
jiàn zi
  • shuttlecock
毽子 [jiàn zi]
  • [shuttlecock] 见毽

  • 踢毽子

毽子[jiàn zi]
  1. 爱好是踢毽子、玩电脑。

    Love is the shuttlecock , playing the computer .

  2. 踢毽子Shuttlecock毽子由橡胶或塑料小盘制成,上面有许多羽毛。

    The shuttlecock is made out of rubber or a plastic disk and attached with many feathers .

  3. 玩家只能用脚不断踢毽子,目标是保持毽子一直在空中不落地。

    The player 's goal is to keep the shuttlecock in the air while kicking it only using the feet repeatedly .

  4. 不过我毽子踢得还可以啊。

    But I 'm also good at shuttlecock kicking .

  5. 踢毽子不仅锻炼身体,也增进脑力。

    Shuttlecock not only exercises your body , but your brain as well .

  6. 现在该你了!(韩式念法)毽子

    It is your turn now ! jegi

  7. 过来跟我们一起踢毽子吧。

    Come and kick shuttlecock with us .

  8. 踢毽子、跳房子、看小人书、打玻璃弹珠是小孩子们常玩的游戏。

    Kids'games such as kicking shuttlecock , hopscotch , reading picture-story books and playing marbles were popular .

  9. 周六和家人一起去活动中心,打打球,踢踢毽子,运动运动。

    Saturday , and his family go activity center , playing baseball , kicking shuttlecock , sports movement .

  10. 我常用爱抚的眼光望着他们读书,做作业,下棋,打篮球,踢毽子;

    I looked at common vision foreplay their reading , assignments , playing chess , playing basketball , Diejianzi ;

  11. 毽子从这里飞下去,多半人是选择赔钱,而不是下去捡。

    If the shuttlecock fly down from this , it 's more wiser to compensate than get it back .

  12. 如果你厌倦了那些老套的运动,试试踢毽子也许是个不错的选择。

    If you are tired of playing the same old sports , you may want to give shuttlecock a try .

  13. 我喜欢跳毽子、跷跷板和打篮球,你呢?

    T : I 'm fond of the shuttle cock , the seesaw and playing basketball . How about you ?

  14. 这次去看到有人卖毽子,我就问S先生“嘿,你会不会踢毽子呢?”

    This time when we saw people selling shuttlecocks , I asked Mr.S " Hey , can you kick the shuttlecock ?"

  15. 我想,首先是易学,毽子便于携带,其次,它是一项全身运动。

    I think first , it is easy to master and the shuttlecocks can be carried anywhere ; second , the game is a whole-body-exercise .

  16. 他说他很厉害的,我却不相信,呵呵,觉得一定是主持人在夸张,呵呵,因此他就要证明他能踢,所以就买了毽子踢给我看。

    He replied he was a master in that . I didn 't believe him , and I thought he must be exaggerating as an anchorman usually did .

  17. 苏州市初中学生家庭体育活动项目主要是:散(跑)步、跳绳、羽毛球、踢毽子等运动量小、投资少、对场地器材要求不高的项目。

    The sports activities include those activities that need less amount of exercise , less investment and less facilities such as walking , jogging , rope skipping , playing badminton and kicking shuttlecocks .

  18. 即使腰部剧痛,中间休息的时间我也坚持踢毽子,而且感觉难受的时候就去过道里跳一跳。

    I kept on kicking shuttlecock when we have a break and I went to the gangway and kept on jumping when I felt worse , even though I could feel the lumbar acute sore .

  19. 在大街上,人们在凑合的桌子上玩围棋,老老少少的店员投身于高技巧的踢毽子运动,孩子们在蹦蹦跳跳,男男女女忙着揉大面团。

    In the streets , men were playing go at makeshift tables , young and old shop staff were throwing themselves into a highly skilled game of shuttlecock football , children were skipping and men and women were busily kneading great wads of dough .