朋友推荐,则会带有朋友的个人偏好;销售商可能会根据市场和销售的趋势来向你推荐音乐;他是我的一个老朋友,在任何情况下都是忠实可靠的。

    " Recommendations by friends can often be skewed by personal preferences . Music retailers , on the other hand , may make recommendations Based on marketing and sales trends . " He is one of my old friends and is as true as steel whatever happens .

  21. 当客户端需要来自服务器的推荐时,它会调用Map的get方法,并将当前输入栏内容能够作为参数传递。

    When the client requests suggestions from the server , it will call the Map 's get method and pass the current content of the input field as a parameter .

  22. TheLeague的大多数新会员将来自老会员推荐,该应用会通过一种算法对申请者的教育与职业等级进行评估。

    With The League , most new membership will come via referrals , and the app will use an algorithm to evaluate applicants ' educational and professional qualifications .

  23. 这是Maggie和Kurt之间的对话,用到一些常见词汇,我们谈论或推荐书时可能会用到。

    It 's a dialogue between Maggie and Kurt using some common vocabulary we might use in talking about and recommending books .

  24. 通常情况下,向w3c提请推荐的标准都会被公告出来。他会以公共文档的形式描述这个提议。

    Often a submission to the W3C becomes a note . a note is a description of a suggestion refined as a public document .

  25. 给我写封推荐信,我会感激不尽。

    And give me a good recommendation , I 'd really appreciate it .

  26. 一位受到推荐的人选可能会立刻获得注意,有可能会加快他们进入面试阶段的过程。

    A referred candidate may be given immediate attention , potentially speeding them to the interview stage .

  27. 在返回推荐列表后,会将第一个结果插入输入栏中。

    After the suggestion list is returned , the first result is inserted into the input field .

  28. 通用的推荐请求通常也会带来通用的推荐回复。

    Generic recommendation requests usually result in , well , you getting a generic recommendation in return .

  29. 这是真的(最多限额定为标准),但不要忘记,你真的是标准的话,您的推荐的点击价值会降低。

    It 's true ( up to the limit set for standards ) but , don 't forget that you 'll really be standard so , your referral 's click value will be lower .

  30. 与那些优秀的推荐信相比,一封还不错的推荐信则会写:‘该申请者效率高或很聪明,是个理智的科学家等这种明显生硬的赞扬,’但这并没有让申请者从众多申请人中脱颖而出。

    " Compare those excellent letters with a merely good letter : ‘ The candidate was productive , or intelligent , or a solid scientist or something that 's clearly solid praise , ' but nothing that singles out the candidate as exceptional or one of a kind . "